Saturday, August 31, 2019
Eastern Religions Essay
As far as the studies of Eastern religions show, the founders and saints of the religions exemplify the central virtues of the community. There is no wonder that this feature characterizes the religions because there is always a thirst for perfection in every community and in every nation. In Indian culture, the main figures are Buddha, Yudhishtira and Arjuna. Buddha represents the virtue of giving up comfort for the highest good and following the Eightfold path (right speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration, view and intentions). Yudhishtira represents the virtues of wisdom and justice. Yudhishtira lived for justice, and patiently suffered humiliation and exile. An important representative of Indian culture is Arjuna whose greatest virtues were morality, duty, the idea of karma yoga, acting with holy indifference. We can conclude that all the mentioned central figures reflect the main virtues in Indian culture because the virtues which are the most valued in Indian lecture have always been wisdom, justice, holy indifference. In Chinese culture central figures are Confucius and Lao Tzu. Confucius represents the virtue of goodness which includes an effective concern for well-being of others, rightness, loyalty, knowledge and trust. On the contrary, Lao Tzu completely disagrees with Confucius’ ethics and represents the ideals of primitive utopia without the corrupting accoutrements of civilization. Thus, Confucius’ ethics rather shows the ideals which are reflected in Chinese culture because high morals and values play an important role in their culture. In our opinion, it’s very important for religions to have a central figure of a perfect person because it gives people an idea that they have to be like him and they become kinder. The readings about the mentioned central figures in religions support my opinion that Eastern religions devote lots of attention to questions of high morals and this makes the nations virtuous.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Bio 105 Final Study Guide
Bio Biology 105 Final Study Guide QUIZ 1: SCIENCE 1. What is science? a. A way of knowing about the natural world using a process designed to reduce the chance of being misled 2. List the 8 steps for the process of science: b. Observation: c. Question: d. Literature review: e. Multiple hypotheses: f. Deductions: g. Tests: h. Tentative conclusions: i. Peer review: 3. 3 rules of science: j. maximize sample size k. representative sample l. controlled studies QUIZ 2: SOCIAL TRAPS 4. LL 5. LL 6. LL 7. LL 8. LL 9. LL QUIZ 3: PLATE TECHTONICS 10. Theory of plate tectonics: m. explains earths topography and more 1. What is the underlying mechanism for plate techtonics? n. Convection cells in mantle 12. 5 Plate Boundaries: o. Divergent: rifts, ridges, new oceanic crust p. Ocean-Continent: volcanic mountain chains, trenches q. Ocean-Ocean: volcanic island arcs, trenches r. Continent-Continent: upfolded mountains s. Transform: strike-slip faults 13. What is a hotspot? t. Where a plume of magma comes up and breaks the surface, spewing out lava u. Example: Hawaiian islands 14. Explosive vs. blooping volcanoes: v. Explosive: w. Blooping: 15. how do oceans and continents form? x. Oceans: y. Continents: 16.Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur? z. G QUIZ 4: CLIMATE 17. The two main components that affect climate {. Temperature & precipitation 18. Rising air vs. Descending air: |. Rising air: cools, holds less water vapor, relative humidity increases, rain increase }. Descending air: heats, holds more water vapor, relative humidity decreases, less rain 19. What is the dew point? ~. The temperature at which relative humidity (water vapor increase) becomes 100% 20. What are 3 causes of precipitation? . Convection – when air is heated and rises . Orographic – when air rises as it is blown up the side of a mountain .Frontal – when air rises as it is pushed up the leading edge of a cold front 21. What 3 major factors affect temperature? . Elevation, lat itude, and green house gas concentration in atmosphere 22. What causes the seasons? . 23. 5 degree tilt and the revolution around sun, the angles it hits earth 23. What causes is to be cooler in the SW in winter and warmer in summer? . We are tilted more perpendicular to the sun in the summer 24. List the 4 major causes of deserts: . descending air in Hadley cells . rainshadow effect . cold ocean offshore . being far away from a water source 25.Name and define the levels of organization of the living world from organism through biome: . Organism (individual living things) . Population (group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area at the same time) . Community (all populations occupying a given place) . Ecosystem (community plus the physical environment in a given place and their interactions) . Biome (major type of ecosystem) 26. Name and define the five parts of ecosystem structure . Energy Source (usually sunlight) . Physical Environment (non-living materials) . Producers (organisms that make their own food) Consumers (organisms that eat other living things) . Decomposers (organisms that eat waste matter and dead organisms) 27. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internalizing external costs? . Advantages: redirect economic growth in ways that consider long-term, societal impacts; paying real price lets market regulate. . Disadvantages: difficult to determine external costs; higher prices will allow competitors that don't internalize external costs to outcompete 28. Differentiate between product and service economy . Product economy focuses on putting out a product that is consumed. A service economy focuses on the service required by the consumer rather than the product (e. g. , leasing rather than selling). 29. Soil profile * surface litter: fresh and partly decomposed organic matter. * topsoil: where most living things and nutrients are. * zone of leaching: where dissolved materials from above move down. * subsoil: accumulated materials from above. * parent material: partially broken down rock, source of minerals and inorganic material in soil. i. bedrock: underlying, unweathered rock. 30. Why are tropical soils not productive for growing crops/cattle in the long run? When vegetation is removed, the thin topsoil decomposes, leaches, and erodes quickly, leaving the hard, red, iron-rich soil that is unproductive (and this only takes a few years) 31. DEFINE: 0 unsaturated zone: upper soil layer that holds both air and water 1 saturation zone: usually lower soil layer where all available pores between soil particles are filled with water 2 water table: the top of the zone of saturation 3 aquifer: groundwater that is economically retrievable 4 recharge area: where water is added to an aquifer 5 discharge area: where water is removed from an aquifer (e. g. , wells, springs, rivers, etc. 6 ground water mining: removing water from an aquifer faster than it is replenished (discharge rate greater than recharge rate ). watershed: the land area around a body of water over which water could flow and potentially enter that body of water. 32. Problems with overpumping ground water: . higher costs associated with digging deeper wells and pumping farther up . lower water quality . loss of habitat . subsidence: as water is removed from ground, the soil compacts and the surface sinks which leads to permeneant loss of water holding capacity for aquifer . saltwater intrusion 33. 34. 35.
Statement of Academic/Career Goals & Statement of Need
Growing up without the presence and help of a father seemed to be pretty difficult for me and for the rest of my family. My father passed away when I was 13 years old and since then my mother had to raise me and my other two siblings with all the best she can. We were able to go to school and study with my mother’s perseverance for us to finish our studies. She has high hopes and dreams for the three of us. I am currently an undergraduate majoring in Chemistry and I intend to apply in the school of pharmacy. I believe that having a major in chemistry is also a footstep and a good preparation for me to take pharmacy and be a pharmacist someday in the future, since both two majors and field are connected to each other. Furthermore, I realized and see myself far more interested in becoming a pharmacist instead of a chemist. When I was in Taiwan, I worked to be able to sustain my family’s needs and support myself in school since my mother is the only one raising me and my other two siblings. She sacrificed a lot just for us to live a normal life and give us all our needs. From then, I decided to work so that I can save money and send myself to College and earn a degree and fly someday with flying colors. Getting a college degree is one of my major goals right now. I came all the way from Taiwan in order to pursue my dreams in the future. I took the risk of studying here in the U. S. because I believe that the education here will give me a lot of opportunities whenever I go and whatever I do after earning and finishing a degree. Ever since when I was a child, I already learned to value education, as my parents especially my mother taught us and always reminds us that education is one of the most important things in the world. She believes that giving the best education to children is the greatest treasure that a parent can give to their child. That is why I highly value and treasure education. One evidence is that since elementary days, I am always included and counted as one of the top students in our class. My mother has instilled in our minds that even though we are not financially blessed we should still be thankful that we can study and go to school and build our dreams in the future unlike any other kids and people who do not have the privilege to go to school and have the opportunity to be successful in their life. Thus, making me strive harder not only in school but to everything that I do as well, I always want to make my father and mother proud. As I have mentioned above, valuing education and studying really hard gave me a lot of recognition in school. Elementary, middle school, high school and college, throughout those years I was able to maintain a high grade on all of my subjects and made my parents especially my mother proud of what I have achieved. I am also proud of myself that I was able to keep up on school even though I was working while studying that time in Taiwan. It was a very difficult time but I was able to manage and made it. Being a working student is the only way I know to be able to continue my studies and help and repay my mother as well for all the sacrifices and hardships she faced from the time my father died and she shouldered everything. Making it to the College of arts and Sciences is one thing I consider to be an academic excellence. Not to mention, I was also a dean’s list on 2007-fall semester and joined the chemistry school department symposium once this year. I am also a lifelong volunteer in a Taiwanese social organization that aims to take care of impoverished individuals in persistent vegetative state (PVS) that suffers and having a difficult time in nursing home environments. It breaks my heart to see the patients/ senior citizens in that place, that is why I took the opportunity to volunteer and extend my help, love, care and concern for those patients who needed it. By next year, I am planning to join the school tutor program to be able to teach math and chemistry courses and help other students. I believe that I have the knowledge and the skill to do it, thus making me feel confident to join such programs in school. Acquiring a GPA of 3. 5 as an international student makes me feel confident and qualified to apply in the Carl D. and Peggy G. Pursell scholarship program. I realized that entering in pharmacy school is what I really want in the future. Being a pharmacist is not just an ordinary career, it is one of the most important jobs in the society. Having the full interest of taking this major gives me strength and hope to be able to take and finish it in the required period of time. It is just the problem of financial matters that hinders me to achieve all my dreams and goals in the future. Because my mother is already old and retired from her work, the only financial support I can get is from my mother’s pension and from the money that I saved way back when I was still working in Taiwan. Since I am a student here, that does not give me the authority to work and earn money to support myself in school and all my basic needs. For that reason, I believe that having the opportunity to be a scholar, I will be able to continue my studies and later have a degree in pharmacy as I have promised to my mother. I promised that she will be proud of me because sooner or later, I will be graduating and will have the chance to fulfill all my dreams and my mother’s dreams for me. I want to make my mother proud. I have a very strong commitment to education; I believe that if I am granted with the Carl D. and Peggy G. Pursell Scholarship, I will be able to earn an unyielding grade point average and graduate with the skills and experience I will need to build my career as a pharmacist. I strongly believe that this university will provide me necessary knowledge to enhance my capabilities and help me improve and develop my skills. As I regard education with utmost importance, I will make sure not to waste any of my time in taking this major. I am prepared to perform all my tasks as a student. I am confident that I will be able to finish my major and become a successful pharmacist with the help of this scholarship program if ever I will be granted with it. I am ready to serve and help people with all the knowledge and skills that I have acquired and will learn later in the course of pursuing pharmacy and I hope that I will be granted this scholarship so that I can continue my studies and build a good future for myself and for the rest of my family, most especially for my mother.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Critical event analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Critical event analysis - Essay Example From the resemblance alone, I could tell that the boy was their son. They looked around the room in a confused manner and then stared at my mentor and I. We both began to approach the young family. My mentor turned to the parents and began asking questions about why they were there. At that moment, a noisy group of people entered the emergency room and rushed towards us. The young couple did not answer my mentor’s questions, but turned to the group and began to converse loudly in a foreign tongue. My mentor tried to stop the cacophony but was unable to. The hospital’s security guards strode towards the noisy crowd and began to sternly signal for everybody to remain silent. The young couple which was now at the centre of the small crowd suddenly turned to their small boy who had been silently observing everything, and delicately began to remove his sleeve from his hand. My mentor suddenly reared back in shock and stopped their action by grabbing both of their hands. I cr aned my neck to see what had upset her and, to my shock, saw a number of purplish blisters across the boy’s arm which is a characteristic of an iron burn. ... At this point, the parents ran past the security guards and came towards us. I turned to them and began to question them about the incident. They could not speak clear English, and made signs of ironing while pointing at their boy. My mentor asked for the hospital worker who is from the same ethnic background as the boy to be located and brought to assist with communication efforts. What were the consequences of the actions taken for the patient and others involved? Once the worker reached the emergency room, he began to interpret what the boy’s parents were saying as I helped my mentor to apply an antibiotic ointment on the burn. My mentor knelt so as to be on the same level with the boy when asking questions. She asked simple open-ended questions which the boy could reply to with ease. She also used a soft tone of voice so that the child would not be further upset. Then she turned to the parents and indicated for the hospital worker to inform them that the boy would remain f or observation. She also asked for the workers to be informed that this was necessary so that further infection would be prevented, so that the parents would agree to leave the boy in the hospital. In reality, she wanted to ask more questions about the accident. Even though the child remained silent, nodding or shaking his head when questioned, his parents and seeming relatives were still talking in moderate tones outside the door. The revelation that the boy would be admitted brought some protests from a few people, but, in general, others were in agreement with this decision. Reflection How were others feeling, what were the other perceptions involved? I could see that my mentor was deeply disturbed by the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Effects of Tattoos in Human Sexuality Research Paper
The Effects of Tattoos in Human Sexuality - Research Paper Example It has become a way of expression of one’s thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. â€Å"A tattoo is a puncture wound, made deep in your skin, thats filled with ink. Its made by penetrating your skin with a needle and injecting ink into the area, usually creating some sort of design.†(The Nemours Foundation, 2012, para.1). This makes one think how ink can last so long. The uppermost layer of skin is called the epidermis. The cells of the epidermis continue to degenerate and then regenerate, as the skin sheds and forms again. The ink of tattoo is not injected in this layer. It is injected in the second layer, which is called the dermis, whose cells are very stable and do not shed. This makes the ink stay potentially longer, or permanently, in the dermis. Mukerji and Schudson (1991, p. 3) define pop culture as â€Å"beliefs and practices, and the objects through which they are organized, that are widely shared among a population†. They state that these beliefs, practices and material stuff may be local customs upholding folk material, or these may be customs and traditions on a commercial scale. So, it may be folk culture or mass culture, where the former is generated by people and is authentic, and the latter is generated commercially and is relatively unauthentic. Tattoos have become a part of the folk popular culture, because everybody seems to be tattooing- mothers, fathers, children, students, businessmen, bad boys, and good boys. The popular culture has made tattoos a widely accepted concept in workplaces and educational institutes. The concept of tattoos is no longer restricted with sailors, gangsters, prisoners, and the rapper Lil Wayne. People from all backgrounds are having tattoos, and some of them are having extens ive tattoo coverage, which is quite expensive too. People, today, do not frown upon people who have a tattoo here and there, on neck, arm, or ankle, as
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Development - Essay Example rnment to support humanitarian causes, the provisions and limitations of monetary allowances, & more importantly, how money translated to distinct help reaches a certain group of beneficiaries. With this said, I would say that this book is really a substantial tool for average or ordinary readers who are not necessarily involved in any humanitarian causes to understand how organizations seek to aid humanitarian crisis and will serve as a light to start motivating themselves to be part of a bigger cause, to help make the world a better place for everyone. Digging deeper to the content of the book, I would say that one of the most striking statement from the book would be, â€Å"building the resilience of vulnerable populations is an essential part of achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and is not well served by responses that create a false partition between chronic poverty and vulnerability to crisis.†(Randel, J., p.6). With the ongoing concerns tackling whether humanitarian efforts really help poor societies build a better future or just further hinder their ability to support themselves without the assistance of anyone is now on the spotlight as this book emphasizes the need to draw a line between helping them and feeding on their dependence on the government or NGOs. Of course, this is another case that has two sides of the story. We cannot deny the reality of poor communities who really need the support from humanitarian organizations to give them the tools to gain an equal chance of at least survival. Howe ver, it is also crucial to clearly set guidelines to avoid humanitarian efforts to be a weapon that would destroy a community’s drive to better themselves. As it is said, it is better to teach someone how to fish rather than just feeding him fish. A distinct example of which would be Korea where humanitarian efforts go beyond financial support, instead, builds resilience among the beneficiaries through cash-based programming, enabling people
Monday, August 26, 2019
Genetically Modified Crops and Framing Research Paper
Genetically Modified Crops and Framing - Research Paper Example Having knowledge of the structure of the DNA gave biologists insight into the processes of DNA translation and transcription. Scientists were able to understand how genes interacted with the environment and how they could be isolated from the DNA strand. This allowed scientists to manipulate genes and change the characteristics of organisms. Recent breakthroughs in science and the process of how genes code for proteins have enabled scientists to even create organisms. Genetically modified crops are a creation of genetic engineering and the processes of gene manipulation. Crops were selected that had the desired features and their genes were manipulated and isolated to make crops with the desired qualities. These crops were called genetically modified, transgenic or genetically engineered crops; hence the phase genetically modified (GM) refers to that breed of crops that has been altered through genetic engineering (Forman 8). Genetically modified crops are aimed to provide commercial and social advantages (Silberglitt 22). The golden rice contains high levels of beta-carotene that is not present in rice and so allows animals to make vitamin A. In countries like Bangladesh, rice is the staple diet, and so many people and children face severe deficiency of vitamin A, suffering from blindness and high mortality. Genetic engineers predict that the growth and consumption of golden rice in Asian countries can counter the stark conditions of malnutrition, mortality and blindness that is common in these areas. Although the traits of crops are changed to make them more resistant, concerns over the safety of the crops have risen dramatically over time and has fueled heated debates in the Europe, and to a lesser extent, in the US. In a nutshell, the basis for such debates is that transgenic organisms are a new breed, and can be likened to tampering with nature. They can impact both the environment and humans negati vely and may
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin Essay
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin - Essay Example The sense of originality has lost by use of pictures as compared to paintings. According to Benjamin, the reproducible film represents a historical shift that many audiences might fail to notice. Benjamin noted that the work of art reproduced mechanically has intervened to fill the void left by loss of aura. For instance, the loss of authority by the original work of art has been compensated by the use of a camera. Cameraman can direct the viewers eyes towards specific places and stories, as a result of being radical, revolutionary and totalitarian. Mechanical reproduction has introduced distraction as a new way of reception. There is a shift in the location of work of art that can be referred to as an aura to the mythological space. People are now capable of visiting places like museums, theaters, galleries and cinemas to see the work of art. Benjamin, however, complements the loss of aura. He notes that the loss has opened up politicization of the work of art put into use in different ways. He observes that a mechanical reproduction has managed to change contemplation regarding the screen as well as the films
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Writing - Essay Example Therefore, there are several characteristics that compare the monopoly and the perfect market. First, in the perfect market, there are many small firms which are more or less the same size competing to sell in the available market (Colander, 18). This is similar to the monopoly market, where there are many small firms that are operating in the market, but there is one big firm that controls a large share of the market. The second comparison between the perfect market and the monopoly market is that; the firms in the market are dealing in identical products, such that the basis of the competition in this market is not on the branding and differentiation of the products, but on the basis of commodity prices (Colander, 22). The third aspect that compares the monopoly and the perfect market is that there is free entry and free exit into the market, such that both the firms operating in the perfect market and those operating in the monopoly market are not restricted to enter and compete with the firms already existing in the market (Colander, 35). Additionally, the cost of leaving the market for the firms is lower, since the competition in the market is high, allowing the firms to be pushed out of the market easily. Finally, the perfect and the monopoly markets compare in the sense that there is perfect knowledge in both markets, although not in equal measures (Colander, 51). This simply means that the sellers and the buyers in the market have access to full information regarding how the market operates, and thus they are able to make purchase or selling decisions based on this full knowledge. The contrast between the perfect market and the monopoly market is based on the fact that; in the perfect market, resource mobility is high, but the resource mobility is low in the monopoly market (Colander, 84). Another contrast between the monopoly and the perfect market is that in the perfect market, all the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Case study Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Case Study Example Question 8: What did Rein A J regard in an eBay auction as the equivalent of the fall of the hammer in a traditional auction; and what is the significance of each (2 marks) The fall of the hammer in a traditional auction is complete when the auctioneer announces its completion by the fall of the hammer or in other customary manner-and until any such announcement is made any bidder may retract his or her bid. The equivalent of the fall of the hammer in an eBay auction is the automatic close of bidding at a fixed time and the generation of an eBay advice headed "won" appear to have been accepted by the parties to an eBay auction. Question 9: Why was an order for specific performance of the contract appropriate in this case (2 marks) An order for specific performance of the contract was appropriate because of two reasons: 1) the Wirraway was not at the time in flying condition, and 2) the plane was in a hangar owned by a third party. Question 10: Why was the final order not made in this hearing (1 mark) It was ruled that a binding contract was formed between the plaintiff3 and the defendant4 and that it should be specifically enforced.5 Further, the two parties would be given a chance to reach agreement on the precise nature of the agreement. Question 11: Why was the matter heard in the Supreme Court (4 marks) This matter was heard in the Supreme Court because the defendant kept appealing to higher courts when the decisions in lower courts were against him (i.e., not in his favour). TOTAL 30 Marks Course Profile for: LAWS11030, 2009 Term Two - Page 7 Part B McMuffins Ltd is a fast food company. Yesterday, before work had started, an argument arose between three kitchen hands: Tom, Dick and Harry. Over the weekend, Tom had offered to sell his... An order for specific performance of the contract was appropriate because of two reasons: 1) the Wirraway was not at the time in flying condition, and 2) the plane was in a hangar owned by a third party. It was ruled that a binding contract was formed between the plaintiff3 and the defendant4 and that it should be specifically enforced.5 Further, the two parties would be given a chance to reach agreement on the precise nature of the agreement. McMuffins Ltd is a fast food company. Yesterday, before work had started, an argument arose between three kitchen hands: Tom, Dick and Harry. Over the weekend, Tom had offered to sell his motorbike to Dick for $5000. Dick said this was far too much but he would pay $4000. Tom refused. Before Tom left for work this morning Dick phoned to say he would buy the motorbike for $5000 but Tom said he had already sold it to Harry for $4,500. It was not a good day for Dick: he was one of the six employees of McMuffins Ltd that
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Pyramids at Giza Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
The Pyramids at Giza - Research Paper Example Despite the closer locale of the building materials, the construction of the Great Pyramid and the other pyramids located in and around the Giza plain indicate a level of mechanical knowledge unequaled in their time and suggest a level of creativity not typically associated with the ancients. Some of the other materials used in the pyramids were pre-existing on the site as the base of the Great Pyramid is a natural rock outcropping and several chambers are filled with sand. However, there is also some truth to the concept that rock was brought in from elsewhere. â€Å"The fine white limestone came from Tura, about 8 miles away on the other side of the Nile. The granite came from quarries at Aswan, around 600 miles upstream. In some of these sites, there are clear marks left in the rock.†One of the amazing aspects of the pyramids is the precision with which they’re built and the crude tools with which the Bronze Age Egyptians had to work. â€Å"The most plausible answer is that the Egyptians, who lacked tackle and pulley for lifting heavy weights, employed a sloping embankment of brick, earth, and sand, which was increased in height and in length as the pyramid rose and up which the stone blocks were hauled by means of sleds, rollers, and levers.†While it has been widely believed that the construction of the pyramid was carried out by slaves, Andrew Millmore indicates that this is not true. â€Å"One hundred thousand people worked on it for three months of each year. This was the time of the Nile’s annual flood which made it impossible to farm the land and most of the population was unemployed.†A great deal of information about the workers themselves has been provided through excavation and study of the worker’s village found near the pyramid site in 1999. â€Å"We do know much more about the work activities, particularly at Giza, than ever before. Archaeologists have carefully studied the worker’s villages, the craft shops, the bakeries, and other related structures.
Fake Analysis of Bridge to Terabithia Essay Example for Free
Fake Analysis of Bridge to Terabithia Essay In â€Å"Bridge To Terabithia,†written by Katherine Paterson, great friendships blossom from impertinent first impressions. Great friendship such as Leslie’s brings new experiences. Great friendships may come from unpromising first encounters and lead to new experiences. Leslie’s friendship came with the promise of a new beginning; reword this sentence Leslie opens a new world up to Jess full of creativity and imagination which â€Å"Leslie name[s] their secret land â€Å"’Terabithia†’(50). Don’t end with a quote! Jess and Leslie create this secret world to escape the harsh reality of adolescence. The reason Jess and Leslie create this secret world is it allows them to escape the harsh reality of adolescence. Jess and Leslie agree to create a whole new imaginary country, eliminate that that â€Å"’We need a place’†¦ ‘It might be a whole secret country’†¦ ‘and you and I would be the rulers of it. ’†(50). Reword theres something off about this; Because Jess craves the attention of his hardworking father he in particular needs the escape that Terabithia provides. Jess in particular needs the escape since he craves the attention of his hardworking father â€Å"maybe’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢he’d forget all about how tired he was from the long drive back and forth to Washington and the digging and hauling all day†(5). Make the quote relevant to him what is this quote supposed to say? Don’t end with a quote! Great friendships may come from unpromising first encounters and lead to new experiences. Change around, It is an idea that relates to life today since everyone has a friend and everyone must be open to new experiences they bring in a friendship. For example, you can never judge a book by its cover or by when you meet someone for the first time. Doesn’t make sense Another illustration is, to take the new experiences a new friendship has to offer and enjoying them. The human condition affects us still today because people take having a friend for granted until they are gone. What I have learned for reading â€Å"Bridge To Terabithia†is take out that that to open myself up to new friendships and take out new new experiences. I learned to enjoy the memories mad with the friends I have because at any given moment something could happen. Also, to enjoy the moments I have with my friends because you never know when something could happen at a moments notice. My viewpoint has been deeply enriched by this book because of then realistic human condition.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Team Performance And Strategic Objectives
Team Performance And Strategic Objectives Team performance working involves the development of a number of interrelated processes that together make an impact on the performance of the firm through its people in such areas as productivity, quality, and levels of customer service, growth, profits, and ultimately the delivery of increased shareholder value. This is achieved by enhancing the skills and engaging the enthusiasm of employees. The starting point is leadership, vision and benchmarking to create a sense of momentum and direction. Team Performance Management is focused directly on the achievement of the teams key business objectives. It bridges the gap between the team building enablers and business performance results. It removes the reliance on faith the need to believe that team building works before investing in it and establishes a direct connection between collective behaviors and team performance. Team Performance Management is predicated on the following three principles: Team Behaviors are different to Individual Behaviors. Most competency frameworks include teamwork, but these usually refer to what an individual does within a team, not what a team does collectively together. E.g. whilst all the individuals in a team can behave in trustworthy ways, this does not guarantee that the team will build trust together this is also dependent on other factors such as the environment they work in, or the team processes they use for communicating, deciding, rewarding, etc.. The behaviors that make a team successful vary from team to team and from time to time. E.g. the profile of behaviors that makes a design team successful is different from the profile that makes a financial audit team successful. And if the design team is using a top-down approach, for optimal performance, it needs to change its behaviors once it gets beyond the outline design and starts work on the detailed implementation of the ideas. Team behaviors can be changed using a team performance management process. In essence, performance management involves establishing behavioral goals, measuring current behaviors to identify the gap between the current and desired behavior profile, and then planning, implementing and monitoring changes in order to close that gap. There are both similarities and significant differences between performance management processes for individuals and teams. The key difference between traditional team building and team performance management is that the former engages in activities in the belief that they will indirectly lead to improvements in team performance (sometimes they do, sometimes they dont). Team Performance Management, however, identifies the team behaviors that will lead directly to business success, and then uses a process to change the behaviors accordingly. Evaluate tools and techniques available to set team performance targets Most performance measures can be grouped into one of the following six general categories. However, certain organizations may develop their own categories as appropriate depending on the organizations mission: Effectiveness: A process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process output (work product) conforms to requirements.(Are we doing the right things?) Efficiency: A process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process produces the required output at minimum resource cost. (Are we doing things right?) Quality: The degree to which a product or service meets customer requirements and expectations. Timeliness: Measures whether a unit of work was done correctly and on time. Criteria must be established to define what constitutes timeliness for a given unit of work. The criterion is usually based on customer requirements. Productivity: The value added by the process divided by the value of the labor and capital consumed. Safety: Measures the overall health of the organization and the working environment of its employees. The following reflect the attributes of an ideal unit of measure:  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Reflects the customers needs as well as our own  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Provides an agreed upon basis for decision making  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Is understandable  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Applies broadly  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ May be interpreted uniformly  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Is compatible with existing sensors (a way to measure it exists)  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Is precise in interpreting the results  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Is economical to apply Performance data must support the mission assignment(s) from the highest organizational level downward to the performance level. Therefore, the measurements that are used must reflect the assigned work at that level. Within a system, units of measure should interconnect to form a pyramid. Technological units start at the base. These are measures of individual units of products and of individual elements of service. 1.2.1. Performance Evaluations: Performance evaluation is a very important activity which will be initiated to evaluate and appraise the performance of every employee in the organization. This process can be done twice a year and few companies do the same process for every quarter. Majorly, employee performance can be evaluated based on 5 categories; those are Productivity, quality, communication skills, interpersonal skills, professional behavior initiative. Promotions and performance rewards for an employee is decided based on this criteria only. Productivity is nothing but the quantity of work items or assigned work performed by an employee. On a daily base employee should be given a target or set of work and that should be completed by the end of the day. If employee couldnt achieve the target in a particular day, can compensate the balance work in subsequent working days. Quality means the accuracy levels of work which an employee has performed. This processed data will be randomly reviewed or audited by senior associates in the company. If all the work items which were reviewed are perfect and accurate then, the employee quality of work is 100 %, in case any error found, quality decreases. Hence need to maintain consistency in quality. Communication skills also play an important role in performance appraisals. It includes written and oral communication skills. If employee cannot communicate in a proper way, he or she cannot elevate themselves in work and share their views, suggestions in terms of development and growth of the process. Hence always concentrate on improving communication skills. Interpersonal skills professional behavior are nothing but your way of approach and behavior with fellow team members and superiors. Always need to maintain a cool environment within the team, should not be any ego feelings in learning and always solve any personal issues in a professional way in the presence of supervisor. Growth of project or process, always try to share the ideas with supervisor to implement and if employee has any thought due to which manual working hours may reduce and helpful for the process then such things must share with the supervisor so that in performance evaluation employee can gain a very good rating. 1.2.2 . Feedback: Feedback is such an important communication skill. Openness, honesty, candor, trust all of these are hallmarks of high performance teams and organizations. Good feedback skills are essential to any team relationship. Feedback is important because: It prevents small issues from festering into unmanageable problems. It builds trust in relationships. It promotes personal and professional growth. It acknowledges individual and team accomplishments. It clears up misunderstandings. It is a way to acknowledge and recognize team members skills and contributions. As a result, effective team feedback makes life at work a great deal easier and more rewarding. There are two types of feedback Positive feedback and feedback for improvement (sometimes called negative feedback). Positive Feedback Positive feedback is information about what someone did well. Theres a very simple approach you can use when giving positive feedback. Describe what the team member actually did or said, and Why this statement or action was effective. Feedback for Improvement Feedback for improvement is given about situations which did not go well, or which could have been better. In this case, its important to tell the team member specifically what could have been said or done differently, and why that would have been more effective. 1.2.3. Development Planning: Development Planning is broadly defined as the planning of any organized endeavor that aims at promoting development. It encompasses a wide range of thrusts in economic, social and institutional fields at various societal levels, from the local to the international and usually emphasis the relation between societal spheres and units. It addresses the values, objectives, resources, organizational ability and a range of variables of environment of the development organizational its pursuit. The main concerns of development planning may be expressed by the concept of strategy and derivatives of that concept. The term strategy has wide application and is used with numerous shades of meaning. Assess the value of team performance tools to measure future team performance A team needs to know how its results will help the organization. Individuals on the team need to know what the team requires of them to reach the teams goal. The seven-step processes for measuring team performance are Terminology Seven-Step Process Measurement Points Terminology the terms performance standards, goals, and objectives interchangeably and sees them as descriptions of some future, desirable state that the team is trying to achieve. As depicted below, performance below the standard is considered unacceptable, and performance exceeding the standard is considered exceptional. Seven-Step Process. Review existing organizational measures. Ensure that the measures above and around the team are known and linked to the teams measures. Define whats going to be measured. Selecting the best alternatives and using them to identify the teams key accomplishments provide the basis for all further measurement. Identify individual team member accomplishments that support the team. Identify the results each team member must produce to support the teams results or work processes. Weight the accomplishments. Discuss and agree upon the relative importance of each accomplishment. Develop team and individual performance measures. Identify the measurement (either numeric or descriptive) that will be used to gauge how well the results have been achieved. Develop team and individual performance standards. Define how well the team and individuals have to perform to meet expectations. Decide how to track performance. Identify how the data for each performance standard will be collected and fed back to team members Measurement Points. Elaborating on step two of his seven-step process, Zigong describes four ways to identify what should be measured. These methods can be used singly or in combination: If the team exists to satisfy the requirements of its customers, the measurement point(s) should be the product or service the team provides to the customer. If the team exists to help the organization make an improvement in a specific measurable goal, the measurement points should be determined by asking, What value-added results does the team produce that can help the organization achieve its goal? If the team exists to support the organizations function, the measurement point(s) are determined by identifying the hierarchy of results that the organization must produce and selecting those that link the team to the organizations results. If the team is used to support a work process, the measurement points are found by mapping the process and using the map to identify whats worth measuring. 2.1 Analyse how to determine required performance targets within teams against current performance Performance measurement is primarily managing outcome, and one of its main purposes is to reduce or eliminate overall variation in the work product or process. The goal is to arrive at sound decisions about actions affecting the product or process and its output. Performance measures quantitatively tell us something important about our products, services, and the processes that produce them. They are a tool to help us understand, manage, and improve what our organizations do. Performance measures let us know: how well we are doing â‚ ¬Ã‚ if we are meeting our goals â‚ ¬Ã‚ if our customers are satisfied â‚ ¬Ã‚ if our processes are in statistical control â‚ ¬Ã‚ if and where improvements are necessary. They provide us with the information necessary to make intelligent decisions about what we do. A performance measure is composed of a number and a unit of measure. The number gives us a magnitude (how much) and the unit gives the number a meaning (what). Performance measures are always tied to a goal or an objective (the target). Performance measures can be represented by single dimensional units like hours, meters, nanoseconds, dollars, number of reports, number of errors, number of CPR-certified employees, length of time to design hardware, etc. They can show the variation in a process or deviation from design specifications. Single-dimensional units of measure usually represent very basic and fundamental measures of some process or product. 2.1.1 Know what it looks like It will be impossible to know when youre achieving high performance if you dont know what it looks like. From an organisational perspective, high performance means not only running a financially sound business, adhering to essential policies and ensuring regulatory demands are observed, but also understanding the capability of your workforce to deliver high performance. All too often, concerns about what they might find and the time it may take prompt organisations to adopt the three wise monkeys strategy dont see, dont hear, dont speak with the result that low performance goes unchecked for years until it is too late and competitors have overtaken you. Too often, individual high performance is defined as simply getting the job done in the short term rather than looking to the long term and focusing on behaviors. 2.1.2 Make a commitment Strong and active commitment from leaders and managers, and the pursuit of continuous learning throughout the organisation, are crucial to building a well-defined high-performance culture. Commitment means not leaving it to fate, but truly understanding what high performance looks like, trusting different approaches and working with all stakeholders, including the human resource 2.1.3 Define your starting point Knowing where your organisation currently stands will make it much easier to create a vision for the future and to secure buy-in. One of the most effective strategies is to define explicitly what creates high performance in your organisation. Ensure that these behaviors are distinct, while being comprehensive enough to cover different levels of the organisation. Include areas such as how people collect and make sense of information and how they influence and build confidence in stakeholders. 2.1.4 Put a stake in the ground Once you have agreed what the behavioral high performance indicators look like, it is essential to observe and measure them. The best way to capture current performance is through objective observation, such as work shadowing, behavioural event interviews and subjective feedback via online and facilitated 360-degree analysis. This should clearly distinguish between behavior that: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ impedes performance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ helps to do the task in hand à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ makes a sustainable and long-term positive contribution à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ promotes beneficial and long-term behavioral change in teams and divisions. 2.2 Discuss the need to encourage individual commitment to team performance in achievement of organisational goals The definition of the group dynamics is the social process by which people interact face-to-face in small groups. The group controlled through leadership rather than force, ensured discipline through internal pressure, pooled thinking, respected the individual, and allowed all its members to participate in deciding on things that directly affected them in their work. Teamwork is much more important than the sum of the individual part since a nominal engineering team can succeed under a well-managed project. The success of a software project relies very much on a good management and control system which allows the development to satisfy the project objectives Team process skills are- (a) communication, (b) leadership, (c) goal setting, (d) cross training, (e) problem solving/decision making, (f) conflict resolution are the essential elements for successful teamwork. Team members and leaders must play their roles if they are to be high-performing. The roles of a team leader as follows: Coordinate the activities of the team (tracking progress, scheduling work). Motivate the team. Ensure the team communicates effectively. Interface with supervisor; arrange meetings with client when necessary. Set agendas for meetings Help to set the team goals (project goals, task allocations). Help the team move towards these goals. Accomplish tasks given to them. Meet deadlines. Attend team meetings. Contribute to developing a productive atmosphere within the team 2.3 Relate the application of delegation, mentoring and coaching to the achievement of the organisational objectives A mentoring relationship is usually where one wiser and more experienced person assists another person to grow and learn. It is not a new management technique. Since humans have lived in social groups we have learnt our norms, values and behaviours by the example and coaching of others. The business world has adopted the tradition of an older and wiser person fostering the growth and development of the younger generation. This has sometimes resulted in perpetuation of old ways at the expense of diversity and development. However, new adaptations of mentoring allowing individuals to interact as colleagues in a helping relationship, on a more equal basis, can cultivate growth and learning to mutual benefit. Experience, skills and a genuine desire to help are more valuable assets in a mentoring relationship than age or position. Open and assertive communication and the trust of both parties are essential. Both partners in the mentoring relationship benefit. Learning must be a lifelong process and one of the most effective ways to learn is to assist in the development of others. The best teachers learn much from their students, counselors constantly learn from clients and partners in any successful relationship grow and develop along the way. Coaching is suitable for the successful achievement of many different objectives in working life. What is essential is the importance of the objectives for both the person being coached and the organisation. Motivation from the person to be coached is required for the coaching process to be successful, and without organisational objectives coaching will not result in real success at work. The main focus of coaching is on the development of managerial work and leadership competence, and on the coaching of key persons. Persons on different organisational levels have different objectives, but some challenges are shared by all. 2.4 Evaluate a team performance plan to meet organisational objectives Although there is no guaranteed how-to recipe for building team performance, we observed a number of approaches shared by many successful teams. Establish urgency, demanding performance standards, and direction. All team members need to believe the team has urgent and worthwhile purposes, and they want to know what the expectations are. Indeed, the more urgent and meaningful the rationale, the more likely it is that the team will live up to its performance potential, as was the case for a customer-service team that was told that further growth for the entire company would be impossible without major improvements in that area. Teams work best in a compelling context. That is why companies with strong performance ethics usually form teams readily. Select members for skill and skill potential, not personality. No team succeeds without all the skills needed to meet its purpose and performance goals. Yet most teams figure out the skills they will need after they are formed. The wise manager will choose people for their existing skills and their potential to improve existing skills and learn new ones. Pay particular attention to first meetings and actions. Initial impressions always mean a great deal. When potential teams first gather, everyone monitors the signals given by others to confirm, suspend, or dispel assumptions and concerns. They pay particular attention to those in authority: the team leader and any executives who set up, oversee, or otherwise influence the team. And, as always, what such leaders do is more Important than what they say. If a senior executive leaves the team kickoff to take a phone call ten minutes after the Session has begun and he never returns, people get the message. Set some clear rules of behavior. All effective teams develop rules of conduct at the outset to help them achieve their purpose and performance goals. The most critical initial rules pertain to attendance (for example, no interruptions to take phone calls), discussion (no sacred cows), confidentiality (the only things to leave this room are what we agree on), analytic approach (facts are friendly), end-product orientation (everyone gets assignments and does them), constructive confrontation (no finger pointing), and, often the most important, contributions (everyone does real work). Set and seize upon a few immediate performance oriented tasks and goals. Most effective teams trace their advancement to key performance-oriented events. Such events can be set in motion by immediately establishing a few challenging goals that can be reached early on. There is no such thing as a real team without performance results, so the sooner such results occur, the sooner the team congeals. Challenge the group regularly with fresh facts and information. New information causes a team to redefine and enrich its understanding of the performance challenge, thereby helping the team shape a common purpose, set clearer goals, and improve its common approach. A plant quality improvement team knew the cost of poor quality was high, but it wasnt until they researched the different types of defects and put a price tag on each one that they knew where to go next. Conversely, teams err when they assume that all the information needed exists in the collective experience and knowledge of their members. Spend lots of time together. Common sense tells us that team members must spend a lot of time together, scheduled and unscheduled, especially in the beginning. Indeed, creative insights as well as personal bonding require impromptu and casual interactions just as much as analyzing spreadsheets and interviewing customers. Busy executives and managers too often intentionally minimize the time they spend together. The successful teams weve observed all gave themselves the time to learn to be a team. This time need not always be spent together physically; electronic, fax, and phone time can also count as time spent together. Exploit the power of positive feedback, recognition, and reward. Positive reinforcement works as well in a team context as elsewhere. Citing outgo!d stars helps shape new behaviors critical to team performance. If people in the group, for example, are alert to a shy persons initial efforts to speak up and contribute, they can give the honest positive reinforcement that encourages continued contributions. There are many ways to recognize and reward team performance beyond direct compensation, from having a senior executive speak directly to the team about the urgency of its mission to using awards to recognize contributions. Ultimately, however, the satisfaction shared by a team in its own performance becomes the most cherished reward. Initial performance plan Understanding and subsequently discussing a teams performance is central to managing team performance. To work effectively, teams must regularly and objectively review their teamwork. In addition to concentrating on their short-term outputs, team members must examine work processes to ensure that the team is working creatively, that the team is effectively promoting itself to others, and so on. Too often in managing team performance the team review focuses on subjective individual evaluation, as opposed to an objective team assessment. Performance improvement plan A Team Performance Plan is a detailed plan used to: Identify the desired performance levels of the team Identify how these performance levels will be achieved Provide guidance and direction to the team Measure progress towards the desired performance levels Although there are no strict rules as to the format of a Team Performance Plan they normally contain the following information: Specific goals for team development Performance measures Actions required to achieve goals An indication of how long goals will take to achieve The Team Performance Plan should align with the organisations overall objectives. This can be achieved by: 1. Aligning the Team Performance Plan with the Team Purpose 2. Aligning the Team Purpose with the organisations objectives Team Performance Plans might include the following types of goals: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Goals to improve team competency Team building goals Collate the information regarding poor performance Performance = Ability x Motivation Where: Ability is the persons aptitude, as well as the training and resources supplied by the organization Motivation is the product of desire and commitment Someone with 100% motivation and 75% ability can often achieve above-average performance. But a worker with only 25% ability wont be able to achieve the type of performance you expect, regardless of his or her level of motivation. Incorrect diagnoses can lead to lots of problems later on. If you believe an employee is not making enough of an effort, youll likely put increased pressure on him or her to perform. But if the real issue is ability, then increased pressure may only make the problem worse. Low ability may be associated with the following: Over-difficult tasks. Low individual aptitude, skill, and knowledge. Evidence of strong effort, despite poor performance. Lack of improvement over time. People with low ability may have been poorly matched with jobs in the first place. They may have been promoted to a position thats too demanding for them. Or maybe they no longer have the support that previously helped them to perform well. Meet with the relevant team member(s) and discuss the issues Creating a Performance Improvement Plan So how do you do this in practice? This is where you need to develop a Performance Improvement Plan. Armed with the strategies weve looked at, you first need to evaluate the performance issue that youre facing: Have you discussed with the person what he or she feels the problem is? Have you evaluated your organizations motivation system? Are you doing everything you can to recognize and reward peoples contributions? Are you rewarding the things that you actually want done? Do you have regular goal setting and development meetings with members of your team? Do you help your people keep their skills current? From there, its important that you and the employee discuss and agree upon a plan for improving performance. Write down what youve agreed, along with dates by which goals should be achieved. Then monitor progress with the team member, and use the techniques weve discussed above for increasing motivation and dealing with ability-related issues. Recognize that the actions needed to close ability gaps need high motivation on the employees part to be successful. The two causes of poor performance lack of ability and low motivation are inextricably intertwined, and goal setting, feedback, and a supportive work environment are necessary conditions for improving both. Develop a Performance Improvement Plan Successfully managing team performance starts by identifying where the team is performing well and where it needs further development. The Team Performance Profile Questionnaire and associated analysis gives team members an objective assessment of how the team is doing. It provides opportunities to compare the various viewpoints of team members and outsiders and relate them to the team vision and purpose. The common language ensures that everyone is focusing on the critical team performance factors and the measured gaps can then be translated into action plans for improved performance. It is the diagnosis of the problems that is essential. Once we know what is wrong, it is usually easy to fix it! Tuckman (1965) presented the four stages of teamwork which are now widely used by work teams throughout the world to assess their progress. The model describes the stages as follows: Tuckmans Stages of Teamwork Model Once teams are formed, they go through an unpleasant storming stage before ground rules and norms are established. Eventually the performing stage is reached. In the 1980s it was acceptable to take maybe six months or so to reach the performing stage. However, in the 90s, such is the speed of change and the intensity of competition that some teams have to get to good performance levels in six weeks or even six days! Follow up Ensure that you monitor, follow up and evaluate the performance improvement as set out in the plan. A Performance Improvement Plan should clearly convey: The area of performance that requires improvement or development The action(s) to be taken Any parties required to assist in the achievement of the set actions The timeframe for achieving each action 3.1 Assess the process for monitoring team performance and initiate changes where necessary Sometimes poor performance has its roots in low motivation. When this is the case, you need to work closely with the employee to create a motivating environment in which to work. There are thre
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Bargaining Power Of Buyer
The Bargaining Power Of Buyer Fraser Neave holding Bhd. was incorporated at year 1883 when founders John Fraser and David Chalmers Neave formed a company named Singapore Straits Aerated Water Company in Singapore. Few years later, FN was consolidated and enter the food beverage industry. FN has its own vision to become the leading total beverage company in Malaysia and the region and their mission is to be a world-class multinational enterprise providing superior returns to their shareholders, excellent value for their customers and a rewarding career for their employees. FN Company is one of the Malaysia well known beverage company which the famous product is the isotonic drinks 100plus launched at year 1984. FN produce wide range of beverage that can be classified as soft drinks, dairies, non-carbonated beverages as well as separate business property. They were launching the sweetened condensed filled milk in year 1973, and the acquisition of Nestlà ©s canned milk business in Thailand and Malaysia in year 2007. Other than that FN high quality canned milk was also gain excellent reputation in Malaysia. This product is largely use as beverage mixers in coffee, tea and chocolate drinks and now canned milk has successfully to export this product to more than 20 countries around the world. In addition, the halal certification offers strong reassurance to Muslim customers in the growing Halal markets in the Middle East and Africa. FN Company was awarded The Readers Digest Trusted Brand from year 2005 to 2008, Media Magazine Top 1000 Asian Brands 2007 and so on. It proves that their customer was confident when using their products since they are concern about their health and safety quality. FN Company was continuously improve their quality and brands to challenges the marketplace and to become the leader. FN Company is also well-known company that caring about the social environment and working environment. They implemented and executed various environmental stewardship and launched numerous recycling campaigns in schools to inculcate good environmental habits among young people and thus, create awareness on the importance of recycling. FN Company also set-up a RM1.2 million funds named Chairmans Award to promote educational excellence and to recognize high-achievers among children of FN Groups employees. FN Company has achieved a safety record of zero accident (no loss time accident) accumulated from 1 February 2007 to 21 September 2009 with a total 962 days or 2.3 million working hours. In terms of its environmental compliance incident and achieved zero environmental compliance status. FN Company has three main businesses which are soft drinks, dairy products and property. Soft Drink FN Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd represent Malaysias largest soft drinks manufacturer and distributor. There are four manufacturing plants nationwide, including its state of the art facility at its headquarters in Shah Alam, Selangor. Their products are 100PLUS, FN Fun Flavours, FN Originals, SEASONS, Ice Mountain and Fruit Tree. The company started operations in 1936 when FN Ltd obtained the franchise of Coca-Cola in Singapore and Malaysia. After that FN Coca-Cola (M) Sdn Bhd (FNCC) was born and license agreement would end in September 2011, the company renamed as FNBM. In Malaysia, 100PLUS is a outstanding local success story, cover 90 percent share of the isotonic drinks market and also the No.1 ready to drink (RTD) brand in Malaysia. For non-carbonated portfolio, SEASONS is currently No.2 in Asian drinks category while Fruit Tree continue to grow within the juice segment. The soft drinks division perform well during the festive periods and continue to pursue world class excellence in distribution so that the products are readily available with focus on market execution. Over the years, FNBM has used few strategic measures that emphasize on its brand presence by invested in advertising and promotions, product availability and operational efficiency. In April 2010, FNBM was selected to become exclusive distributor of Red Bull energy drinks in Malaysia and has improved FNBMs beverage portfolio. Dairies Products Next business is dairy products. FN Dairies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd has produced varity such as sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, pasteurised milk, UHT milk, juice and ice cream. FNs dairy business had a joint venture with Beautrice Foods of Chicago, USA in 1959 with the construction of Southeast Asias first sweetened condensed milk plant in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. The Carnation Company from US joined the partnership in 1965 to form Premier Milk as the manufacturing arm. The Group constantly seeks product innovation and invention, more products adding into portfolio and after that the Group had a successful journey into ice cream business. In 1989, the Group purchased the interests of Beatrice Foods and restructured its dairy operations under FN Dairies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. It was expanded further with the acquisition of Magnolia in 1995. In 1998, the Group started its pasteurised business. Today, FNs dairies division has a vision of being Malaysias leading dairy and food marketer with world class products, standards and capabilities forming part and parcel of its offerings. In 2011, FN Dairies (Malaysia) disposed off its entire ice cream business to FN Creameries (M) Sdn Bhd. Property About the property business, FN Properties is a business unit of Fraser Neave Holdings Berhad, the purpose is to unlock the value of land acquired and held by the company. The first property is the former FN factory land at Jalan Foss, has been developed into commercial spot called Fraser Business Park. The development follows the general direction of Fraser Neaves underlying philosophy of a socially responsible corporate citizen. Key value lies within the emphasis of continuously creating innovative designs and applications towards the development, giving its occupants a taste of the modern and the future alike. More is expected from future property launches as the unit break new ground with innovative design and product development that focus on feature that are particular to the FN brand name. In future, the property division will emphasize on changing existing Premier Milk plant into a landmark in Petaling Jaya. The redevelopment is estimated 5 to 8 years period. PEST Mission: To be a world-class multinational enterprise providing superior returns to our shareholders, excellent value for our customers and a rewarding career for our employees. Vision: To become the leading total beverage company in Malaysia and the region. Every company has their mission and vision statement served as overall purpose of business. The mission and vision statement above are set by FN. There are external environmental issues have or will affect FN to achieve their mission. These external environmental issues are being categorized according to PEST(EL) model. PEST(EL) model is to analyze the external environment issues of company. It categorized environment issues into political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal influences. Economic Improving growth prospect of Malaysia, Thailand and the region brings more income to FN as is signals economy are in good condition and peoples are willing to spend hence will increase sales in that particular region. The growth prospects include rising of Malaysia GDP in year 2010 that is approximately 10% compare to 4.5% in 2009 that rise from some major factor of manufacturing industry production with a double digit growth of 16.9% in year 2010. ASEAN countries are growing quick in their economy thus putting FN a favourable factor in growing of profits. FN has built up positive consumer sentiment to their product. For example 100PLUS, isotonic drink that is specialized for sportsmen to retain the metabolism. It is a concept well-built that it is voted number 1 isotonic drinks in Malaysia since its introduction in 1983. That well-built positive sentiment brings others drinks of FN to be well marketable. It is the consumer sentiment to the products enhanced the profitability factor of FN towards other competitor thus is at an advantage in the market. Political Government had put initiative to boost spending of consumer with new economic model (NEM), with this model being pursue, Malaysia economic boost as consumer purchasing power increases and are advised to spend. FN will get benefit by provide goods to be sold to the market hence boosting sales. FN products are all Halal hence are entitled for Halal Hub Tax Incentive. The incentive offered had decreased FN some percentage of tax liability to the government. It made FN more profitable compare to those companies which does not qualified for the incentive. Government has taken back some incentive in year 2009, the withdrawal of subsidy of fuel and sugar has put an impact to FN as most of the FN core businesses needed large amount of sugar which is dairies and soft drink business. The withdrawal of sugar subsidy lower the overall profit of the FN although there is a large improve a sales but the profit doesnt show much improvement as the sugar cost increases. Withdrawals of fuel subsidy did also impact on FN as the cost of their internal and external distribution cost increases thus reduces profit. Technological In the beginning of 2011, FN introduced new product, Ice Mountain and it has faster share gain among bottler waters player which established 5% market share in Malaysia. FN launched new beverage Zesta across Malaysia in October 2011.Zesta has remarkably great tasting berry soda flavored soda. It contents the Guarana tropical berries that originate from Amazon, South America. In addition, Guarana tropical berries invigorate the body and mind. Zesta is an extension of our already large array of FN beverages, a beverage that was initiated to complement our existing range of FN brands, creating a transition vehicle for our growing band of consumers, said Dato Ng Jui Sia, CEO of Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd. FN believes that Zesta is the illustration of growing trends for beverage enhanced soda. (Zesta 2011) Environmental Sichuan Earthquake of May 2008 has caused the raw material cost increase and companys profit is affected. Natural disaster is beyond expectation and control of the company. Profit before interest and tax in 2008 grew only 5%. This environmental factor has affected company to achieve their mission. Natural disaster would serve as obstacle that FN provide superior returns to shareholders. Porters 5 forces Today, Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd (FN) has extended business at more than 20 countries worldwide and established itself as a regional player. So that, FN need use Porters five forces model to analysis and understanding the nature of the competitive environment. FN has a lot of benefits from using Porters five forces model. They can ensure that management considers a wide range of potential impacts when devising strategy. They allow the division of the work in environmental analysis and make decision in time. In addition, Porters five forces also help to develop effective strategies to raise FN profitability, power, and competitive position in an industry. Porters five forces is divided into threat of entry, intensity of competitive rivalry, threat of substitute product, bargaining power of buyer and bargaining power of suppliers. Threat of entry Threat of entry is new entrants into market will bring extra capacity and intensify competition. The strength of the threat from new entrants will depend upon the strength of the barriers to entry and the likely response of existing competition to a new entrant. FN produce two new soft drink FN Clearly Citrus and Zesta were launched in soft drink market at year 2011. Zesta and FN Clearly Citrus are getting customer support and the new produces also have a higher demand from the buyer. Zesta sales would create other competitor have entered the soda market, it will be posted a threat for the FN affect the market sales. Therefore, FN should defensively competitor who are entered the soda market to creating barriers that new entrants to the market find difficult to overcome. This can ensure the Zesta sales would not affect and ensure the maximize shareholders wealth. FN able to occupy in the Malaysia soda market a very important role. Bargaining power of supplier Bargaining power of suppliers definition with the stronger power of suppliers in an industry the more difficult it is for firms within that sector to make a profit. It is because suppliers can determine the terms and conditions on which business is conducted. Most of the products are contented sugar, sugar is essential for production. Malaysian Government has removed sugar subsidies on selective basis and subsidy for Dairies Malaysia was removed. Increased of sugar cost and global commodity cost forced price of Sweetened Condensed Milk increased by 25%. However, sugar subsidy was removed on selective basis which means FN can look for suppliers whose sugar subsidies werent removed. In addition, competitors will also search for new suppliers and it may not easy to reduce cost as low as before. Apart from that, FN may have to concern about any switching cost for current suppliers. Bargaining power of buyer Bargaining power of buyer sense of the powerful buyer can force price cuts and quality improvement. The government removed sugar subsidy, FN material cost increased and affected the product selling price increased. In 2011, Sweetened Condensed Milk has increased 25% of the price which cause the demand reduced. Revenue and profit was decline during the year. Buyers also have full information about the soft drink and dairy product market. They should know which company product cheaper, more health and best quality. FN need to retain the customer by improving product quality and introduce new product. Buyers always have different choice for their beverage and dairy product. Apart from that, same type of competitors product will be display nearby companys products. For example, Jusco will be placing same type of products together which allowed buyers to search easily. There is low switching cost for buyers. Beside, degree of product differentiation is low which customer may feel all bran ds are similar. This threat is more difficult to control, because FN management need to concentrate on changing buyers preference and also maximize the shareholders wealth. Threat of substitute product Porters 5 forces have indicated that the threat of substitute product is the other firms within the industry has offers similar product with similar benefits for the customer. This threat may affects the competitive environment of the company and influence our ability to achieve profitability. On FN Magnolia have offers Pasteurised Milk and Sterilised Milk. The range of the customers is children and adults. The Pasteurised Fresh Milk can be enjoyed chilled or warm, plain or mixed with other foods or beverages and they innovate into Lo-Fat Hi-Cal Milk provide less fat and more healthier of the Fresh Milk for our body. However, Marigold has offers HL Milk is low-fat milk No.1 in Malaysia. HL Milk has perfect balance of nutrients for everyone in the family and it consists high in calcium and protein, low in fat and lactose and fortified with 9 essential vitamins to supplement healthier lifestyle. Marigold HL Milk is first choice for the customers who are caring health conscious. FN should innovation their milk product provide more healthy to attract or retain consumer choices. Another competitor is Dutch Lady has provided a Dutch Lady Milk powder for satisfy customer needs who want mix it with other coffee or tea favour and it has a rich and creamy taste and allowed to dilute in hot or cold water easily. Furthermore, Dutch Lady also has provided different formulations to cater to children of different ages to promote their brain development and healthy growth. Therefore, most of the mother would choose Dutch Lady Milk products of their children rather than choose FN milk products. FN SEASONS offers soft drink products are leaders in countrys most comprehensive range of consumer, catering to every occasion. The Soya range provides protein nourishment while the Chrysanthemum and Grass Jelly provides healthier refreshment with less sugar let FN SEASONS become best quality and healthy drinks. However, they are having lesser favors for the customer choose. YEOS have more favors, such as Lychee drink, Sugarcane drink, Bandung Rose drink, coconut juice, soursop drink and guava drink for the customer to choice. Hence, consumers who are Sugarcane drink lover may change its option to YEOS products. Although there are many competitors for isotonic drink, 100Plus still able to gain over 88% of the market share. Company has done a lot promotion for 100Plus which the reason 100Plus is successfully gain more than half of the market share. (Annual Report 2010) Intensity of competitive rivalry Intensity of competitive rivalry among competitors in the industry strives to companies to gain competitive advantage over the rivals and drives the profit of the rivals firm to zero. The company can gains the competitive advantage by several ways, such as pricing policy, improving the products differentiation with other and exploiting relationships with suppliers. If can gain more competitive advantage over competitors can increase the profitability of the company. FN only provided soft drink products and dairy products, appears less competitive advantage compare with others. Nowadays, people more have health conscious when they buying products may choice to buy the products which consists more nutrition. In food and beverage industry also have many company has provide more diet product to satisfied the requirements of the different customers. Dutch Lady Low Fat Yoghurt is a healthy snack and it will enhance the absorption of nutrients, ensuring digestive system stays healthy. It contains Vitamin A, C and E, calcium and Active Live Cultures. In Addition, the Marigold have offer the Yogurt and cultured milk Vitagen which have consists nutrition products for the body. The Vitagen has billions of live probiotic cultures to helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Probiotic cultures in VITAGEN can withstand bile and acidic stomach juices and reach the intestines alive to fight harmful bacteria in the intestines. Furthermore, the Yoghurt contains live and active cultures help digestion and promote a healthy digestive system and calcium for the development of strong bones and teeth. Marigold also has offers Jelly is a great-tasting double-layered jelly that is filled with fresh fruits. Its cool and refreshing taste makes it great for everyone in the family and contains no preservatives and is a healthy alternative to fruits after a hearty meal. This makes Marigold become Malaysias first and only pasteurised Jelly. This all is key reasons that the consumer may change favors to this type of products. To gain competitive advantage, FN should provide more nutrition products for the customers have more choose. Porters national competitive advantage diamond Porters diamond model suggests that there are inherent reasons why some nations and industries within nations are more competitive than others on a global scale. The argument is that the national home base of an organisation provides organisations with specific factors which will potentially create competitive advantages on a global scale. (Michael Porter 1990) Porters diamond model consist of four conditions of national advantage which are factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries and firm strategy, structure and rivalry. Factor conditions Factor condition is about important elements that exist in a company which lead to national competitive advantage. It can be country specific or industry specific. FN Dairies had constructed plant in Pulau Indah costs RM350 million and will be completed within the second half of 2011. The new plant promotes cutting edge green technology which would have huge gains in water, energy and environmental conservation. With existence of this plant, FN Dairies could be on the top list of worlds largest producers of canned milk. (Annual Report 2011 pg 41) An increase in production line is an advantage of the company. FN had launched a new RM45 million polyethylene terephthalate (PET) monoblock production line which is the first in Asia Pacific. This able to done all the things in only one production line, for example blow bottles, fill and pack all carbonate soft drinks products. (Annual Report 2010 pg 32) FN has the latest innovation and technology that bring advantages to them. With this latest technology, FN can enhance its operations by continuing improve production lines. FN can produce more products in effective and efficient way. In addition, the new machineries increase as the production lines increases. The warehouse management system has implemented to make operation work run smoothly. Besides, the introduction of new sales forecasting tools helps in manufacturing, if sales forecast is low, the manufacturer will produce less stock. Supply chain act as an important role in a business. Without supply, production would not be carried out. Improvement in supply chain lead to high efficiency of production and logistic by upgrade the systems. FN introduce higher level of operational automation and inventory management to ensure the manufacturing process has no error. Besides, the product quality management has to make sure that the products are in acceptable quality and safety measures are enhanced in order the product would not harm people. Demand conditions Secondly, the demand conditions state that if the local market for a product is larger and more demanding at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global competitiveness of local exporting companies. FN non-carbonated portfolio has slightly increased from 25.4 per cent to 28 per cent in soft drinks business. This represent there is a growing demand for drinks. During the year, FN included fruit teas and juices to its range of soft drinks, and launch new drink called Zesta recently catering consumers of this segment. The ability to innovate, differentiate and manufacture new product lines will bring advantages such as gain more market share. (Zesta 2011) FN Fruit Tree released five new flavours in bottle form which are orange, apple, lychee, blackcurrant and mango. As the demand increases, Fruit Tree has becoming one of the fastest growing categories in Malaysia. The new flavours are the extension to the Fruit Tree cans range and the research shows that consumer preference toward these flavours compared to other brand in the market. (Annual Report 2010 pg 36) FN Holding Berhad has built a new warehouse in Kuching which triple larger than previous warehouse capacity to improve the quality of service and make sure delivery to customers is on time. Furthermore, it utilised advanced warehousing technology such as high selective racking, super flat flooring and Very Narrow Aisleway (VNA) trucks. Related and supporting industries Thirdly, the related and supporting industries mean that when local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative products. In February 2010, 100PLUS signed a partnership agreement with AirAsia Berhad, officially sell 100PLUS on AirAsia flights which depart from Malaysia. AirAsia Berhad is a Malaysia top airlines company, being a partner of AirAsia Berhad has a real competitive advantage for FN. This agreement is a big step for division to extend business offshore. Passenger dehydration happened frequently in air travel, with 100PLUS the passenger can get over the dehydration. Support from AirAsia is like an advertisement effect, whenever there is a flight, there is an appearance of 100PLUS. (Annual Report 2010 pg 038) Firm strategy, structure and rivalry Structure and management system can affect competitiveness. FN is running beverage and dairies business in addition to food business too. FN buy 23.08 per cent share in Cocoaland Holdings Berhad. Cocoaland is a major snack food manufacturer in Malaysia. FN is diversifying the business risk to various subsidiaries. FN develop the food business to supplement beverage and dairies business. As the Malaysia grow into high income economy country, the consumption of middle income will increase and food business will be benefited. GE model 3 portfolio business Property Dairy product Soft drink GE business matrix Industry Attractiveness- Economic Factor Business Strength- Brand Strength High Medium Low High Investment/ Growth Soft drinkSelective Growth Selectivity Medium Dairy productSelective Growth Selectivity Harvest/Divest Low Selectivity Property businessHarvest/Divest Harvest/Divest FNs business has divided into 3 portfolio and that are Soft Drinks, Dairy Products and Properties. First of all, we will use the environmental factor and brand strength as the industry attractiveness factors and business factors benchmark. Soft Drinks FNs core soft drinks business portfolio will be classified at the classes of selective growth. The company soft drinks 100plus and Zesta are popular in Malaysia and have helped the company in bringing certain level of stable income.100plus as the companys core product have promoting an active lifestyle and healthy living to consumer. Many events have been run to promote 100plus as it is isotonic drink of choice at major sporting events. 100plus is present at top sports events such as Piala Malaysia Final 2011 100plus Tunku Abdul Razak Cup, KL Marathon 2011 and so on to continue building prestigious images of 100plus to consumers. Profit of division has been growing from year 2007 to 2011. However, sugar subsidy withdrawn by Malaysian Government has major impact on price of sugar. The division has lesser growth rate for year 2011. In addition, global commodity cost has increased which is unfavorable economic factor. Soft Drink division has very high brand strength but economic factors are not really favourable to the division. Dairy Products FNs dairy products will be classified at the classes of selectivity. Companys dairy products have included sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, pasteurised milk, UHT milk, juices and ice cream. Dairy Products also suffered from withdrawal of sugar subsidy and global commodity price increased in 2011. FNs dairy products business has classified at selectivity, with medium level of attractiveness and medium business strength on the dairy products. Although the product Milo is popular in Malaysia, Milo is not owned by FN, it was franchised. This product reduces business strength as it is not the only major player in the market. The dairy products will seem less attractive to the investors to consider investing because the deliberate of the milk market is very costly. In addition, the cost for hire workers and the cost to obtain technology for producing the dairy products are costly for subsequent production of dairy products. Moreover, the dairy products license also difficult to be approved by the government. New entrant will find difficult to entry, because the market has been controlled and played by a few major competitors. New entrant will find difficulty to enter to the market as these factors created entry barriers. Properties FNs property business had generated more revenue in year 2007 compared to the year 2006 by 6%. Revenue for the year 2008 had declined by 24% compare to year 2007. FNs property business has classified at selectivity with high level of attractiveness and low business strength. The company is more concentrated in the soft drink products and has no initiative to promote companys property to the public, not many people knows that FN has already entered into properties. FNs property business is non comparable with beverage business that seems to be so successful and FNs property business strength is low in this industry. The property business that has high profitability in the industry will attract more investors to invest. The government encourage removing of old building and build more new business park in order to bring in more prosperity to our country. Moreover, our property business is at growth stage because it is newly introduced into the industry, hence it does not have strong bus iness strength on the property business. Ratio analysis and Key performance Indicators Revenue of continuing operation continues to grow from 2009 to 2010 by 11.2% and 2010 to 2011 7.6%. In 2010, the revenue is able to grow better than 2011 due to improved economic conditions. Malaysia Government has introduced New Economic Model 2010 helps to boost spending in Malaysia. Profit before interest and tax growth rate also decline from 2010 to 2011, 31% to 14%. The result was affected because of particular division wasnt doing well in 2011. Soft Drink Soft Drink division has current ratio of 1.77 and 1.99 for year 2010 and 2011. It indicated improvement in managing assets and liabilities. The growth momentum of soft drink division has continued. The division has been doing well over the years. It contributes the largest profit to FN. In 2010, the soft drink division was able to generate revenue 21% more compared to last year. Soft drink was delivering higher volume especially during festive periods such as Chinese New Year. In addition, sales volume of 100Plus Seasons have grew more than 20% and reflected strong consumption and growing popularity of the brands. 100Plus generated over 88% of market share in isotonic category and Seasons generated 27% market share of Asian drink category. While Badminton competition Thomas Cup was around, 100PLUS Thomas Cup 1 Million Support Campaign was held for Malaysian to show their support for Malaysian badminton team. Apart from that, the division served as distributor of Red Bull energy drinks in Malaysia and commenced from 1 April 2010. Soft drink volume was able to benefit from Red Bull which contributed 2.2% helps to improve the divisions beverage portfolio. (Annual Report 2010) Soft drink division grew only 16% from 2010 to 2011. The growth rate is eroded due to the reason of Malaysian government has withdrawn the subsidy of sugar and fuel. Therefore, raw material cost has increased and causes the profit margin diminished. Coca-Cola business exits the FN in September 2011 which also the reason of profit margin diminished. However, 100Plus and Seasons still generated volume growth 10% and 14% to benefits the division. 100Plus and Seasons are the leading brands in the division and continue to enhance the divisions beverage portfolio. 100Plus was being promoted continuously as 100PLUS New Thematic Launch in July 2011. Beside, FN SEASONS Nourishing You Malaysia National Consumer Contest held between March and April 2011 to create consum
Monday, August 19, 2019
Strategies to Motivate Students Essay -- Education, Learning Teaching
Strategies to Motivate Students In the field of education there is a broad spectrum of strategies to motivate students. Through research only a sample of the spectrum was covered, which consisted of twenty-nine sources. Four interrelated categories were created that individually provide strategies to motivate students. The four categories consist of teaching strategies to motivate students, program structure to motivate students, self-motivational strategies, and parent strategies to motivate students. All of these categories conclude that a positive environment provided by parents, school officials, and the students themselves, act to enhance a students motivational drive to succeed in the classroom. Teaching Strategies to Motivate Students A teaching strategy is any technique a teacher projects in the classroom. Enthusiasm and body language in combination with creative classroom activities are effective tools for teaching. According to Barbara Davis in "Incorporating Instructional Behaviors That Motivate Students" from the Tools For Teaching web site, most students respond positively to a well structured course taught by an instructor who is enthusiastic and shows interest in their students as well as their subject. With this in mind, Davis gives six instructional behaviors that teachers can utilize to motivate students. These are holding realistic expectations, helping them to set achievable goals, informing students of how to succeed in their class, strengthening self-motivation, avoiding to create competition among students, and being enthusiastic about their subject. Davis argues, beneath the same web site in Motivating Students, that instructors can do the following to encourage st... a collection of opinions on the subject about teachers and school administrators around the United States. It contains strategies to stimulate students at home and how parents can properly motivate their children to succeed as students throughout their education. 101 Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Achieve is a booklet distributed by the Educational World, written by school administrators. This booklet provides many creative family projects designed to stimulate their children to want to achieve academically. Conclusion A common ground can be derived from all four of the perspectives relating to the broad spectrum of strategies to motivate students. By providing a positive atmosphere at home as well as in the school, a student develops the desire to succeed in the classroom, and later, utilizes this motivation to succeed in life.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
From the first time I watched this show in Vince McMahon claims that as he was about to announce "Welcome to WrestleMania III," he felt the spirit of his father Vincent J. McMahon, who had died three years earlier. After he made that announcement he introduced Aretha Franklin, who opened the show singing a rendition of "America the Beautiful."[24] The first match of the night was The Can-Am Connection versus Bob Orton and The Magnificent Muraco (with Mr. Fuji). This match ended when Rick Martel gave Don Muraco a high cross-body with Zenk on his hands and knees giving Muraco what Gorilla Monsoon called "A little schoolboy trip from behind" allowing Martel to get the win for his team.[1][25] The next match that aired was Hercules (with Bobby Heenan in his corner) against Billy Jack Haynes in the "Full Nelson Challenge." The match ended when Haynes locked Hercules in the full nelson outside the ring and both were counted out.[1][25] After the match, Bobby Heenan assaulted Haynes by kneeing him in the back, and Haynes chased Heenan into the ring, where Hercules then blindsided Haynes with his chain, hitting him a number of times with it before locking him in a full nelson of his own.[26] The Mixed Tag Team Match between King Kong Bundy and his midget team of Lord Littlebrook and Little Tokyo against Hillbilly Jim and his own midget team of The Haiti Kid and Little Beaver was next. King Kong Bundy's team was disqualified when Bundy attacked Little Beaver, because Bundy was not supposed to be in the ring with the midgets.[17] Bundy attacked Little Beaver after Beaver had "attacked" him on occasion during the match and finally got caught. The "Loser Must Bow" match between Junkyard Dog and King Harley Race (with Bobby Heenan and The Fa... ...hed to it, got on the microphone and said that Volkoff was not going to sing because America is the land of the free and the home of the brave.[26] While the match ensued, Duggan stayed at ringside. When The Iron Sheik locked a camel clutch on "Jumping Jim" Brunzell, Duggan, who was chasing Volkoff around the ring and finally into it, stopped and hit an unsuspecting Sheik across the back with his two by four in front of the referee, resulting in The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff winning the bout by disqualification. In what was billed as the "biggest main event in sports entertainment,"[30] the match pitted WWF Champion Hulk Hogan defending the title against Andrà © the Giant (with Bobby Heenan).[1] Howard Finkel introduced the guest ring announcer, "Mr Baseball" Bob Uecker, who in turn introduced the guest time keeper, Entertainment Tonight host Mary Hart. The fans
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