Thursday, February 28, 2019
Btec Business Level Essay
TESCOs customers desire a quality product they can buy for a reasonable price. They essential these products to be of expert standard because the customer is spending their coin on the products. Customers want the m superstary they spend on purchasing these products to be worth it and that the quality they amaze from the amount they take on paid to be of a skinny standard. TESCO act to this need by making sure to they sell the right products for their blood because if they dont they could lose a valuable customer, customers argon the one putting their silver into the revenue of the company.TESCO are always gaining unfermented stores around the world all of the time plainly some pot disagree with them building them, as we have found out in Bristol last year when there was riot over TESCO being built. TECOs blood objective of To be a causality of highly cherished brands is mouldd by the customer stakeholder. This is because the part of the objective be a creator th is means that they want to have a high protectd brands to retrace sure the customers return again to buy their products that they are selling in the store.Directors/Managers Directors want to have the byplay to strive and even out sure their employees are happy with the conditions they are working in. They always are working to mend the task. TESCOs business objective To set up the UK core is influenced by the directors because they want to the company to be the beaver that it can be and to strive wholesome by creating new opportunities for their employees and building new stores to give the unemployed jobs to go too. GovernmentGovernment influence TESCO because they make the decisions on how much evaluate is given to the company, they also influence TESCO by deciding when they can build the stores and whether its applicable to be in that particular area. TESCO business objective To grow the UK core. The government influence this because they set the tax and make sure the y are operating within the guidelines, they read through the planning applications for where they want the stores to be. SuppliersSuppliers influence TESCO by the growth of purchasing the long term contracts, this links to the business objective of To grow retail dish outs in all our markets because when they want to expand their business they want to make sure that the suppliers can preparation the same product for every store they have. A benefit of having local suppliers is that it supports the community, and as Tesco has assorted stores all around the world which means different countries require different suppliers. EmployeesTESCO workers want a regular work and pay, good wages for the work and hours they do and to be a valued phallus of the team. To be listened to when they have a problem or they have a fault that pretends their working conditions and they are all given training to make sure they can work to the full maximum of what Tesco wants. TESCOs business objective To build our team so that we create more value is influenced by the employee stakeholder this is because TESCO are always looking for new employees and that new flock are joining the team every day to expand the business even more.Employees are key for customers to return. Shareholders TESCOs business objective To be an outstanding international retailer in stores and online. This influenced by the shareholders because they are suggesting improvements that affect the quality of what they are selling and expanding their business with help with the directors of the company. Tesco need shareholders money to expand because they are the ones who are investing in the company but also shareholders do expect a dividend at the end. CommunitiesTESCO communities always have preservations on whether they like the store where it is and whether they think it is right for the area. TESCO try and work together with the communities where their stores are, TESCO business objective To put our respon sibilities to the communities we serve at the tit of what we do. This influenced by the community because they suggest ideas to the store. Tesco are providing a local service to the community with providing jobs which is means more money going to the government. TESCO try their best to change these and make the store a better place for customers.
Marketing Campaign: Organic Foods Essay
Our discharge, why native? , includes a serial publication of issue ads that ontogenesis aw arness to consumers about chemically injected aliments. Our campaign is differentiate from former(a) campaigns by the multiple perspectives our ads take epoch sharing a common theme in design and overall point. Humorous, fearful, and informative pictures and facts argon utilize to show consumers the connection amidst non- complete victualss and disease, cancer, and other dis ordinations in consumers. Although ingrained fertilizer aliments atomic number 18 more expensive in the pertinacious run the benefits of ingest wellnessy outweigh the cost of acquire them. SWOT Analysis Strengths.In general, the growing concern for healthful habits is beneficial to our campaign. Mothers desire for a long and healthy life for their children is largely secondful. Consumers ar becoming more sure(predicate)(p) of the toxins and chemicals used in foods, and want better grocery options. T his is apparent in the recent increase of radical food retail sales. The Health of constituent(a) victualss states that sales build steadily been modify magnitude in recent years. The overabundant demand for thorough foods lead increase the disemboweliveness of our campaign while catching the attention of other consumers who are not yet aware or sold on the idea. The h singlesty of why organic? has the capacity to build a strong brand image, making the campaign a credible influence to shopping mothers. Weaknesses When promoting organic food choices, there are factors that could potential droply weaken the effectiveness of the campaign. Cost is an important purchasing love for consumers and a potential weakness for a campaign supporting organic foods. Traditionally, organic foods are more expensive than average groceries. The recent respite has raised consumers cost sensitivity. In addition, consumers lack sense and require nurture education about the dangers of food a dditives and the benefits of organic food choices.Opportunities The opportunities pertaining to a campaign centralized around moving to organic food choices includes improving the warning of living for people who do make the choice to avoid chemically injected foods. Food habits have been changing, which creates big opportunities for our campaign. One opportunity we are implementing is partnering with the breast Cancer Society to motivate women to eat organic foods, which is proven to help prevent breast cancer. A second opportunity is to pair up with restaurants and have them come up with some organic dishes for their menus to offer consumers.A third opportunity is to form an alliance with the Food Ne bothrk and go out the chefs to start cooking organic meals, and inform their audiences on the benefits of eating organic food. Food habits have been starting to change, which exiting help allow us to chain of mountains consumers better than ever before. Threats A potential mena ce to a campaign cigareting the dangers in U. S. meats is the potential negative reaction from the USDA. Being a direct advocate for avoiding purchasing their products could possibly lead to heavy quarrel and ultimately litigation.So, treading lightly and focusing on solid facts is relevant. Another threat includes competitors such as McDonalds and other fast food places, where its very quick and easy to get process foods that the campaign is flake against. Market Selection We have selected mothers of all ages and incomes as the target commercialise. typically mothers are the influencing agents on grocery purchases. Making mothers the target of the campaign volition increase their awareness regarding the spartan personal effects of food additives in non-organic milk, meat, and other non organic products that they feed their children.The chancy diseases and effects of non-organic foods, creates the incentive to make organic food choices. Promotional Advertisements Our adver tisements, why organic? , are designed to attract the concern of mothers regarding the foods their families are eating. Our advertisements make consumers question their current non-organic buying habits and reckon organic foods. We developed a imprint ad targeting consumers who purchase takes and to increase awareness of the pesticide sprays used when farming and how it affects consumers health.Another print ad targets Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) additive links to doorknocker Caner in women. Studies of animals exposed to rBST, which increases aims of insulin-like growth factor in cows, raise concerns about potential changes in milk protein that links estrogen exposure to breast cancer. The prolonged the exposure to high levels of the hormone, the greater the breast cancer insecurity (Organic Valley). The processed lily-livered print ad is targeted to the 90 percent of Americans who spend their food budget on processed meats that tastes appetizing only if have good future health defects (Sustainable Table).Our final print ad targets food semblance and additive links that lead to increased levels of hyperactivity, irritability and restlessness that are common signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in children. An r all(prenominal) baby surrounded with additives being fed to it will be used as the face of our why organic? campaign. This advertisement will reach our target market of mothers, and convey the message that they are essentially sustenance their children ADHD, ear infections, eczema, and other health problems. The call to action will diverge consumers questioning whether they would in fact feed their children harmful additives.Benefits Sought/Solutions Provided The benefits of load-bearing(a) consumers to follow our campaign why organic increases awareness of the dangerous effects associated with food additives, food preservatives, food coloring and pesticides ingested by consumers daily. The value that will be communicated through the integrated marketing campaign is removing the veil that the meat, dairy, and farmers have put in place through educating consumers and ultimately improving their health and childrens future eating habits. The value extends beyond tangible benefits of preventing cancers, neurologic problems, and behavioral issues.The value of the campaign is more than just functional but offers emotional benefit as advantageously like security and confidence. conditioned that the parent is instilling healthy eating habits in their children, as well as being a positive example, plays a significant fibre in the importance of the campaign. The solution of our campaign ideally will be to ultimately eliminate all forms of genetically altered foods by increasing awareness in consumers to make a difference in their lives as well as others by making the decision to purchase organic and ultimately decrease the meshings of companies producing unhealthy foods for consumers.Cam paign Execution stain ads with the slogan why organic? followed by a specific health risk and an emotional connection to the picture shown is the basis for the integrated marketing campaign to increase awareness about the dangers of food additives and the importance of transmutationing to purchasing organic foods. Specifically, hormone injected yellow which is shown in a photo as a pink mush reveals the truth about processed chicken that most mothers have fed children since childhood.The veil that meat suppliers and non-organic farmers have dictated over consumers eyes have shielded the true effects of the processes that food goes through. The whole basis of processing food is to gain more profit through bigger produce and bulkier meat products. The result of these injections and additives are dangerous cancers, hyper-activity, neurologic deficiencies, and physical disorders. By keeping the print ads consistent at each consumer agitate point is important to conveying a recog nizable and memorable campaign in the consumers mind.In order to instill a loyalty to the concept of organic foods, it is important to have multiple tint points that involves more than just the magazine print ads. Joint promotions with the National Breast Cancer Association in the campaign to fight for a mend for breast cancer touches the perfect target market for this campaign, women. According to nationalbreastcancer. org, NBCF is one of the most highly visible and recognized breast cancer charities in America. At the Race for the Cure this October in Charlotte, the magazine print ads will be displayed along the run path which had a participation level of 1 million people in 2010, according to http//www. komencharlotte. org. The ultimate oddment for the adjunction promotion with the Breast Cancer Society is to inform the target market of a possible cause of breast cancer (and prostate cancer). In addition, we aim to motivate them to make adjustments in their food habits and t ransition towards purchasing organic foods to decrease their risk for the very cancer they are fighting.To have an opportunity to reach such a large dole out of the Charlotte target market is a substantial step in impacting mothers in the greater Charlotte area and a step towards moving nationally. In order to spread the awareness of the dangers in food additives the print ads will continue to travel as the race for the cure travels across the country in addition to being placed in four national magazines, on food electronic network TV and on foodnetwork. com which will be lucubrate in a later section.The combination between magazine print ads and a joint campaign with the Breast Cancer Society will ultimately provide the consumer education needed to persuade the target market to follow our campaign and impact their decision whether to change their food purchasing habits. Marketing Mix Product The marketing combine is a pertinent factor in the integrated campaign because it tie s together each someone effort to create awareness. First, magazine print ads that advocate purchasing organic meat, dairy products, fruit, and vegetables will be implemented.The print ads emphasize the link between dangerous health effects and hormone injected bovine, diary products, and pesticide residues on fruit and vegetables. Pesticides may increase the risk of cancer and neurologic problems (such as Parkinsons disease), impair the immune system, and may even result in hepatitis A found from consuming strawberries. In addition, E-coli infection has shown to stem from non-organic alfalfa sprouts and lettuce. These dangerous effects are just a few of the hundreds of health risks pertaining to non-organic food choices. Place.The awareness about the health risks of non-organic foods will be created via catalogue print ads in Parenting, Womens Health, Cooking Light, and Mothering Magazine and Internet ads on each catalogue website as well as teaming up with foodnetwork. com and f ood network TV. Food Network chefs advocating using organic meats and dairy products in house cooking would have a significant impact on mothers larn to cook and grabbing new recipes from such a well renowned source. In the magazines, one print ad shows the link between ADHD, hyperactivity, and food coloring.This ad would be placed in Parenting Magazine to target mothers who are traffic with the increasing problems with hyperactivity disorders in children. The importance of the ad would be to make mothers aware of a potential source for these disorders and to motivate them to make a change in purchasing food items and ultimately decrease their childrens risk of developing a hyperactivity disorder. Another touch point to reach mothers would be placing two of the print ads in Womens Health Magazine and website. The two applicable print ads would include the photo of non-organic fruit causing neurological diseases like Parkinsons.A call to action, join the fight, in Womens Health Ma gazine would feature the connection between non-organic meats injected with rGBH and rBST and breast cancer. The same print ads pertaining to women can be printed on five by ternion foot banners and hung at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this October in Charlotte. The final consumer touch point would be included on foodnetwork. com, their magazine, and Cooking Light Magazine. The print ad to be published on these cooking sites would be the ad showing processed chicken which has been mashed, dyed, injected with hormones and ammonia, and will be turned into chicken nuggets.Chemically injected chicken has been shown to cause underdeveloped metabolism in infants and neurological problems in adults according to buzzle. com Pregnancy and Nutrition. A successful marketing mix is the backbone in creating an integrated marketing campaign and the key to creating awareness among mothers about the true dangers of food additives and the benefits of purchasing organic foods.Promotion In addition to public relations activities to foster goodwill through joint advertising with the National Breast Cancer Society, the event sponsorship will be paired with Internet communications on with links to the campaigns website and facebook page. From the campaign website and Facebook page consumers can learn about the specific dangers of the foods they purchase, the effects of the additives in their non-organic choices, and download organic food recipes that are plausible for new-made mothers who are creating the foundations for their cooking habits.Works Cited 10 SWOT Analysis. Organic Food Cafe. 25 Jan. 2008. Retrieved Web. 06 whitethorn 2011.. ADHD linked to food coloring. Retrieved 8 may 2011. Organic Valley. Retrieved 8 whitethorn 2011. http//www. html Organic Valley. Retrieved 8 may 2011. http//www. organicvalley. batting cage/why-organic/synthetic-hormones/about-rbgh/ Processed Chicken Effects. R etrieved 8 May 2011. Sustainable Table.Retrieved 8 May 2011. The Health of Organic Foods. Reference Articles on All Topics. CBS, May 2003. Web. 06 May 2011. . Processed Chicken, Agro Products. Retrieved 2 May 2011. http//www. agriculturalproductsindia. com/processed-foods-snacks/processed- foods-snacks-processed-chicken. html Reference Articles on Organics. CBS, May 2003. Web. 06 May 2011.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Myself and My Course Essay
Lets discourse about myself, my name is Mark Vincent Y. Teodocio. Im 17 historic period old. I was born on a warm, sunny day in September. I live at Cecilio Blanco Cmpd. Villamayor st. Brgy Pag-asa Binangonan Rizal. I am studying at WCC Antipolo. I live with my mom Edith, and my little brother johnly. My father died when I was in 2nd form high give lessons. So my mom survived us alone. I see one sister namely Gladys. My sister has her throw family now thats why me and my little brother are the only if one left to live with my mom. I started school when I was 4 course of instructions old. I went to kindergarten through 3rd year at Colegio De San Clemente Angono, Rizal. and then I attended Angono Private High School for my 4th year high school. I am now a first year college student at World Citi Colleges & currently aiming to graduate my bachelor stop in business sector administration in the near future. My favorite sports is Volleyball. I love surfing the internet if I have free time, orifice my mails, visit my facebook account and chat with my friends so I stay affiliated with them anytime and anyw present. Im not used to play computer games the bids of others do. Spend the whole day in front of the computer. My favorite colourise are red, blue and black.My friend sees me as a kind, sweet, funny and amiable person. Life to me means friends and family. Who you can trust and who trust you. I am pretty much on the bright side of life. But like all teens do. I do have my days of sadness or depression. I have some fewer friends who looks out for me during those days or when Im having a bad days. I have somebody hither at school to talk to. I make my school days go by turn overing of either the next bit or what I will do when I get fireside or on the weekend. Now, lets talk about my course. As I express in the beginning Im a freshmen student.Taking up Bachelor of science in business administration major in marketing/management. And if you ask me w hy others should take my course. For me, business administration offers more advantages. Including vast amount of career opportunities in a variety of labor sectors, and well paying jobs or high salary jobs. You will have the education to plan your financial and business future. Year 2016 will be the time I will graduate from college. In a few years i see myself as a successful Business man. Managing people with abilities and knowledge of what they are doing. The Boss of my own Company.And my name is cognize not only locally but internationally. At that time, i think I will probably be still living here at Angono, Rizal with my mom and my little brother. As I said in the beginning, I was born here in Angono, Rizal. And Ive live here my whole life. I would like to see more of the philippines but unfortunately, I dont have money to leave Angono, Rizal. to go anywhere right now. I hope you have enjoyed reading my life figment as much I have enjoyed making it for you. Heres a tip f or you to live or try to live by Hardwork will give you Power, being lazy will make you slave.
Levi’s Dockers †creating a sub-brand Essay
Qn 1) Explain what is Levis smear image and what makes up its provoker loveliness. In this regard, assess the subroutine of its flagship 501 jeans yield. (40 marks)Brand image can be defined as perceptions more(prenominal) than or less a betray as polished by the gullmark railroad ties held in consumer memory. It is fundamentally what exists in the mind of consumers, total of all the in boundation they have sure about the chump from experience, word of mouth, denote, packaging, services etc. And the information is limited by selective perception, previous beliefs, and social norms.The steel image perceived by consumers of Levis products includes durable, comfortable, approachable, affordable, contemporary, individuality, independence, quotidian, modalityable and adventurous, when it became an indispensable part of miners uniform and gain reputation for being as tough and knotty as the people who wore them. It is too comfortable enough to fit into the histrions familiar lives both in physical and social sense. Its affordability was also adored by students and miners. It has also bring about an essential commodity available to defense worker during WWII.It portrays individuality, agencyable, independence when students and teenage idol wear 501 as a form of self expression and has arrive the essential fashion for the emerging foil boomers where it has transforms from a pair of tough pants to a symbol of freedom, take a chance and independence.Most importantly, Levis 501 jeans had become an icon and its brand name had become synonymous with jeans where people tend to separate jeans whenever they saw the Levis logo. It had achievementfully been made kn hold to millions of Americans and had gained its brand image in the wagon of e precise consumer.Brand law was defines as the value of a brand establish on the extent to which it has steep brand loyalty, name sentience, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and other assets s uch as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships.THE GALLUP stake EQUITY MEASUREMENT MODELBased on Gallup Brand rectitude measurement model, the components of Brand Equity be the integration of several interrelate learn brand char roleplayeristics They areBrand Presence is the full stop to which the brand stands out from its competition. Levis have screwd to claim familiarity and hence have become synonymous with jeans. The success of Levis 501 jeans has become an icon and this mark the food market leader position for Levis.Levis brand established brand awareness by inventing the number 1 patented double arcuate pattern sewn into the back hip bag which became Americans outgrowth crop trademark and the Two Horse Brand leather patch which motivate as the symbol & logo to enable consumers to recall and recognise & associate jeans with Levis Brand.Brand Position is the degree to which the brand is uniquely positioned and perceptually incompatibleiated from its compet itors and Levis brand spirit is impelled largely by the firms heritage of providing clothes for miners, by the brand attributes and utilise contexts of western cowboy.Levis brand positioning can be derived from the combine of the brands personality and values and its rational associations. Levis personality composes of several characteristics or values with emotional associations, which are defined as Original, Masculine, Sexy, Youthful, Rebellious, Rugged, Authentic, American, Individual and Freedom.Brand Experience is the degree to which customers have had positive or negative experiences with brand purchase and use.Customer satisfaction can be seen throughout the 1900s where gross sales of Levis 501 jeans grew and became the essential commodity available mainly to defense workers. This reflects a very high satisfaction of the product based on the extent of its usage and attention drawn which can be seen here whenan individual owns about 2.5 pairs of jeans.Brand Value is th e degree to which the brand adds perceived value to a product or service, and or to a range of proposed product offerings.Levis brand value is perceived when it extended to Levis stevedores which proved to be a success.Brand Loyalty is the degree to which the brand is preferred and selected over its competitors.Basically, in the initial stage of entree Levis jeans, there were no alternative products and competitors, which explain why the buy deportment is very strong throughout the 1900s. Thus, Levis actually enjoyed the prestige of gaining 100% customer loyalty, with also the help of the above components of brand equity which contributed to its success.The role of Levis flagship 501 jeans actually lead to the line consultation of more pertly products. And the success of 501 lead to the formation of subsidiary and globalization of Levis worldwide. Levis 501 jeans were able to sustain as the top selling jeans boulder clay 1979 which contributed to the success.Contradictorily, due to the over whelming success of Levis 501 jeans, the company became over change and this led to a recess from the gist product which eventually led to a slump in the sales of 501 jeans.Realising their blunder, Levis decided to chemise their focal point back to 501 jeans and the success of 501 Blues jeans ad campaign had manage to animate the brand.Following the success of 501 Blues jeans, Levis was able to sink in into another market segment and this led to the birth of Levis Dockers.2) precisely assess Levis branding dodge in general. (30 marks)The branding dodge for a firm reflects the number and nature of common & distinctive brand elements applied to the different products sold by the firm. Brand strategy involves deciding which brand elements will be applied to which products and the nature of saucily and vivacious brand elements to be applied to in the altogether products.The branding strategy pick out by Levis include line addendum strategy, brand extension strategy, diversification and merchandise strategy.In 1873, the first jeans was sold and by 1890s, Levis espouse a untried inventory system and the name Levis 501 jeans were born. From the late 1940s through the first 1960s, Levis Strauss had virtually no competition. Gradually, the Levis brand was recognized as the post-war standard jeans. In the middle 1960s, Levis Strauss disperseed its distribution internationally and by end of 1960s, LS & Co. established their first growth beyond their core category of blue denim and ventured into a wide variety of modernistic apparels which included cords, goldbrick and sportswear for men, as well as a range of apparel for woman and children.To contend its rapid expansion, an initial public offering was launched in 1971. And in the early 1980s, LS & Co. adopted diversification in its brand stretching strategy where it expand beyond the core jeans lines to utilize the Levis name on non-jeans where new product lines was introduced. Th ese covered a wide range of family clothing needs, denim and corduroy jeans for men, women and children. Action suits and tailored classic blazers, slacks and activewear.At first, the new accessions gave Levis momentum, but the business climate quickly change and Levis was not structured to compete in the fast-paced and unforgiving fashion apparel business. Eventually, this new product line proved to be a flop resulting in a serious slump in the sales which caused a negative impact on Levis.The shift in focus on image rather than keeping the product contemporary wasthe key reason for Levis decline. And the various reasons contributing to the failure of the line extension could be due to the various non-jeans products being launched to the market which could have act as a militant threat to the 501 jeans and at the same quantify diluted the sales of the core products.Secondly, the various product bearing the Levis brand could have also led to confusion to the consumer which led to t he missed of focus of Levis core product as multiple product lines were often promoted in one commercial which add on to more confusion.Thirdly, the establishment of numerous licensing agreements which led to Levis restricted distribution form _or_ system of government further eliminated market share opportunities thus leading to decline in sales.As a result of vigorous diversification and acquisition strategy, LS & Co. own apparel business that offered products to suit almost any style. Thus, with too more than products on hand, Levis begin to lose their concentration on its flagship product.another(prenominal) reason could be due to the non performance of the non-jeans lines, the failure to recognize the shift in the marketplace dynamics, Levis management was completely unprepared for competitive threats when competition attacked their market share from every direction. The slump in sales was also due to failure to keep pace with changes on the jeans market.In late 1984, Levis shifted focus back to core product business, reinvigorate the companys core product, discontinue distribution expansion of non-jeans products and licensing agreement, reconstruct retail relations and reemphasize its basic jeans and corduroy lines.To revitalise its flagship product, Levis launch new designs purpose at specific customer segments with the post of self-assertive promotion and advertising, upgrade its retail presentation and enhance partnership with retail customer. They also improve operations by implementing a demanddriven supply chain to better manage inventory and retail relationships.The success of the 501 jeans campaign was critical as it was the centrepiece of back to basics strategy which manage to reinvigorated jeans sales and brought back the brands core value.With the success of 501 Blues, Levis adopted brand extension strategy and prongy out to introduce Levis Dockers in 1986 where diversification was built on the trend to smart office wear. It was a goo d move to quash the saturation point which might be rapidly approaching for the mainstream brand. In addition to that, Levis also pioneered on the concept of unconcerned Friday and had since managed to establish a leadership position in casual fashion.3) Evaluate the Levis Dockers communications strategy. (30 marks)Marketing communications being the final and most plastic element of the marketing mix are the means by which firms fire to inform, persuade and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the brands that they sell. In a sense, marketing communications represent the voice of the brand and are a means by which it can establish a dialog and build relationships with consumers.Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by creating awareness of the brand and or linking strong, favourable and unique associations to the brand in consumers memory.Foreseeing that the existing product lines did not sufficiently play the needs of the 25-49 year old male customer s, LS & Co. decided to address the opportunities in the casual slacks market by identifying its challenges to increase Levis slacks brand share.Levis slacks were considered to be more contemporary, less cautious and more casual than other leading slacks. However, its Action slack line fail to address the customer needs and fail to reflect the core values which therecent 501 jeans campaign had established successfully. This give hold up to the idea of having a different market segment with a new product that will motivate and retain customers within the Levis brand franchise which promise to be different from anything it had sold before.To establish a leadership position in casual fashion, Levis Dockers was introduced where it was positioned as the new pants to men as more formal than jeans and less casual than dress slacks. It was also designed to satisfy an unfulfilled need in the mens pants market and to charm to the baby boomers fashion demands.In site to achieve brand associ ation and to create brand awareness, Dockers was eventually package with a unique logo & a colourful pocket flasher which consisted of interlocked wings and anchors to integrate the brands name with its symbols.To enhance the brand, the pocket flasher was attached to the back of all pants and the Levis sobriquet was incorporated in the Dockers winged logo to establish an understated association with the Levis name.Part of Levis communication strategy involved marketing Dockers pants to the retail trade as a study fashion statement an alternative to jeans and the driving force in the new casuals category.In an effort to establish Levis Dockers new casuals line, LS & Co. identify their key patsy distribution channel by concentrating distribution in plane section stores and handcuffs where its majority target consumers of 25 to 49 year-old men did their shopping and where tercet of all slacks were sold.Levis work closely with retailers in order to generate fire and support fo r its new pants and had resorted to woo retailers nationwide, including those department and speciality stores that had previously curtailed business with LS & Co with aggressive marketing strategy with extensive presentations, sell-in brochures and swatch books. Trade promotions such as sales support, sales kits for retail-based marketing, accommodative advertising and sales promotion programs were provided. In additionally, supplemental financial support was also offered for advertising and promotional activities to important high-image department stores.A critical component of the companys marketing effort was the establishment of Dockers shops within main floor mens theater of major department stores. With such vigorous marketing promotion techniques, retailers were acquiring more confidence in Levis products and were showing greater relate in innovative merchandise techniques.Being sensitive to the market trend, the first in-store concept shop was introduced for the mens mai n floor commonwealth and key trade show was set up introduce Dockers casual pants to retailers.The Dockers in-store shop sought to create a friendly, accessible environment, prominently displaying the sporty Dockers logo and linking consumer advertising with point-of sale signage and posters.Levis also adopted point-of purchase advertising through shelf talkers to give consumers an entirely different kind of shopping experience which the concept proved to be very successful. Point-of sale displays were established in stores where shops were experiencing space or financial constraints. tout ensemble the above product positioning and marketing strategy was able to inhibit the initial reluctance of retailers and ultimately generated an exceptionally high level of prepromotion excitement in which Levis Dockers was also seen as the leader in the new casuals category and moved the pants ahead of its competitors.Following that, LS & Co. shifted its attention to the phylogeny of an effe ctive communications program focused on the consumer. They recognized that a focused comprehensive consumer marketing effort would be required in order to establish Levis Dockers as a major brand. granted the market opportunity for casual pants, Levis believe that a high impact consumer marketing program would accelerate the growth of the Dockers line and generate consumer support.Part of the advertising strategy was defining target audience accordingly by demographically, attitudinally, clothing needs and purchasing behaviour and a focus group was selected for determination on the type of ads that appeal to the target group.To advertise Dockers, consumer advertising was adopted, commercials were aired during selective prime judgment of conviction slots and spot TV was used in all 11 major regional markets. Also Levis brilliantly chose the notorious fashion primp district the New York City for their advertising executions in a gambol to reach out to more consumers where TV spots were supplemented with subway signs and nomadic billboards located primarily around the citys garment district.In addition to TV, co-op advertising with retailers, point-of-sale displays, sales promotion during advertising kick-off party, publicity campaign and follow up visits to key retail accounts also contributed to Levis successful communications strategy.
The History Of Forensic Accounting Accounting Essay
White-collar offense has acquiring serious around the human beings if comparison with the last some old ages. Bank postiche, re perception card fraud, profit fraud, pecuniary fraud, public corruptnesss and so on atomic number 18 considered as the offense. These offenses defecate sh ared the same features that defraud m unrivaledy from unsuspecting victims which can arouse this as fraud. Richard and Kent ( 2010 ) stated that there are ever misconceptions of white-collar offenses are non-violent and are committed by those who are non-violent in nature because it says that exclusively white-collar offenses do non harm and violence so this is really shaky misconception. Harmonizing to Kenneth ( 2010 ) , Scots Government has announced extra financess for development of rhetorical write up on 2nd June 2009 within the Scots Crime and Drugs Enforcement Agency.A arrogate of the accounting intent is observing refutal or fraud or white collar offense. Hearers have to look divulge against fraud or misrepresentation which is something the inside or outside by their periodic audits. To figure out the fraud for a concern that is identified deceitful dealing, a sunrise(prenominal) group of accounting are filmed and they are called as rhetorical accounting. rhetorical comptrollers will utilize their professional accomplishments during carry out an probe. They are non merely necessitate to react fleetly and supply clear financial information but besides being concise in courtroom. They are trained to look farther than the Numberss and grip with the concern world of the conditions. ( Foresicglobal, 2012 ) right away many universities have offered some progress grades, enfranchisements, and places that are needed to tax up the comptrollers to go a qualified forensic comptroller. Prosecution hold in or accounting probe is typically regard by forensic comptrollers. They essential hold some signifier of certification that is mensurable of the depart or calli ng they are looking for. Certified in rhetorical Accounting ( CFF ) is formed out by AICPA which is short signifier of The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 2008. AICPA got all the professional forensic comptrollers together and it makes CPAs go the most sure adviser in concern. ( Aida 2010 )Harmonizing to AICPA ( 2013 ) , for impudent appliers that who want to acquire the CFF Credential, a valid CPA licence or certification issued by lawfully constituted province authorization must be in clasp. The CFF Credential Application is completed when they passed the CFF scrutiny. Applicants must turn out themselves have meet the minimal Business Experience and teaching method demands and a credential fee is needed. ( AICPA 2013 )Since forensic accounting requires professional cognition that crosses the countries of accounting, condemnable probe, regulative statute law and judicial judicial proceed so it can considered as an exciting field. Forensic comptrollers need to recognise how the vogue the endeavors work is. Forensic comptrollers are expected to understand the manner little and big endeavors operate, prepare ratings in commercial and civil differences, and exhibit the darker side of concern.Owing to the aggressive growing of fraud around the universe, the bit of forensic comptrollers is acquiring more important in last few old ages. These yearss, they are needed by many concerns to forestall or observe fraud that make it go a time out market. It is slatternly to acquire occupation if comparison with other market such as IT which is in a concentrated status.Forensic accounting is a long occupation range that required excess cognition to undertake buck the fraud strategies such as concern jurisprudence, scrutinizing and revenue enhancement. Alternatively of pin down working bearer that may restrict forensic accounting pupils possible abilities, it can take to them to hold multi pick of occupations.As the demand of forensic com ptrollers increases, the salary degree will increases at the same clip. It is a internal phenomenon when demand additions due to the market needs. Bing a forensic comptroller may hold higher payment than other businesss. ( Daug 2012 )Everything got negative sides. Because Forensic comptrollers need to happen out the grounds that can direct the suspects which conduct the fraud go to prisons, they are ever holding emphasis that come from their clients. Forensic comptrollers ever need to work for longer clip particularly at the terminal of the twelvemonth and revenue enhancement season. Due to the complexness, they need a batch of times to look into and analyze securities frauds of the union. ( Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012 ) advanced costing of instruction is a draw backward for a forensic comptroller. Become a forensic comptroller, the basic making is at least a knight bachelor ( BA ) in Accounting. It en abundants the trouble being a forensic comptroller. Furthermore, work thro ugh demands may necessitate all the clip such as bugger off in auditing, accounting of probes. ( Thomas 2009 )A batch of frauds around the universe have tackled down by forensic comptrollers. One of the biggest frauds in write up is Madoff matter that perpetrated by Bernard L. Madoff in December 2008. ( U.S. Securities and deputize Commission, 2012 ) A spotless sum of 60 five gazillion dollars has been taken from investors to put in his investing concern. ( Pbs 2009 ) This fraud s victim came from super sufficient to pensionaries and fiscal establishment or even local charities organisation. It gave a large impact to the whole universe economic sciences and some large fiscal establishment such as Walter Noel, US fund director of The Fairfield Greenwich aggroup has the largest losingss that seven and half billion dollars of its 17 and half billion dollars invested with Madoff and ties to world(prenominal) wealth. ( Jean 2008 )Another celebrated instance is WorldCom Scandal an d called as one of the serious corporate offenses in the U.S history. It was at one clip the telecom company as the 2nd long distance phone company in US. It was faced a monolithic accounting dirt that breath to bankruptcy in twelvemonth 2002. Company s history Numberss has been trumped up by direction executive that blow uping about twelve billion dollars. The bankruptcy of Worldcom led to monolithic losingss for investors. ( O.C and Linda, 2011 ) Several precedent executives of WorldCom have been involved in this instance and faced condemnable charges for it. Former CEO Berned Ebbers was punished twenty five old ages in gaol ( Pappalardo 2005 ) and Scott Sullivan as former CFO received five old ages jailed which see a light sentence due to the deal that he agreed to adduce guilty and testified against Ebbers in 2005. ( Ferranti 2005 ) Worldcom could non hedge from bankruptcy and renamed as MIC in 2004. ( Edward and Martin, 2006 )As the decision, in counter or conflicting part ies-that is needed to construction and back up an sentiment, forensic comptrollers must hold great interesting in and the ability to widen accounting, scrutinizing, financial and analytical accomplishments to separate, papers and analyze information. The forensic comptrollers should hold self confidence and able to give respond instantly to the inquiries that got in judicatory. Besides, can be given the replies of the inquiry is more of import, the tribunal will understand them if must hold a good communication about extremely proficient and hard fiscal information. ( Forensicglobal, 2012 )AICPA ( 2013 ) Certified in fiscal Forensics ( CFF ) Credential Overview ( online ) gettable from hypertext reassign protocol // % 20Certified % 20in % 20Financial % 20Forensics % 20Credential.aspx Accessed 9th Jan 2013 AIDA S. ( 2010 ) heighten YOUR PROFESSIONAL POTENTIAL OBTAIN FORENSIC ACCOUNTING CREDENTIALS ( onli ne ) gettable from hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 8th Jan 2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics ( 2013 ) Accountants and Auditors ( online ) functional from hypertext transfer protocol // tab-3 Accessed 18th Jan 2013 Daug G. ( 2012 ) Forensic accounting a turning niche field ( on-line ) acquirable from hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed seventeenth Jan 2013 Edward J.R. and Martin C. ( 2006 ) WorldCom Case Study Update 2006 ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // morality/dialogue/candc/cases/worldcom-update.html Accessed 16th Jan 2013 Forensic ( 2012 ) What is a Forensic Accountant? ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 08th Jan 2013 Jean S. ( 2008 ) Madoff prostration has planetary impact ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 15th Jan 2013 Kenneth M. ( 2010 ) Leveling unionized offense groups through enforcement of the POCA money laundering offenses, Journal of Money launder Control, Vol. 13 Iodine 1 pp. 7 14O.C. F. and Linda F. ( 2011 ) WorldCom s bankruptcy Crisis ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // % 20Case.pdf Accessed 16th Jan 2013 PBS ( 2009 ) The Madoff Affair ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 15th Jan 2013 Richard G.B. and Kent A.K. ( 2010 ) From white-collar offense to red-collar offense, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 17 Iodine 3 pp. 351 364Thomas L. ( 2009 ) What to Look for in a Forensic Accountant ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 18th Jan 2013 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( 2012 ) The Securities and Exchange Commission Post-Madoff Reforms ( online ) Available from hypertext transfer protocol // dapple/secpostmadoffreforms.htm Accessed 15th Jan 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Juvenile System Essay
Something is wrong in society if more than and more teenagers have delinquent crimes. Focusing on what spawns delinquency in juveniles today, p arenting is essential. During my visit to family appeal with fellow classmates I was honored to observe real live cases involving teenagers, and their parents. It was open that one main issue in the U. S. Juvenile Delinquency clay is the lack of family organize. Family and delinquent human consanguinitys interconnect, ultimately, resulting to the core of delinquency.The articles Juvenile Delinquency and Family Structure, by Anika Doggett, and Family Influences on Delinquency, written by David P. Farrington, both attempt to explain the cause of family structure on juvenile delinquents. The least amount of communication and structure provided by family only ensures a closer path to delinquent activities a shaver willing engage in. Eventually, a solution or at least an attempt to solve family structure, and parental influence, will ne ed to be instituted in the U. S. juvenile system.Attending family court was an start in itself because it will forever be memorable. One case in particular that held fundamental value to me was the one involving a quaternteen year old son who stabbed a delivery worker in the chest with a knife. As the troubled teen entered the court room, all eyes were focusing on him as court officers began to remove him from handcuffs. This proved prior detainment in a detention facility. He approached his seat slow and slouchy, and sat in surrounded by his mother and his lawyer. He shared no words, or looks with either of the cardinal as he continued to be seated.I expected a much more intimate greeting once he coupled with his mother, but to my surprise, neither of them seems interested in such. The young delinquent glanced rough the room as he identified everyone present with his low, angry eyes. His bull was uncombed, and he slouched in his chair as if having no interest in the events about to take place. His face was brutally bruised and beaten from what seemed to be clenched fist fights he had top in the detention facility he came from. As the descriptions of the case continued, it was proven that the dupe of the stabbing was an innocent, immigrant man who spoke no English.He is from Mexico, and works to support his family being a delivery boy. The victim is only nineteen years old meaning only four years older than his offender. When the victim was mentioned, the juvenile represented was not remorseful. He showed no signs of sympathy for the victim, or his family. He continued to slouch, and be complimentary from everyone in the court room. As the judge continued to plead his case, he continued to stare forward with a blank stare. Ultimately, the case was postponed to be decided at a later date. The juveniles lawyer mentioned the teenager having a consultation with a psychiatrist.The psychiatrist saw symptoms of an unsociable disorder that the teenager pro cessed. He described the teen as scent senseally disconnected and detached from things having sentimental value, which would explain his lack of emotion during the case. In the end, the teen was issued back to the detention facility in which he came from. As the case was dismissed, the boy stood up from the bench and was placed back in handcuffs. Once again, he did not look at his mother, spill the beans to her, or acknowledge her even in the slightest way.Somehow, his mother was able to shoot a smile when she looked at him, but somehow, it didnt seem fulfilling to me. Furthermore, I analyzed the underlying cause of this case lack of family structure. According to Anika Doggett, in the text Juvenile Delinquency, and Family Structure, families are one of the strongest socializing forces in life. (1) Providing stability, unity, and control, families are essentially the makeation of a person. However, it is clear that family factors hollo offending. Some strong predictors are cri minal or antisocial parents. separate predictors are large family sizes, poor parental supervision, parental conflict, and disrupted families. Children who are rejected by families, who also grow up in volcanic homes with large amounts of conflict, or who are unsupervised most of the time, are at greater risk of becoming delinquent. (Doggett 1) In even more particular proposition terms, positive parenting practices during early years of puerility and adolescence appear to act as safety helmets simply because they add to the structure and foundation of what a child believes, values, and understands as right from wrong.This exact idea is evident in the case. From what I concurred as I watched the court case, the mother and son relationship was hard based on the lack of communication they shared. In the text Family Influences on Delinquency, author David Farrington says mother love in infancy and childhood was just as important for mental health as vitamins and proteins for strong-ar m health. (211) It is essential that a child experiences a warm, loving, encouraging, continuous relationship with a mother figure from a very young age.If they experience a maternal detriment, as early as the first phoebe bird years of life, it will have negative effects on the discipline of their character. This includes becoming an affectionless, and cold person, also a delinquent. This explains the very distant relationship displayed between the mother and son in court. In addition, the fact that the boys father was not present is also an important look in my observation.Farrington states that it is generally common for the loss or absence of a father, rather than a mother. However, this too impacts the future of the juvenile. Children from unkept homes are more likely to offend than ones from intact families. (Farrington 211) To further verify this idea, a knowledge was carried out by researcher, Joan McCord, in which she studied the relationship between homes broken by los s of the biological fathers and boys who later commit serious offenses. She found that the prevalence of offending was high for boys from broken homes without affectionate mothers (62 percent) and for those from unbroken homes characterized by parental conflict (52 percent), irrespective of whether they had affectionate mothers.
Is Playing Computer Games Really That Bad for You Essay
Anyone who has re ally been into impression games has experienced this. Kids and adults alike prize slightly getting home and performing games. They also spend a great deal of time reading gaming magazines, participating in online gaming forums, looking for future game releases, and of course, spending countless hours acting games. When they arnt doing any of these things, theyre wishing they were.2. Video Games toilet Be ExpensiveIt cost a lot of money to stay period with the latest motion-picture show games and hardware (console and/or computer). Many gamers spend all of their money on gaming. For example, its not uncommon for a gamer to grant 50-100 games that cost $40-$50 each. They also often have at least(prenominal) 2 different game consoles and 1 high-end PC. This goat easily attention deficit hyperactivity disorder up to thousands of dollars a year to maintain a typical gamers habits.3. Video Games Can Hurt RelationshipsTheres often a direct correlation with the amount of time spent playing video games, and the amount of time spent engaging in a tonus relationship. In the most extreme example I could find, there was a couple that was so consumed with playing video games that they ended up neglecting their 3 children to the point that they were malnourished, naked, and covered in their own feces. Although thats an extreme case, I still think theres something to be said about people who spend the majority of their free time playing video games.My guess is that theyre probably not dating or prosecute a meaningful relationship in their free time. Update A reader brought to my attention an online host dedicated to loved ones who have been abnormal by their partners addiction to World of WarCraft (WoW). Their description includes the pursuance Do you have a loved one that plays World of Warcraft so more that you feel like you are a widow? This group isnt just for wives, but for anyone, husbands, girl or boyfriends, mothers, fathers, sons or daughters, or anyone that has had a relationship effected by this addictive game.4. Video Games Can Be DistractingAvid gamers are similar to people who smoke a lot of marijuana in that they dont get much done. Reading a good book, taking care of bills, writing an article, inventing something, mowing the lawn, etc are simply not a priority when it comes to getting to the next train or finishing a game. Many gamers have things they would like to do in life, but they never get around to it, because they spend so much of their time playing games. Then, when they do have time to use on one of their projects, theyre too tired to do it, because they stayed up till 3am playing a game.5. Video Games Can Rob You Of really Life ExperiencesInstead of taking a trip, mountain biking, or reprieve out with friends at a cafe, gamers spend their time in a virtual reality. Whereas real life experiences bear long durable friendships and memories, videos games do not. The only pictures that come from video games are screenshots, and the memories that are created from playing those games are ultimately meaningless. Living means interacting, growing, learning, teaching, and loving none of which can be accomplished in the virtual wasteland of video games. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Ap Chemistry Free Response Answers
1. (a) I, III, and IV ar correct. II is not correct. To explain III, de Broglies equation states l = h/(mv), so nl = nh/(mv) = 2pi(r). Where l = wavelength, v = velocity of electron, n = some positive integer, r = distance of electron from center, m = aggregative of electron. Solve, certainize mvr = L = nh/2pi. (b) The current wave mechanical model for the blood corpuscle states that in that location argon an integer number of wavelengths in e actually standing(a)integer number (n). 2. (a) The eldest home base electrons in Lithium are the closest electrons to the nucleus. In addition, there are proportion anyy to a greater extent(prenominal) protons to electrons.This pulls the electrons change surface closer to the nucleus. And in Potassium, the satellite shell electrons are a hard distance from the nucleus. There are a greater number of protons than electrons however, the self-aggrandizing number of electrons dissipates the act. This is in addition to Lithium existe nce a some(prenominal) smaller neutral atom than Potassium because of the difference in the outer shells. (b) The outer shell for Cl is the same as Cl- however, Cl-has more than electrons beingattracted by the same number of protons. This weakens the standoff per electron. Since the attraction is weaker, the electrons are farther from the nucleus.Since the attraction is stronger for Cl, the electrons are closer to the nucleus. (c) Although the normal trend is for the ionisation heartiness to increase going to the right in a period, aluminum has a move ionization efficiency and magnesium has a raised ionization energy due to the electron configurations of these two ionizations. This reverses the invest of ionization energies. (d) The ionization energy increases each time an electron is removed because there are fewer electrons attracted by the same number of protons while magnesium starts offercelled at a relativelyhigh value because it begins in unmatchable of the pre ferred forms.The sec ionization energy is lowered because losing an electron forms a preferred form and because of this, this is a smaller than normal increase in ionization energy between the first and second ionization energies. The deuce-ace ionization energy is increased the most because it starts in the most ideal form. When you combine this with a lower than normal second ionization energy, you get a very large increase in ionization energy. 3. (a) As you go to the right of the period, there are more protons in the nucleus.The greater attraction makes it more difficult to remove electrons and first ionization energy is the energy necessary to remove an electron from a neutral atom. (b) Although the widely distributed trend is to have Boron with a higher first ionization energy than Berylium, Borons ionization potential is lowered and Beryliums ionization potential is raised, the order is reversed. (c) O loses one electron and makes it easier to remove the electron and lowe rs the ionization potential. For nitrogen, it more difficult to remove the electron and raises the ionization potential.And since Oxygens ionization potential is lowered and Nitrogens ionization potential is raised, the order is reversed. (d) Na has a lower first ionization energy than Li and also a lower ionization energy than Ne. Ne has the second highest first ionization energy of all the elements. 1s2is the most preferred electron configuration. s2p6of other shells are also highly preferred. Ne has the second highest first ionization potential because its 2s22p6. 4. (a) The lineament of decay anticipate for Carbon-11 would be positron emission. 116C - 115B + 01e (b) The type of decay expected for Carbon-14 would be Beta Decay as well. 46C - 147N + 0-1? (c) Gamma rays have no mass or charge, so they need not be shown in nuclear equations. (d) Measure the amount of Carbon-14 in the dead wood and study with the amount of Carbon-14 in a similar living object. 5. (a) 23494Pu - 230 92U + 42? (b) The lacking(p) mass has been converted into energy (E=mc2). (c) A line should be wasted curving down pat(p)ward from the alley of the dotted line. This willing represent the line of the alpha particles which are repelled by the positive plate and attracted by the nix one. A second line should be gaunt upward from the path of the dotted line.This will represent the path of the beta particles which are repelled by the negative plate and attracted by the positive one. The line should curve more than the one for the alpha particles. A third line should be drawn as a continuation of the dotted line. This will represent the da Gamma rays. (d) Incineration is a chemical serve up. The only thing any chemical process rout out do is connect radioactive atoms to other atoms, which has no effect on the radioactivity. 6. (a) As you go down the column in the bag metals, the outer shell electrons are farther from the nucleus.The attraction for the outer shell electrons is decreased and because the attraction is decreased, therefore the melting period decreases. (b) Intermolecular forces stop boiling and melting points. Halogens are all diatomic, which means they bond with themselves. In these diatomic compounds, the only intermolecular force isLondon forces. The larger molecules can form temporary dipoles easier than small molecules. The larger molecules as you go down the column have a greater attractive force. This increases the melting point as you go down the column. 7. a) As radius increases the heat of answer decreases. Which means less energy released by ionic attraction. (b) As ionization energy increases the heat of reaction decreases, which means more energy is required to form M2+ while other factors remain unchanged 8. Metals are peachy conductors of heat, generally malleable, and react by losing electrons to form cations. They tend to have s1, s2, s2p1, or s2p2as their outer shell. Most metals have just s1ors2. Nonmetals are poor con ductors of heat, brittle, and gain electrons when reacting with metals to form anions.Nonmetals have either 3, 4, 5, or 6 electrons in the p subshell in addition to s2of the same shell number. When the outlive subshell is a d, the outer shell is s2of the next shell. Occasionally there will be only 1 electron in the s subshell and this explains when the variation elements are metals. When the last subshell is a f, the outer shell is s2of the second higher shell and this explains when the lanthanides and actinides are metals. This proves how more than half of the periodic mesa are metals. 9. (a) you have not learned this one yet (b) F2has the highest negativismandelectron affinity.Thus it has the greatest attraction for extra electrons. F2 + 2e -2F 1 This makes the reaction more likely to occur. I2has the lowest electronegativity and electron affinity. Thus it has less attraction for extra electrons making the reaction I2 + 2e - 2I 1 less likely to occur. Because it can disperse the charge better, the reaction does occur. (c) The trend for alkali metals shows a very small variation in reducing strength without a real trend. Cesium has the lowest ionization potential and Lithium has the highest ionization potential. However, there is not a great difference in the alkali metals.
I Never Expected This Essay
Hey guys, Im writing my English exam soon, and would really appreciate it if you arsehole give me some suggestions one how to improve this piece. The word repair is cd450, so Im a diminutive over the limit here. Topic is This is the story of a young man/woman who was able-bodied to get out from a difficult past to make a victory of his/her life.My essayThis is the story of a young woman who was able to escape from a difficult past to make a success of I tuned off the school principals voice at this point, ignoring his horny gestures and flying spittle.I was eight then. The man came out of nowhere, and I cerebrate pain, horror, screaming, torn clothes, more screamingIt was only after(prenominal)wards, in the hospital, that I understand what had happened to me. Twenty years ago the society wasnt exactly compassionate towards rape victims it still isnt today.Principal Clarkes voice pulled me lynchpin to reality. I stood up to the pitiful round of applause, and walked up the stage. As I looked down, half the students were dozing off and most of the other half had a express mirth on their face. I putted on a smile, and began to tell my story in a grave voice how I struggled to resist with my past how my family gave me intrust and support how, after years of hard work, I finally became a bestselling author. It is a boring old story, nothing unheard of before. And if this speech managed to inhale even one of these students, it would be nothing short of a miracle.Of course, thither are things that a high school guest speaker save cannot include in her speech. For example, the way my mother indulged in various substances after my incident, and my father and I never sent her to the rehabilitation aggregate for the fear of even more publicity.Or better, how I found my pup strangled and hung from a tree one day, the words WHORE in red paint glistening right behind him. And the fact that my ex-boyfriend had leave with all my money last year, leaving me too heartbroken to economize is definitely unmentionable. If it was not for this, I would not have been stuck at this little school, allowing people to dig up my past for a minuscule pay in return. There are some things that a person merely cannot look past.I sat back down, and endured another hour of the old principals speech. Apparently, according to Principal Clarke, if I can live with been raped then the students can surely get over their teenage issues and focus on learning instead. His words are not what finally pushed me over the edge, though. It was his the way he looked at me as if I am some pathetic, filthy stray dog. I caught his eyes when he sullen towards me again, and smiled until he hurriedly looked away.The next morning I rose early, and in the aroma of fresh coffee listened to the radio news reporting the shocking, sickish death of a certain high school principal. I hummed to myself, and started typing my new story.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
The George Lopez Show
The show stars George Lopez as manager of Powers Brothers Aviation (originally Powers & group A Sons Aviation), an airplane parts factory. He is married to Angie Palmero (Constance Marie) and has two outgoing children, slime and Carmen (Luis Armand Garcia and Masiela Lusha). They all live together in Los Angeles, California. George had a difficult childhood. He was abandoned by his father, Manny, and further mistreated and traumatized by a careless, abusive, fibril smoking, alcoholic mother, Benita Benny Lopez (Belita Moreno). She usually criticizes Angies cooking and parenting skills.George and Bennys adult relationship chiefly consists of the two of them trading bruises about each other, mainly referring to Georges childhood (one manakin being how George was forced to eat a chair because Benny did not feed him). They appear to care for each other, and George has admitted his feelings for Benny in both(prenominal) episodes. Benny works at Powers Brothers Aviation, as does Geor ges best friend, Ernesto Ernie Cardenas (Valente Rodriguez), who is mostly ill-omened in the dating arena and still lives with his mother. Georges father-in-law, Dr.Victor Vic Palmero (Emiliano Diez), thinks Angie should have married mortal better than George, but as the series progresses, he begins to respect and have got him. George ever so tries to catch his children getting in trouble when they misbehave, whether it be by confronting them straight on, or sneakily investigating, then punishing them later. It is still always shown that George loves and cares deeply for his family, even though in one episode he said that his kids were definitely in the top 5, and he would sometimes insult Angie.
Global economic development Essay
If Gwlad want to achieve any scotch maturation and pip a strong delivery as its neighbors in Western europium it must carry out detailed SWOT synopsis. Such an analysis involves determining the agriculturals strength, weakness, opportunities and threat. single of the major strength that Gwlad enjoys as a rural is it strategic location. Being close to the roughly true nation in the world past it forget be easier to approach shot and exportingation goods abroad to a food market send which is willing and adequate to(p) to buy.The import strength is the relative peace that the unpolished enjoys and that of the surrounding nation which style that exotic investors will be willing to set up military controles (Anderson, 2007). One of the main weaknesses in this outlandish is low direct of industrialization which will translate to low out put and consequently less export comp ard to opposite earth in the surrounding. Also with a population of adept 3 million mu ltitude it means that the aggregate demand is very(prenominal) low and for multinational who want to venture into much(prenominal) country and market their produce, the low demand expected for their products whitethorn discourage them.Furtherto a greater extent this country seems to be expecting poor understructure and this raises the cost of doing af charming which discourage orthogonal direct investiture (root 2006). The low level of services whitethorn be other hindrance to inappropriate direct investment. Foreign investors worldwide sparing exploitation 2 values a strong financial corpse that is able to allocate capital efficiently, mobilizing saving, monitor familys, sh be and diversity endangerment with the low level of GDP the consumers purchasing power is weak and so this further boil downs the aggregate demand and output levels in the country.Also the country relies on few domains to support the sparing and there is a restrain to expand on much(prenom inal)(prenominal) areas (Carroll, 2006). One of the major threat that the country faces is competition form rivals who are well established and their industries concur hold up stable much(prenominal) that they are able to tally goods in the worldwide market at low cost. Secondly since the country is not a member of European Union then members may impose two duty and non tariff barriers to trade from goods exported from Gwlad which will add the prices of good exported on members country.High prices will discourage consumers consumption of such(prenominal) goods which will in conclusion reduce export and affect the countrys chemical equilibrium of engage. The country should take steps to proceed with privatization of most public corporations since such dissemble encourage contrary direct investment and in any side mitigates on foil and good governance of such companies (ridout, 2005). Since the financial system play a pivotal place on the result of an economy the judicature should tool policies designed to streamline the sector.To encourage investment in the country then it is in any case vital to revise its revenue enhancement policies and make grow a intrigue geared towards benefiting unknown personal line of credit. Entry of multinationals in the municipal market have some adverse effects in that some of the domestics firm are not strong enough to compete favorably with orthogonal firms such that they require protection from the government. Therefore the government orbiculate scotch evolution 3 should develop policy geared towards protecting domestic firms and also protecting capital flight which mostly affect the balance of payment of the country if not taken into consideration.To ensure that economical consumption level in the country rises and that multinational does not take expediency of lack of lockment policies to bring in expatriate even in areas where topical anaesthetic anaesthetic provoke work then labor po licies should be luckn which includes issues of minimal wages to be p fear. Regional trading blocks such as the EU and others aid international trade by reducing or eliminating both tariff and not tariff barriers to trade thereof incase Gwlad want to go into to a greater extent in the world(a) market then it should realign its foreign policies which will enable it to be accommodated in such trading blocks. expeditious signing of both bilateral and multilateral accommodatement is necessary in improving penetration to foreign market thereby improving on export which translates to a high GDP (melchet, 2005). CASE pack 2 Though strategic location and the issue of wages rate are considered by a foreign investor in determining whether to invest in a certain country or not, there are other major factors which are first considered. The availability of energy and associated cost are given priority in manufacturing industries since energy cost comprises a broad percentage of manufacturi ng cost hence one of the main determinants in devising investment decision.The level of infrastructure is also considered by telephone circuit. The possibility of increment and political stability should also be an integral part of such a marketing scheme since these two factors will determine whether a business will grow in foreign market. Through most of the study conducted it has also been proved that vibrant financial system Global economic tuition 4 also plays a major role in encouraging FDI (zedillo, 2005). On marketing Gwlad I would include such issues as tax system which benefit inventors e. g. tax allowance on investment.To increase foreign income from tourism then issues such as glorious scenery and variety of wildlife have to be included. Further more engine room play a major role in world(a) market and therefore a mention of the technological achievement and possible onward motion in technology should be included in the countries marketing strategy as firms curr ently rely on technology in playacting it core business. Case Study 3 Technology advancement have led countries equal china and Japan to be the most modify and leading exporters in the world-wide Market.Consequently their economy have large and a country like china with a population higher than the whole of Africa have been able to support its citizen and even offer loans and render to other nations. Though technological advancement is key to economic organic evolution it has to be matched with good governance and visionary leaders who are able to inspire their people to reach new height (Polanski, 2004). In develop the economic policy there are others sectors which should be considered.This includes, health, financial sector which includes among other banks, insurance market, and the capital market and aerospace and automotive sectors in the direct industry. Case Study 4 One of the major strength of exploitation domestic companies is that it protects capital Global econom ic emergence 5 despatch which adversely affects the balance of payment and the exchange rate. Domestic companies mostly employ people from within the country which reduces the level of unemployment. The income generated by domestic firms is unremarkably re invested back thereby improving in economic growth. almost of the other income which is distributed as dividend to the owner increases the level of aggregate demand and saving levels due to increase in disposable income. Where aggregate demand increases business will be forced to produce more goods which lead to their growth and expansion (McDonnell, 2003). As saving levels increase businesses will have usable capital for investment and through the multiplier effect where investment increase the GDP will also increase therefore accelerating the economic growth of the country.If steps are taken to develop domestic companies then they may grow to a level of being multinationals which will generate foreign income to the country. One of the major threats in developing domestic companies is that in case of harsh economic condition they may not withstand and therefore collapse. There are also possibility of political interference in the management and cognitive operation of such firms. Due to the limited fund unattached it may not be possible to avail all the requisite capital for expansion which means that such business will be operating below capacity and there will be below utilization of resources.Further more the economy nooky grow at a very low rate if only the domestic business are relied upon to accelerate growth. Lack of competition will be another weakness in that business will not reform on core area of performance such as technology therefore products will be of low quality and higher Global economic development 6 price with inability o compete in global market. Where competition lack then there is low level of creativity and innovation in products and service development therefore the econom y will lag behind (Coparosa, 2004).Where the country is able to attract foreign direct investment then it is able to improve on technological advancement since such investors transfer technology to the host country. Further more since the country is experiencing a capital rationing this foreign firms do not require any form of financing from government and the funds for sale could be consumptiond to develop other sectors where foreign companies are backward to invest. Furthermore this foreign firm introduces competition which forces business to produce goods in effect and efficiently.The major threat of encouraging multinationals to invest in the country is that they peck kill local industries incase where such firms are not able to compete favorably. Some of the multinational which occupies a greater stake in the economy sometimes dictate or influence the policy do by government to their advantage since where e government fail to assent they threaten to withdraw. One of the m ain weaknesses of using FDI is the issue of capital flight. near usually send the profit generated from its operation back to it parent partnership which adversely affect the economy.However such businesses are able to retain harsh economic condition and also improve the level of infrastructure in the host country. In using combination strategy the government ensures that domestic firms grow while at the uniform time attracting foreign direct investment which steers the economic growth. There should be a balance between protecting domestic firms and maintaining Global economic development 7 environment which enables foreign firms to compete fairly with domestic firms (Roca, 1983)Due to dearth of funds that the country experience and other benefits that accrue from having FDI it is advisable that the country employs a combination of strategy if it aim to achieve faster economic development. Case study 5 In persuading multinationals to develop local supply chain then the country have to change policies on taxation of this foreign firms. adds such as tax allowance on investment can encourage such multinational to set up business to take such advantages of allowance.Also policies that streamline the financing system are also important since the financial system is a factor considered by multinational before venturing into any market. To encourage multinational to undertake enquiry and development in the country then the country should have a well designed policy concerning copyright, trade marks or use of intellectual property. Also where commercial services such as advertising, local research firms and professional service are established and well adjust then multinational can be motivated to use such services.Furthermore policies concerning regional integration are important since it assist business to supply it commodity to other international market without barriers to trade both tariff and non tariff therefore improving on it competiveness in the globa l market. In addition the transport system is necessary for efficient operation of any supply chain therefore policies should be designed to improve such systems. Global economic development 8 CASE vignette 6Where a country is a member of the EU then there is no obstacle on free movement of goods, people and capital therefore the country can easily market and export its goods to members countries thereby improving on its balance of payment. Through the European tender fund then the country will be able to improve on its level of employment thereby raising the standard of existent of its citizen. The creation of European investment bank will facilitate the economic expansion of the country through creation of new resources.The EU has also developed a well established system of ensuring that competition is fair in the common markets which will therefore means that weak members states such as Gwlad are not exploited or taken advantage of by other strong and developed nations. Howeve r being such a member of EU then you have to adopt a common custom tariff and common commercial policy towards non members which may therefore reduce the country aggressiveness to participate in the global market.Countries such as China, Brazil and Australia are the new fastest maturation economy in the world hence they provide a instal on which new market can be found. Further more bilateral and multilateral agreement with such country can be more beneficial than joining a trading block for a country with a weak economy (godison, 1988). For a country like Gwlad which need to achieve faster economic development it need to develop free trade agreement with this growing economies as they present a better opportunity for growth than a trading block. CASE STUDY 7 Global economic development 9One of the virtuousness of having a cluster development policy is having a balanced economy in that you do not allow foreign firm to persist the local market but also give chance for domestic bu siness to grow and reach a level at which they can compete in the global market . having both local and foreign firm present multinational from influencing government policy with threat to with draw since their position will be taken up by local firms. One of the problems inherent in such a cluster development policy is development of policy which attracts foreign entity while at the same time ensuring protection to domestic firms.The best option of organizing sector development is having specific policies that take special need of each sector quite an than general policies which just give a general outlay kind of of specific guideline for sector development (madon, 1997). CASE STUDY 8 As the company is ready to employ 30,000 people this will be a great boost to the economy as it will reduce the level of unemployment and ultimately increase the GDP. However where foreign suppliers are assure to supply good rather than local suppliers this will lead to dismissal of business and c apital flight from the country.Furthermore the demand by this firm that the country liars with the host country of these suppliers to request for a tax chance upon may be an added cost to the country as they may in return ask for other favors which may hurt the economy. The government should agree to give research and development grant but not accept to demand of allowing foreign supplies to be contracted as this will gag most of the benefit generated. Global economic development 10 References Anderson, AT 2007, Developing m-services lessons learned from the developersperspective, Communication of AIS, VOL. 2007, issue 20. Carroll, M 2006, An interview with tiptop Minister Lee, Institutional Investors, vol. 40, issue 9. Caporaso, J 2004,Dependence, dependency, and power in the global system a structure and behavioral analysis, International Organization, Vol. 32 vent 1. Emerging Markets Debt Report 2000, Political risk Thumbs up for Brazil, Stormy mood in Vennie, Vol. 13 manag e 4. Godison, N 1988,Londons place in the global securities market, International Affairs, Vol. 64 Issue 4.Madon, S 1997,Information-Based Global Economy and Socioeconomic Development The Case of Bangalore, Information Society, Vol. 13 Issue 3. Melchet, L 2005,The Age of Environmental Impasse? Globalization and Environmental variety of Metropolitan Cities, Development & Change, Vol. 36 Issue 5. Global economic development 11 McDonnell, I & Lecomte 2003, Public Opinion and the Fight against Poverty, DAC Journal, Vol. 4 Issue 2. polenske, K 2004, Competition, Collaboration and Cooperation An Uneasy Triangle in Networks of Firms and Regions, Regional Studies, Vol. 38 Issue 9.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Illusion and Identity in Atwood’s Essay
Identity in Atwoods This is a lose it of Me In her poetry This is a Photograph of Me, author Margaret Atwood uses imagery and contrast to explore issues of fondness versus reality as well as identity. The poem is split into two halves. The offset half(prenominal)(a) contains descriptive words rough scenery and natural objects, and the second half, touch by parentheses, begins with the unnerving surprise that the fabricator is dead.The poem opens with a exposition of a picture that at first seems blurry but soft comes into digest, wish well a enter slowly developing, that even resembles a written poem itself (blurred lines and grey flecks/blended with the paper. ) The second and third stanzas go on to describe objects in the picture, including a small frame house, a lake, and some low hills. The first half has a reminiscent and descriptive t unitary, falsely leading the reader along with serenity.But even here, there is a shroud of mystery, with a description not just of a branch, but of a thing that is like a branch, and the house is central up/ what ought to be a gentle slope, not halfway up a gentle slope. What could this mean? The calm albeit mysterious peacefulness of the first half ends with the fourth stanzas jarring declaration, beginning with an opening parenthesis, that the image the narrator is describing was taken/ the day by and by she dr stimulateed. The pace of the poem after this revelation seems frantic, searching for the narrator in the lake, which was in the first half described as being in the background and now in the center/ of the picture. The narrator tells the reader that what can be seen is distorted and one must look intently, playing with the themes of illusion and identity. Perhaps the ambiguity of the poem and the exploration of illusion and identity are hinting at a womens rightist perspective that a womans true spirit is cloudiness by a male-dominated society.Or perhaps the poems focus is eluding to a more u niversal human search for identity, a with a narrator who is unsure and obscured, but just under the surface, nearly to break out previously dead but now reborn, to recoup a new path. Or perhaps the author is talking about poetry or literature itself and the authors hidden intentions lurking in the work. As noted earlier, the description of the ikon at the beginning resembles a description of a poem blurred lines and grey flecks/ blended with the paper, like lines of writing and the letters comprising words.The author dies with the birth of her poem, when the piece lives on its own but the author is still there, somewhere, her intentions a key part of the text. The photograph in the poem, in the first half, is described as smeared and blurred and in the second half there is still distortion. So instead of disclosing the narrators story and identity, no resolution is apparent. On the contrary, the photograph creates illusion and obscures identity. The reader is left with uncerta inty, just like the blurred and distorted photograph of the poem.
Flexible Budgets
A flexible work out is a budget statement that shows what the expected cost should have been for any train of output, so that the developed be brook be compared to inventionned costs for the output that was actually generated. In a flexible budget, the costs are separated into variable and fixed costs. The to a greater extent information that is provided to explain variances in budgeted and actual amounts, the easier it is for management to make boffo decisions about costs and expenses.A flexible budget classifies budget requests by bodily process and estimates the benefits arising from each activity. It presents a statement of expectations for a period of time scarcely if does not present a firm commitment. It also presents the plan for only unmatchable level of activity and does not adjust to changes in the level of activity. However it presents the plan for a range of activity so that the plan can be adjusted for changes in activity levels.Flexible budgets are one way c ompanies deal with different levels of activity. A flexible budget provides budgeted data for different levels of activity. Another way of thinking of a flexible budget is a number of static budgets. The information is used for planning and work purposes. The flexible budget responds to changes in activity, and performance evaluation. The flexible budget uses the same selling price and cost assumptions as the original budget.Variable and fixed costs do not change categories. The variable amounts are recalculated using the actual level of activity, which in the case of the income statement are sales units. severally flexible budget line will be discussed separately. In certainty budgets are complicated and complex tools. Within a budget thither are many specific budgets which have to be examined separately. Flexible budgets helps companies particularise up strategy to assist in predicting positive outcomes for the business.
Friday, February 22, 2019
“The Invisible Leashâ€Â: The Patty Hearst Case and the Crazy Things Victims Do
In April 1974, roughly two months after they kidnapped bar Hearst, the Symbi whizse Liberation forces (SLA) released a mental picture of Hearst as evidence that she was no longer a kidnap victim provided a willing member of their group. In the ikon, Hearst is pictured alone (no other members of the Symbionese Liberation sol unwraprs ar evident). She stands finish up centered in the photo (to the left) in front of the Symbionese Liberation Armys symbol, a s regular-headed cobra (Symbionese Liberation Army).Her berth is aggressive her legs ar apart as if she is braced and ready to shoot her wedge is pointed ( non at the viewer, solely finish up to the viewers right) and her finger is on the trigger. The torpedo itself is a serious weapon, a carbine. And Hearsts attire is militaristic and basal she wears pants, tight, military-type clothing, and a beret of the same sort worn by revolutionary Che Guevera, in the famous photo of him snapped by Alberta Korda (Che Guevara). Mo reover, the background color in the photo of Hearst is red, a color that suggests violence and aggression.In the pass up right deferral of the photo, a nonher machine gun rests against the wall, only the upper portion of the gun is visible (its barrel), and its pointing upward, toward the top of the photo. While this photo is meant to depict Hearst as a willing member of the SLA, it isnt quite successful. That is, it suggests a to a greater extent than complex truth that people sometimes play qualitys that do not fully describe them and in which they argon not at home. A close look at the photo cave ins that Patty Hearst, though she assumes the stance of a guerrilla, is anything but that.Her gaze is not directed violently at the viewer instead, she looks to the side, transforming herself into the object of the gaze rather than being the gazer. This is in discriminating contrast to Kordas famous photo of Che Guevara, whose hat style Hearst has adopted. In his photo, Guevara fa ces the audience squarely and audaciously (Che Guevara). Hearsts posture may be audacious, but the direction of her gaze reveals submission. Other details in the photo also suggest that she is less than at home in her role as aggressive warrior.Her gun, for example, is pointed to the side just as is her gaze. Shes not threatening the viewer with the gun shes exposing herself to the viewer. Plus, though none of the SLA members are present in the photo with Hearst, the unmanned, projecting gun in the lower right corner of the photo draws the eye and reminds the viewer that just off stage lurks a threat. With her glance to the side, Hearst seems almost focused on this threat. Indeed, a quick look at her eyes reveals dark circles under them.Her express is pinched and drawn. These are indicators that she may be uncomfortable, even stressed in her peeled role. In fact, the photo, along with an audio communication from Hearst on which she called her don a corporate liar and explained t hat she was joining the SLA and taking a new name (SLA Tania), caused her groom-to-be and her parents to speculate that Hearst had been brainwashed or coerced. They did not believe that the Patty Hearst they were seeing and hearing was the real Patty Hearst (SLA Patty Hearst).And, indeed, Patty Hearst, granddaughter of paper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, seems to eat changed over the course of her kidnapping. Compare, for example, two of her communiques with her parents. The first was certain February 12, only 9 sidereal days after armed gunman kidnapped her from her fiances apartment on the night of February 4, 1974 (Radically). In this communique, she says Mom, Dad, Im OK. Im with a combat unit thats armed with automatic weapons. And these people arent just a chunk of nuts.Theyve been authentically honest with me but theyre perfectly willing to die for what theyre doing. And I want to get out of here but the only way Im going to is if we do it their way. And I just hope t hat youll do what they say Dad and just do it quickly. And I mean I hope that this puts you a little eccentric at ease and that you know that I really, really am alright. I just hope I can get back to everybody really soon. (The Patty Hearst Tapes) Here Hearst focuses almost entirely on her own situation, corpulent her parents who has taken her and what her parents need to do to free her.She mentions that her captors are serious but says very little about their political agenda. She sounds, in fact, very much like one might expect a kidnapped, 19-year-old to sound. By day 59 of Hearsts captivity, her communiques reveal that her focus has changed from herself to the SLAs cause. Mom, Dad. Tell the low and oppressed people of this nation what the corporate state is about to do. upbraid Black and poor people that they are about to be hit down to the last man, woman, and child.Tell the people that the energy crisis is nothing more than a means to get public approval for a monolithic program to build nuclear power plants all over the nation. The means goes on in this vein and culminates with the following I have chosen to stay and fight. I have been accustomed the name Tania after a comrade who fought alongside Che in Bolivia. It is in the spirit of Tania that I say, Patria o Muerte, Venceremos (The Patty Hearst Tapes). The Latin phrase means Fatherland or finish We shall overcome (Cox), and it suggests Hearsts variation from heiress to warrior.Clearly Hearst had changed, and after she was caught on video camera robbing a bank with the SLA only a fewer months after shed been kidnapped (Ramsland), Americans caught up in the story were left to meditate whether a person is always responsible for his or her own actions. In an article published in the National Review during Hearsts 1976 trial, one commentator gave circumstantial voice to the questions many people were asking themselves When given the opportunity, why didnt Hearst reassert her own individuali ty and try to escape? And, even more succinctly, the commentator asks Is Hearst guilty? (What Is Guilt? 258). Hearst was eventually sentenced to 7 historic period in prison for helping the SLA with their criminal activities (including bank robberies), but chair Carter had her released after only 22 months (Chua-Eoan), and, in 2001, President Clinton pardoned her (Radically), wiping her phonograph recording clean. President Clintons pardon suggests that Hearst was not responsible for what she did. It suggests that under specific conditions, a person can behave in ways for which she mustiness not be held responsible.In a nutshell, it suggests that those who have endured traumatic passs (victims) are not necessarily accountable for what they do. And, indeed, by most accounts, Hearsts experience was traumatic. During the first several(prenominal) weeks of her captivity (prior to her participation in the first of several bank robberies), she was (according to her own accounts) kep t in a dark closet. She was sexually assaulted (Truth 201). She was told that her parents were insects and that she was a member of a class of people that was drink blood from the commoners.When her father visited San Quentin (as part of a ransom demand make by the SLA), and he news reported that the conditions of the prisoners there was fine, Hearsts captors reportedly told her that her nourishment conditions (in the cramped, dark closet) were similar to those of the San Quentin prisoners. The take home message for Hearst was that her tiny cell, urinate air, and gloomy walls were considered by her father to be an acceptable environment for his daughter. Her captors led her to incur increasingly alienated from her old life and from her family (Tanias World). worst to severe trauma, a person may not behave rationally or in keeping with what might be expected. For example, in 2007, when law of nature found and liberated Shawn Hornbeck, a boy who had been abducted 4 years prima rily (when he was only 12), one of the questions that surfaced repeatedly was why didnt he run? During at least the last two or cardinal of his years of captivity, his captor (Michael Devlin) allowed Shawn a tremendous amount of freedom. Shawn went to school, rode his bike, and had multiple opportunities to report his situation to authorities, but he didnt (Tresniowski, Grout, and Finan).Shawns attorney speculates that an nonvisual leash kept Shawn from running (qtd. in Tresniowski, Grout, and Finan). And C. Robert Cloninger, a medical set at the Sanson Center for Well-Being in St. Louis, indicates that victims may bond with their abductors in companionship to feel safe Once youve begun to identify with your captor, you dont have to fear them anymore, because youre in harmony with themWe see this in guarantor situations, where the emotional brain short circuits the rational brain. (qtd. in Tresniowski, Grout, and Finan)It was this same camouflaged leash that made Hearst do the seemingly crazy things she did rob banks, spread over from the law, remain with the SLA. A close look at her history and a careful look at the now infamous SLA photo of Hearst reveal the truth she may have pretended to be Tania, but that was a temporary role, assumed under extreme circumstances to protect herself. Her transformation from an apolitical rich girl to a gun-toting radical (Radically) tells us more about the events that she was caught up in than about who she was.
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