Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Leadership & Management on Hampton court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Leadership & Management on Hampton court - Essay Example According to Thurley (2003, p.124), unlike most common mazes that are normally characterized by a single spiral path winding to a center point, Hampton court maze is widely known for intriguing and confusing visitors with its numerous turns, twists, or dead ends and is often referred to as a puzzle or multi-cursal maze. The Action Plan to Hampton Court The planned maze exercise took place on Friday December 6, 2013. Our group included Mwansa, Iqura lashan and I with Iqura lashan being the nominated leader of the group. We used public transport to reach Hampton court maze. The actual venue is located at A308 and is accessible through major local roads and by train (Wright, 2001, p.98). This schedule includes a detailed account of the times, costs, visited locations, contingency as well as a critical risk assessment. Fig.1: A photo of our group members making their way inside the Hampton court maze Itinerary 8.30am: The leadership maze exercise began in the morning hours and we were sc heduled to meet our team leader, Iqura at exactly 8.30 am at Stratford. The journey began at Bromley station where we got the Victoria line to Green Park in the Jubilee line and finally got off at Stafford station where we met the team leader. After meeting, with Iqura, we took the route to Bank station from where we took the Waterloo and city line. Once at Waterloo underground station, we took the south west train towards basing stroke rail station before getting off at substation and taking the south west train to Hampton Court at around 9.15am. 9.30 am: Having successfully made our way into the historic Hampton Court Palace, we paid our entry fee of ?4.00 per each individual group member before briefly assembling under the team leader to discuss the various modalities of our leadership maze exercise. We were also provided with a costumed guide who was not only tasked with escorting our group but also making knowledgeable commentary assisting with practical issues throughout our t our of the maze. The entire duration of the maze exercise was timed and scheduled to allow for as few non program activities such as photo opportunities and a one hour lunch break. 10:00am: We picked a map at the entrance to the Hampton court maze and proceeded with the maze exercise. Despite experiencing many false trails, pitfalls and occasional dead ends, our nominated leader successfully guided the group through the maze through the turnings until we eventually reached the center of the maze. Although it did not seem that long, our path through the maze covered nearly half a mile which took us nearly 45 minutes including the time we spent taking photographs. 12.00 pm: We made our way to the exit of the maze at around noon after successfully making our way out. Our team leader quickly arranged for a light lunch and refreshments at Tiltyard Cafe situated just outside Hampton Palace grounds. After lunch, the group concluded the trip. Cost The accurate figure of the actual cost of t he trip depended on a number of factors. Having used public means of transport to get to the Hampton court maze, transportation was one of the biggest costs we incurred during the entire trip. This was particularly attributed to the distance each of the group members had to cover before reaching our final destination at the Hampton court palace maze. On the other hand, a considerable part of our budget during our leadership ma
Monday, October 28, 2019
Cohabitation in the UK Essay Example for Free
Cohabitation in the UK Essay There is some evidence that cohabiting relationships are less stable than marriages. A 1994 Economic and Social Research Council Report found that couples living together were four times more likely to separate than married couples. However, this study did not distinguish between couples with children and couples without, so a wide range of circumstances cold be aggregated together in the results. For example, young cohabiting couples such as students may well not be committed to a longer-term relationship. Also, the stronger position of women in cohabiting relationships could mean they are less willing to tolerate a male partner who is not participating in the relationship on an equal basis. Activity 1 Does marriage bind people together in stronger ways than cohabitation? Prepare your arguments for and against this view ready for a debate. Living alone. If increasing numbers are choosing to cohabit because of increased instability in marriage, another option that is increasing is for people to live alone. In 1996, just over 25 per cent of households were occupied by one person and this proportion is forecast to continue rising. As would be expected, a significant proportion are elderly widowed, usually women, and divorced or separated men and women. However, a rapidly growing proportion are single people of either sex who are opting live alone. It would seem that increasing numbers of young professionals are opting for independent living. They may have relationships, but they desire to live alone rather than cohabit or marry. Their work can involve long hours and commitment which means that childrearing becomes impossible and in any case they questions the necessity of having children in an insecure and uncertain world. Activity 2 a) Why do people have children? b) What factors may lead to increased questioning of the need to have children in the future? In an essay in The Obersver, 11 February 1996, Anthony Giddens suggests that living alone as an option will increase. Rather than seeing single people in a negative light, almost as lonely outcasts subject to pity, he suggests that living alone will become a valued option, offering benefits of choice and independence that are not available in more conventional family settings. He suggests that a person on their own may, in fact, have more contact with a wider network of relations and kin than the conventional married couples, whose coupledom could be a more isolated experience. Discuss what are your views on a future where more people may opt to live alone?
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Les Miserables :: Les Miserables
Les Miserables Throughout peoples lives they will be influenced due to other people and events. There are many ways people can be influenced. In the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, three different people influence Jean Valjean. The first influence on Jean was by the bishop. Another influence on Jean was Cosette. A third influence on Jean was Javert. Each of these are people who play a large role in Jean's life. The bishop was one of Jeans first and most important influences involving kindness and forgiveness. The first way that the bishop shows kindness to Jean is by inviting him into his home for dinner and a place to sleep, even though he is an ex-convict and no one else would help him. "Monsieur, sit down and warm yourself: we are going to take supper presently, and you bed will be made ready whil you sup." (Page 26) The next and most powerful act of kindness and forgiveness that the bishop shows to Jean is, when he tells the police that the silver which Jean had actually stole was a gift, and that he had forgotten to take his gift of candlesticks. When the bishop says, "Ah there you are! I am glad to see you, but I gave you the candlesticks too, which are also silver and will bring you two hundred francs"(Page 38). When the bishop say's this, Jean Valjean is filled with surprise and disbelief, and did not know what to do. From that day on Jean would remember the bis hop and his kindness towards him, and use this memory to help others. Javert has many different types of influences on Jean. One way that Javert influences Jean is by sending him to the galleys for the first time even though he was just stealing to feed his family. Jean was turned cold and cruel by this, he thought that the whole world was as cruel as Javert seemed to be. This cruelty only leads Jean into more trouble. "See, there is where he got out; he jumped down Cochefilet lane. The abominable fellow! He has stolen our silver!" (Page 37) This shows that even after Jean was released from the galleys he was hardened from the influences and still was a thief. The second way that Javert influences Jean is by testing Jeans new side of kindness and gratitude by sending him to the galleys a second time, for saving a wrongfully accused man.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Do William Golding and Williams Shakespeare Present Disturbed Characters? Essay
How do William Golding and William Shakespeare present disturbed characters? In Lord of the Flies Golding presents disturbed characters as savage and blood-thirsty. After his own experience in world war two, he seems to believe everybody has a savage personality and thriving which is brought out through an extreme situation. Golding uses the technique of evoking emotion from the reader through the use of innocent children committing unthinkable actions. He conveys his views through the ever growing savage characters of Jack and Roger, whereas Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a mentally disturbed character consumed with an obsession of becoming a part of the hierarchy within society. In the first chapter of Lord of the Flies Golding uses the Island as an allegorical object, presenting the general overview of society and civilisation. The Island can be represented as the Garden of Eden; an innate place of perfection to be undisturbed and civil. It seems to be an idyllic place for some time with rules and order throughout, this is up until it is corrupted and nature is changed by the boys’ savage intentions. This relates to biblical themes of the Garden of Eden once corrupted by mankind (Adam & Eve). We also see a use of pathetic fallacy, the Island in this sense is more important than anything, it foreshadows the events which are beginning to unfold. Throughout both pieces of Literature Shakespeare and Golding use religious beliefs and values; in Macbeth the uses of supernatural creatures like the witches represent a devil like figure. The strong Christian themes in the play and during Elizabethan times made them even more evil, Shakespeare conveys Lady Macbeth as the total opposite of what a women ‘should be’. She knows as a female she is limited because of her gender, she asked to be filled with cruelty which is ironic because she created the plan to kill the King. This point is significant in the quote â€Å"unsex me here†. Similarly you could argue the ‘beast’ brought to the attention of the boys by a ‘littlun’ is equally as important. Simon proposes the beast is only the boys imagination itself, although they laugh off his idea, Simon is central to the novel; he links to Golding’s point of innate human evil which exists. He is the first boy to acknowledge that the ‘beast’ is an external force of human nature. Lady Macbeth is first introduced to us as Macbeth’s loving wife, she seems thrilled to hear of her husband’s progression in social status. Her first reaction is to concoct a plan to kill the king; we are equally as shocked as Macbeth when she â€Å"pours her spirits in thine ear†. This leads us to believe she is a somewhat calculating character. Lady Macbeth then begins to develop into manipulating Macbeth, she uses blackmail such as â€Å"break this enterprise to me? †she weakens Macbeth â€Å"you were a man†implies she does not think of him as being worthy to be called a man. To some extent Lady Macbeth is to blame, as soon as she hears of Macbeth’s news her character is blinded by ambition. Similarly the three witches give Macbeth prophesies leading to the evil plan which is soon presented. The first significant change in their relationship comes when she creates a description of juxtaposition, turning a pure and natural thing into a horrific image; saying she would have â€Å"dash’d the brains out†of their unborn child. Using this hypothetic situation Macbeth is beginning to consider the consequences, she uses pronouns ‘you and I’ implying they are equally as involved and together through all of it. Golding presents the character of Jack as a developing character of savagery throughout the novel. He compares the deterioration of Jack’s civilized and well brought up mind with his lust and instinct to hunt. This is shown when the boys try and outline order on ‘their’ island. Jacks reaction to this is aggressive and intolerant- â€Å"bollocks to the rules! We’re strong- we hunt! †. Here we see that he seems manipulative towards the other characters trying to control them into following him as the leader. When the group of boys head up the mountain our perception as to Jack’s cruelty is further developed. This is shown when Jack is seen to â€Å"snatch the glasses from Piggy’s face†; â€Å"His specs- use them as burning glasses†. Golding uses this cruel streak in Jack so the reader feels sympathetic to lesser characters such as Piggy. The deterioration of civilization on the island first begins with the breaking of the conch, in the novel the conch symbolises rules, like a school bell when the noise sounds it enforces a sense of regulation and order. Secondly the fire symbolises a feeling of hope, it is the one thing that could save them and mean rescue. Contrastingly it represents destruction and corruption, it destroys the idyllic feel of the island first presented to us by Golding. Identity is a main theme in both Lord of the flies and Macbeth, Golding uses the technique of theriomorphism to give Jack animalistic qualities. For example Golding says â€Å"he passed his tongue across his dry lips and scanned the uncommunicative forest†conveying Jack as a primitive character. In other words Golding is beginning to show Jack’s impulsive and has a compulsion to kill, giving the reader an impression of his savage streak emerging. He also uses the word â€Å"uncommunicative†which literally is telling the reader the island is abandoned but foreshadows what is to come. This is an effective word choice because it gives an insight to the communication which causes their downfall. Our understanding of what is to come differs from the previous text ‘Coral Island’ the wildness of the surroundings influences changes in characters such as Jack to take natural animalistic instincts; contradicting the theme of ‘happy endings’ as conveyed in Coral Island. A link between both Lord of the Flies and Macbeth is that both involve a sense of changing identity and deterioration of characters. During Elizabethan times when Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, the ‘social-scale’ of class and stature was called the ‘divine right of kings’. External factors of society such as religion and the threat of war makes the actions of a simple Elizabethan wife seem unthinkable. From the beginning of the play onwards, the relationship of Macbeth and his wife is one of equality. Straight away we are aware that Lady Macbeth is highly respected by her husband; â€Å"my dearest partner of greatness†is how he addresses her in the letter. A change of identity is suggested to Macbeth, Lady Macbeth says â€Å"Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower But be the serpent under’t†She is controlling him, telling him to convey a normal front yet be the killer you know you are beneath. Contrastingly Jack uses paint to cover his face in Lord of the Flies, this is a primitive, tribal act in which he can cover his identity and be the hunter he insists upon. As we come to the final scenes of the play, not only can we see a mental deterioration but Shakespeare’s use of iambic pentameter conveying her as physically and mentally disturbed. During such times ‘mental illness’ was not understood and looked upon as being ‘mad’. In act 3 scene 4 she has changed completely, a doctor and gentle-women observe her as she has clearly become mentally out of control. Lady Macbeth even imagines herself with hands covered with blood, there is a stream of guilt as she shows her fragmented speech reflecting her thoughts and soliloquy â€Å"out, damned spot! I say! â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Jollibee †fast food the filipino way (case study) Essay
1. Introduction Strategic management is a comprehensive study of how a firm performs during its course, with regard to its predetermined objectives, how they plan to achieve these objectives, and how much resources are expendable for those objectives. The process to determine the strategic management involves considerations of company’s strategic advantages and matching it with existing conditions in business environments. Gerry Johnson and Kevin Scholes (2001) reveal there are three ‘origins’ of strategic management. In their book, Exploring Strategic Management, they mention that a corporate strategic management could rise from: ? Experience of operating corporation’s daily activities ? Regulated designing steps as mentioned above or, ? Novel and innovative ideas that come form evolutionary and complex understanding of the business environment. Concerning the strategic management, this paper discusses the case on Jollibee Food Corp (Jollibee). The company has worldwide reputation as fast-food provider from Philippines. The interesting part when discussing about Jollibee Food Corp lies on the fact that the company was named to be McDonald’s a huge embarrassment, according to the Economist on its February 2006 issue. Moreover, the discussion will address the potential future strategies for Jollibee Fast Food. The report will highlight a through analysis of the organization under review, together with recommendations for future strategies to secure opportunities, or to defend against threats. Furthermore, the analysis of Jollibee Fast Food will also focus upon applying the theory of strategic management. There are six points of discussion about Jollibee Fast Food; they are systematic process of strategic management and decision making, key strategic problems, key strategic opportunities and threats, value, alternative courses of action, and recommendations as to the company’s future course. 2. Analysis of Jollibee Fast Food 2. 1. Key issues of Systematic Process of Strategic Management and Decision Making The development of business involves a series of suitable decision making that drive a company to achieve a designated position in a particular market or industry. Concerning the decision making nature, I found a brief explanation from a research, where the researchers explains that there is no â€Å"pure†decision merely based on intellectual logic or â€Å"purely†based on emotion (Biology Daily, n. d. ). Their remarks suggest that in every kind of the decision making process, there is an appropriate mixture between emotion and reason of the decision makers. This suggestion is in line with nature of storytelling that also composes of mixture between the two factors. Although decision-making process could not merely depend on rational process, I found that it makes sense to assume that too much emotion may cause a decision to be flawed or vague. Under such circumstances, in order to make a sensible decision we must dispassionately consider evidences we have. The theoretical perspectives in strategic management and decision making, as mentioned above, also happened in the case of Jollibee in which the decision to adopt McDonald’s and U. S. fast food chain and to localize their offerings involves both rational and emotional decision making. 2. 1. 1. â€Å"Copy†Strategy. As mentioned above, strategic management involves three broad activities; they are performs during its course, with regard to its predetermined objectives, how they plan to achieve these objectives, and how much resources are expendable for those objectives. Concerning the Jollibee case, during its first stage, the company asserts that from the start, their objective is to copy existing fast-food business practice in order to avoid reinventing new wheel and take benefits of tested experiences. In order to achieve the objective, Tony, the founder of Jollibee, and his brother went to the U. S in 1978 in order to gain knowledge about running a fast-food business. The main role model for Jollibee is undoubtedly McDonald’s that later becomes the company’s main rival not only in the Philippines market but also overseas. The interesting part of Jollibee action is that the company decides to compete with multinational fast-food chain like McDonald’s and Burger King by adopting the so-called ‘symbol of Filipino Pride’. This strategic management is taken since the company realizes they cannot compete with McDonald’s that have strong financial backup and supply chain. 2. 1. 2. Address Local. Preferences In addition to copy the fast-food practice that McDonald’s and other U. S. fast-food chain, Jollibee also address the local preferences when competing with U. S. fast-food chain in Philippines market. For example, from the start in 1978, Jollibee address the Fillipino habits like eating in groups, each person orders separate dishes. By adopting local preferences, Jollibee has extensive number of menu compared to U. S. fast food that offer limited menu. Moreover, like McDonald’s that has Ronald as the mascot, Jollibee also provides their mascot appeared as ‘a human like bee’ two years after the fast-food chain establishment. The success of Jollibee continues running although McDonald’s entered Philippines in 1981 since the U. S. competitor did not localize their offering and their price was higher by 5 to 10 percent than Jollibee. Moreover, in order to attract and serve Filipino, Jollibee practice the local greeting culture by saying Magandang Umaga Po, the local preferences that McDonald’s and other U. S fast food retailers do not adopt and practice. 2. 1. 3. Market Expansion Another decision that is noteworthy in the case of Jollibee is their globalization strategy. The company’s first overseas outlet was in Brunei in 1987. The decision to expand worldwide was because the company saw opportunities in foreign markets although their market expansion strategy slowed down due to economic recession in 1997. The decision to adopt dual strategy to expand internally (Philippines market) while keeping their eyes open to international market amidst global economic recession highlight that the company employs both rational and emotional decision. The situation occurs since Jollibee believe that the recession would go away while market opportunities would grow at a breakneck speed afterwards. In addition to initial overseas outlet in Brunei, the company immediately presents other overseas outlets in Indonesia, Hong Kong, and the U. S. The decision was based on the fact that the three countries have significant number of Filipino working there. In the U. S. for example, Jollibee first exists in Daly City, California, whwre 25% of the city population was Filipino descent. 2. 2. Key strategic problems and issues which have arisen and why they have arisen Jollibee has a great reputation in managing its outlets throughout Philippine and neighboring countries. In its home markets, Jollibee is practically the leader in the fast-food industry, outperforming McDonalds by far. The company also gained success in foreign Asian markets, especially ones with significant population of Filipino nationals. Nevertheless, the company is currently facing the challenge of maintaining corporate growth and surviving within the increasingly competitive industry and facing various crises. 2. 2. 1. Core Issue The company is currently planning to expand its business to the United States and perhaps even the European countries. Management believes that such undertaking is necessary to ensure growth for corporate international business. However, analysts stated that this undertaking might not be as successful as Jollibee’s management predicted. This is due to the fact that competition in the global fast-food industry is much more intense compare to the Philippine markets and the Asian market. The company will have to face competitors in their homeland, which is a scenario that receives significant critics because Jollibee is known to be profitable because it took advantage of its knowledge and insights of Philippine people’s tastes and preferences. Such advantage will not be present in the US or European market. In short, to successfully perform the internationalization strategy, Jollibee cannot rely on existing strategies. New strategies that appeal to US consumers must first be discovered. This is the main issue faced by the company today. 2. 2. 2. Technical Obstacles Besides this main problem that will obstruct Jollibee’s expansion strategy, there are others. In entering the US markets, Jollibee is also facing technical problems like procuring suitable real-state and designing the right retail format. Because of the different construction style in US and different consumer preferences, management of the company is forced to build outlets which are actually different than their original plan. 2. 2. 3. Attracting New Customers The company is also having problems in attracting customers. The original strategy of the company is to appeal to Filipinos who are working or living within the targeted country. However, the amount of Filipino nationals who live in the United State is far from sufficient to generate Jollibee’s targeted revenue. Management is dealing with this problem by adding new products that suited local customers. Nevertheless, some of these new products are very different than the original offering of Jollibee and Jollibee is inexperienced in providing such products to the market. Furthermore, this strategy threatens to eliminate Jollibee’s original trademark. The company needs to discover a way to increase the appeal of Jollibee’s original offerings to local customers. 2. 3. Attracting Good Employees Besides having trouble getting customers, Jollibee is also having problems attracting good employees to work in its outlets. Being a new brand in the market with no locally reputable achievements, the company is struggling to attract good people to work in the company. The problem deserves quite an attention because the company is also inexperienced in facing this problem. In its previous markets, the company simply has to pick and choose between abundant applicants. The company needs to revaluate its human resource management programs and discover strategies to attract good employees. 2. 4. Key strategic opportunities and threats Strategic management is the art of designing the business to reach the highest possible success level. The core questions addressed by a good strategic management process are: 1. ‘what are our business objectives? ’ 2. ‘how are we going to achieve those objectives? ’ 3. ‘what resources are needed to achieve such objectives? ’. (‘What is’, 2007) In the case of Jollibee, the company already has a good design of vision and mission statement and the values in achieving those objectives. Corporate values include: â€Å"customer firsts†, â€Å"excellence through teamwork†, â€Å"frugality†,†spirit of family and fun†, â€Å"humility to listen and lead†, â€Å"honesty and integrity†. Corporate mission is to â€Å"bring great taste and happiness to everyone†. Corporate vision includes: â€Å"being the most dominant and best-tasting service restaurant†, â€Å"reaching every Filipino†, â€Å"provide great product taste at all times†, etc. The company is planning to achieve this objectives by attaining the 3B, which are†boosting the standards of fast food industry†, â€Å"build brand satisfaction†, and â€Å"broaden the reach to customers†. These statements represent the first component of strategic management. However, Jollibee must work to evaluate the second and third component mentioned above. In facing existing challenges and to achieve corporate objectives, Jollibee must search into its organizations for competitive advantages and develop the valuable edges to help the company gain more share of the market. These advantages must be cross referenced to the conditions in Jollibee’s foreign markets to discover the appropriate corporate strategy to apply in the foreign markets. The core strategic advantages of the company are: †¢ Innovation. In its home market and the market it has been operating in since its inception, the company was known to be highly innovative. The company developed from an ice cream parlor to a chain of the most successful fast-food counters in Philippine. Today, the company has not lost its touch in innovation. New products are developed and designed as the company perform its daily operations and generated new menus and methods of preparing food. †¢ Sensitivity toward all customer segments In my personal opinion, Jollibee is successful because of its main weapon, sensitivity toward customer preferences. The company took notice of the different segments of customers that come into the outlets and find the best possible way to satisfy their needs. Creating a variety of meals instead of the standard and non-variative products which is considered to be the character of fast-food outlets, designing children’s meals, creating a special program to address the take-away segment are just some example of how the company address the needs of its customers †¢ Preserving Quality of Operations The company uses the newest technologies to enhance its operations. The manufacturing process within the outlets is constantly improved by benchmarking programs and adopting new processes and technologies. This should be identified as a weapon of corporate growth and entry into foreign markets. †¢ Good relationship with Franchisers The company treats is partners and franchisers like family in accordance to Philippine customs. Inputs are regarded and the company truly work together with franchisers to develop the quality of outlets’ operations. †¢ Leadership Some analyst believed that most of the current success of the company is the result of one man’s hard work. Without the leadership qualities and the boldness to spot a good strategy and actually go through with the idea, Jollibee would not be what it is today. There is little doubt in stakeholders’ minds that corporate survival and growth for all the years are directly related to Tony’s presence as corporate leader and mentor. Identifying these strengths and cross referencing them to the challenges faced by the company in its internationalization plan, we should be able to conclude the following strategic opportunities: †¢ The company possesses notable chances to succeed in international markets because of its qualities. However, because the international markets have much more intense competitive environment, the company must always try to develop the quality of its operations in all aspects. Preserving the present quality of operations and active innovation, and also enhance them to a new level will allow the company to be among the top players of the international fast-food industry. †¢ Facing new environments, all companies must go through a stage of adaptation. Adoption of local characteristics is generally necessary in order to get the first customers into the outlets. The company, who has a reputation of being innovative and sensitive toward customer preferences, should see this as an opportunity to create new products, new programs, new packages or other new and appealing strategies that will attract customers into Jollibee’s outlets. †¢ In managing the human resource, the company should rely on its proven qualities for leadership and managing good relationship with partners. If the company is having trouble in initially attracting good employees into the outlets, the company should consider using Filipino employees. By training them to meet the highest standard of the industry and giving them the best employment deal in the market, Jollibee will set an example to the general workforce in the market. The present condition of the company however, also has strategic threats that must be paid attention to. Some of them are: †¢ Letting go previous formats and being creative Research indicated that previously successful companies generally have problems adapting to new conditions and developments. This is caused by the illusion that they have discovered the recipe for success and refuse to change along with the environment. Jollibee must educate its managers and employees not to fall into this mind trap and understand the reality that the corporate profit will diminish and corporate existence will be threatened if all components of the organizations failed to change along with the environment. New strategies that will strengthen corporate competitive advantages are required, especially in this internationalization program. †¢ Dependency toward single leadership. In Jollibee, most of the bold and innovative strategies are led by a single leader which is a dangerous culture when the company intends to go international. The principles of globalization stated that business internationalization means that the company also has what it takes to perform localization of business operations. In a localization concept, local leaders must have the authority and freedom to act in response to conditional changes (Beck, 1999). Having privately owned and franchise outlets overseas will make it necessary for delegation of leadership. †¢ Losing corporate characteristics Other strategic threat is losing corporate characteristics and be called a copycat or business imitator. Unlike the previous years of Jollibee when the company must perform serious benchmarking to mimic McDonalds, today the company is recognized for its own brand and characteristic. Corporate strategy must be aimed at increasing the appeal of existing offerings and not blindly mimicking local competitors to gain more customers. Such a plan is not viable in the long term. 2. 5. Value if decisions taken by managers. Jollibee’s success is not without apparent reasons. Management of the company displayed that it has performed its best in all aspects of corporate operations, especially in adhering to customer preferences and maintaining high quality manufacturing processes. In the modernism perspective, Jollibee would be successful in all its business endeavors as long as the company maintains all of the present business credibilities. This is in line with modernism philosophy who believes that human endeavor, logic and technology are the main factors that shape the world (Nichols, 1995). However, reality revealed that the company is not vulnerable from problems and issues, and it must be noted that most of the problems are generated by external factors and not internal. In other words, the company remains credible as it is originated, but the quality of its performance is threatened. This is hardly accord with principles of modernism. On contrary, this is more suitable to the postmodernism perspective. In the postmodern perspective, social, cultural and spiritual factors are significantly influencing occurrences of the world. Postmodernism proponents adopt a more ‘flexible’ or ‘fluid’ view of the world, with appreciation but not worshiping logic and modern technologies (Bertens, 1995). In the light of this discussion between modernism and postmodernism, we discover the reality that the business world is a constantly fluctuating place, where a company might be the indisputable leader today but could be reduced to runner ups the next day. Jollibee is in an important stage of its development, which is expanding to one of the biggest and most challenging markets in the world. This represents the possibility that Jollibee will face more challenges and uncertainties in addition to currently present. In its foreign markets, the company need to reevaluate its operations both internally to refit corporate human resource management and externally to increase the marketing appeal of the company (Castels, 1996). 2. 6. Consideration of alternative courses of action According to case of Jollibee, there are many actions that Jollibee considered to be excellent. However, there are many opportunities for the fast-food chain to improve their service. for instances, concerning the global expansion, currently, the company still believe their recipe to develop the true taste for Filipino since their target customers are Filipino descent. However, since customers in the global markets do not come from Philippines or not wholly Filipino, therefore, the company needs to adopt local taste as well. For instances, when serving American customers, Jollibee needs to incorporate local taste instead of forcing the Filipino taste for American people. 2. 7. Recommendations of Company’s Future In order to provide suitable analysis for a company’s future, we should incorporate suitable business analysis tools so that we can obtain enough information and develop suitable strategy from it. One of business analysis tools that is suitable for Jollibee case is Ansoff Matrix. This analysis tool is basically a marketing tool, publicized by the Harvard Business Review in 1957 (Tutor2U, 2005). The concept elaborates how companies direct their corporate strategy to achieve corporate growth. As each company rely on different competitive advantage for profitability and growth, the Ansoff Matrix simplifies the complicated nature of ‘personal’ corporate competitive advantages by dividing all of them into four large quadrants. In order to alleviate the limitation that the analysis tool has, Bruce D Buskirk, in 1998, add another two quadrants (6 in total) in the Ansoff Matrix. The addition quadrants address the influence of high tech environment in a business (Figure 1). Figure 1 Ansoff Growth Strategy Market (Expanded) Source: Available at http://www.zanthus. com/databank/strategy/business_strategy. asp Concerning the case of Jollibee, the recommendation can be developed into several components as depicted by Ansoff Matrix. But two most important factors for recommendation are Future and New Technology. †¢ Future Concerning product future (product development and diversification), Ansoff matrix suggests that a company needs to promote their product and repositioning the brand. This strategy is the least risky since its does not require massive capitalization to obtain new resources (QucikMBA, 2004). This is important since the positioning of Jollibee is formerly to become the Filipino choice while markets/customers come from diverse culture and nationality. The situation suggests the company need to develop global taste. Remember, McDonald’s success is because they have a wide range of products that address global tastes plus some adjustment to local tastes. †¢ New Technology Considering the benefits of IT for supporting the Jollibee operation, the company needs developing Management Information with following benefits: ? Simplifying the product and the production process? Using customers demands as a guide to enhance products and services ? Reduce cycle time ? Improve quality and precision of products (food and beverage) delivery ? Avoid miscalculation in billing statement To be specific, Jollibee can increase their revenue by simplifying the purchasing process by using corporate e-commerce, for instances, where customers can reserve a place at any Jollibee’s outlets. Similarly, by using e-commerce customer can purchase any Jollibee’s products and have them by home delivery services. The situation highlights that the adoption of technology will give the company with new revenue sources. 3. Conclusion Fast food industry is an interesting business since people need food and therefore the industry grows fast. Concerning issue, this paper discusses the strategic management of Jollibee Food Corp (Jollibee). Moreover, the analysis of Jollibee Fast Food will also focus upon applying the theory of strategic management and address six points; they are systematic process of strategic management and decision making, key strategic problems, key strategic opportunities and threats, value, alternative courses of action, and recommendations as to the company’s future course. Bibliography Beck, U. 1999. ‘What is Globalization’. Cambridge: Polity Press. Bertens, Hans. 1995. ‘The Idea of the Postmodern: A History’. London: Routledge. Biology Daily. Emotion. Retrieved July 3, 2007 from http://www. biologydaily. com/biology/Emotion Castells, M. 1996. ‘The Rise of the Networked Society’. Oxford: Blackwell. Harvey, Neil. Company Strategy. Professional Management Review. Retrieved July 3, 2007 from http://www. pmr. co. za/magazines/January2005/regCompanyStrategy. htm Nicholls, Peter. 1995. ‘Modernisms: A Literary Guide’. Hampshire and London: Macmillan Tutor2U. (2005). Ansoff Product / Market Matrix. Retrieved July 3, 2007 from http://www. tutor2u. net/business/strategy/ansoff_matrix. htm QuickMBA. (2004). Ansoff Matrix. Retrieved July 3, 2007 from http://www. quickmba. com/strategy/matrix/ansoff/ ‘What is Strategic Management? ’. 2007. Allbusiness. Retrieved July 2, 2007. from http://www. allbusiness. com/search.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Countries With Negative Population Growth
Countries With Negative Population Growth Data from the Population Reference Bureau showed in 2006 that there were 20 countries in the world with negative or zero natural population growth expected between 2006 and 2050. What Does Negative Natural Population Growth Mean? This negative or zero natural population growth means that these countries have more deaths than births or an even number of deaths and births; this figure does not include the effects of immigration or emigration. Even including immigration over emigration, only one of the 20 countries (Austria) was expected to grow between 2006 and 2050, though the rush of emigration from wars in the Middle East (especially Syrias civil war) and Africa in the mid-2010s could revise those expectations. The Highest Decreases The country with the highest decrease in the natural birthrate was Ukraine, with a natural decrease of 0.8 percent each year. Ukraine was expected to lose 28 percent of its population between 2006 and 2050 (from 46.8 million to 33.4 million in 2050). Russia and Belarus followed close behind at a 0.6 percent natural decrease, and Russia was expected to lose 22 percent of its population by 2050, which would be a loss of more than 30 million people (from 142.3 million in 2006 to 110.3 million in 2050). Japan was the only non-European country in the list, though China joined it after the list was released and had a lower-than-replacement birthrate in the mid-2010s. Japan has a 0 percent natural birth increase and was expected to lose 21 percent of its population between 2006 and 2050 (shrinking from 127.8 million to a mere 100.6 million in 2050). A List of Countries With Negative Natural Increase Heres the list of the countries that were expected to have a negative natural increase or zero increase in population between 2006 and 2050. Ukraine: 0.8% natural decrease annually; 28% total population decrease by 2050Russia: -0.6%; -22%Belarus: -0.6%; -12%Bulgaria: -0.5%; -34%Latvia: -0.5%; -23%Lithuania: -0.4%; -15%Hungary: -0.3%; -11%Romania: -0.2%; -29%Estonia: -0.2%; -23%Moldova: -0.2%; -21%Croatia: -0.2%; -14%Germany: -0.2%; -9%Czech Republic: -0.1%; -8%Japan: 0%; -21%Poland: 0%; -17%Slovakia: 0%; -12%Austria: 0%; 8% increaseItaly: 0%; -5%Slovenia: 0%; -5%Greece: 0%; -4% In 2017, the Population Reference Bureau released a fact sheet showing that the top five countries expected to lose population between then and 2050 were:China: -44.3%Japan: -24.8%Ukraine: -8.8%Poland: -5.8%Romania: -5.7%Thailand: -3.5%Italy: -3%South Korea: -2.2%
Monday, October 21, 2019
Italian Indefinite Articles - Articoli Indeterminativi
Italian Indefinite Articles - Articoli Indeterminativi The Italian indefinite article (larticolo indeterminativo) corresponds to English a/an and is used with singular nouns. It also corresponds to the number one. INDEFINITE ARTICLES MASCHILE FEMMINILE uno zio (uncle) una zia (aunt) un cugino (cousin, m.) una cugina (cousin, f.) un amico (friend, m.) unamica (friend, f.) Uno is used for masculine words beginning with z or s  consonant; un is used for all other masculine words. Una is used for feminine words beginning with a consonant; un’ is used for feminine words beginning with a vowel. un treno e una biciclettaun aeroplano e un’automobileuno stadio e una stazione How to Use Italian Indefinite Articles​ In Italian, an article is the variable part of discourse that appears before the noun to specify the gender and number of the noun. An adjective can be placed between the article and noun: Il viaggio in Turchia à ¨Ã‚ una buona idea per le prossime vacanze.The trip to Turkey is a good idea for your next vacation. È stato un viaggio molto interessante.It was a very interesting trip. I ragazzi si alzino in piedi, le ragazze restino sedute.The boys stand up, the girls remain seated. Lo sport à ¨Ã‚ unattivit salutare per gli adolescenti.Sport is a healthy pursuit for teenagers. NOTE: The article gives value to the noun and any other part of speech it precedes: Il mangiar troppo non giova alla salute.Overeating is not conducive to ones health. Lo strano della storia à ¨ che nessuno udà ¬ lo sparo.The odd part of the story is that no one heard the shot. Bene, il pià ¹Ã‚ à ¨Ã‚ fatto!Well, the job is done! In Italian, an article can either be a definite article (articolo determinativo), an indefinite article (articolo indeterminativo), or a partitive article (articolo partitivo). Indefinite ArticleIn Italian, the indefinite article is placed before the noun to indicate a generic, uncountable noun. It is also used before the names of professions as well as with common names or surnames to indicate a work of art. In English, indefinite articles correspond to the terms a and an. It has the following forms: MASCULINE (singular): un, unoFEMININE (singular): una, un un is used before a masculine noun that starts with a vowel or consonant: un amicoa friend un giornoone day un tavoloa table NOTE: un is never followed by an apostrophe. uno pressed a word that starts with:  »Ã‚ s impura (s consonant) uno scontrinoa receipt uno specchioa mirror uno svagoa diversion  »Ã‚ y semiconsonantica (semivowel y) uno yogurta yogurt uno yachta yacht  »Ã‚ gn, ps, x, and z uno gnomoa gnome uno psicologoa psychologist uno xenofoboa xenophobic uno zainoa backpack una is used before a feminine word that begins with a consonant: una madrea mother una ziaan aunt un is used before a feminine word that begins with a vowel: unautomobilea car unamicaa friend NOTE: The indefinite article has no plural form; however it can be implied:  »Ã‚ by omitting the article: Leggo giornali.I am reading newspapers. Mangio pere e mele.I am eating pears and apples.  »Ã‚ with the partitive article, with the suggestion of qualche, alcuni, or un po di: Prendo caffà ¨ e dei biscotti.Im having coffee and biscuits. Vorrei comprare dei libri.I would like to buy books.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Types of Superfluous Use of Semicolons
3 Types of Superfluous Use of Semicolons 3 Types of Superfluous Use of Semicolons 3 Types of Superfluous Use of Semicolons By Mark Nichol Proper use of semicolons is sometimes seen as such a challenge that some teachers of composition recommend not using them until one develops a more sophisticated grasp of language, which is akin to saying one should hold off on learning the more complicated letters of the alphabet until one is ready for them. The following examples, however, point out that some writers need to study the functions of the punctuation mark. 1. Banks must keep pace with rapidly developing technologies; and this requires organizations to transform how they develop new apps and software. One of the functions of the semicolon is to separate independent clauses that are closely associated in cases in which the strength of the period is not necessary. In this case, a simple comma, teaming up with a conjunction, suffices to distinguish the two clauses: â€Å"Banks must keep pace with rapidly developing technologies, and this requires organizations to transform how they develop new apps and software.†(A semicolon should not precede a conjunction unless the punctuation mark and the word are part of a complex list structured something like â€Å"a, b, and c; d, e, and f; and g, h, and i.) 2. It is one thing to determine that a hundred million dollars in synergies can be achieved; it is another matter to actually achieve those savings; and still another matter for the savings to be reflected in the financial statements. The first semicolon in this sentence is used correctly, but the second one is not; the phrase beginning with and should be part of the second independent clause (the one beginning â€Å"it is another matter†): â€Å"It is one thing to determine that a hundred million dollars in synergies can be achieved; it is another matter to actually achieve those savings and still another matter for the savings to be reflected in the financial statements.†Alternatively, the final point can be bolstered with its own pronoun and verb and set off as one of three sentence segments separated by commas: â€Å"It is one thing to determine that a hundred million dollars in synergies can be achieved, it is another matter to actually achieve those savings, and it is still another matter for the savings to be reflected in the financial statements.†3. They must continuously direct scarce resources to sustain vital government activities and services; they must manage their operations in the face of constantly changing circumstances; and they must provide assurance to various stakeholders that they can protect and enhance their organizations. Here, three phrases are separated as if they are independent clauses. It is true that the three phrases can stand on their own as such, but they are also serviceable as simple list items, as shown here: â€Å"They must continuously direct scarce resources to sustain vital government activities and services, they must manage their operations in the face of constantly changing circumstances, and they must provide assurance to various stakeholders that they can protect and enhance their organizations.†(Semicolons are necessary in place of the commas only if one or more of the phrases itself uses punctuation to separate items in a list.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating ConjunctionsWhenever vs. When Ever3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Diabetes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Diabetes - Research Paper Example Based on the level of insulin secreted, diabetes is classified under three types: 1. Type 1 diabetes, which is present from childhood, in which the body secretes little or no insulin. This is also referred to as insulin dependent diabetes and genetics, viruses or autoimmune problems with the islet cells have been proposed as major causes for this type of diabetes. 2. The type 2 diabetes is a more common form of the disease which manifests only in adulthood when the islet cells begin to secrete less amounts of insulin or the body does not respond well to the secreted insulin. Increasing lifestyle changes such as lack of body exercise and food habits have been considered to be the major causative factors along with a genetic predisposition to the disease. 3. The third and an increasing occurring type is gestational diabetes wherein the mother develops the type 2 form of the disease during pregnancy which increases the risk for both the mother and the developing infant. (Diabetes, 2010) Genetic factors In the case of type 1 diabetes, which is present from childhood, studies have shown that more than 20 regions of the genome might be responsible for genetic susceptibility to the disease. Increased risk to the disease has been found to be associated with the genes present in the HLA region of chromosome 6 which includes HLA-DR, DQ, and DP. The various haplotypes of these genes are associated with increased risk for the disease in various populations and the presence of two such haplotypes together further compounds the risk for the disease. In addition, the presence of variants of the INS (insulin) gene located in chromosome 11, also predisposes the individual for the disease. Another gene that have been associated with the disease include variants of the CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated 4) gene which is located on chromosome 2. The genes associated with type 2 diabetes are those which are involved in pancreatic beta-cell function, insulin action, metabolis m of glucose and other conditions such as lipid metabolism and energy uptake and release. Some of the candidate genes for the disease include PPAR?, ABCC8, KCNJ11, and CALPN10. In the case of maturity-onset diabetes of the young, which is the type 2 form of the disease that occurs before 25 years of age, is linked to mutations that occur in at least 6 genes which are associates with beta cell function as all the genes are expressed within the islet cells of the pancreas (Genetics and Diabetes, n.d). Psychological aspects of the disease The initial response of the individual to the disease is associated with shock and anger as it is a lifelong condition and demands a lot of restrictions and a strict life style for controlling the disease. Beginning with food restrictions and following a routine of walking and exercise, the condition also requires continuous follow-ups and is also interlinked with various other illnesses. The long term nature of the disease has also been linked to dev elopment of anxiety and depression which in turn depend on their ability to cope with the limitations imposed by the disease. Such individuals also often feel isolated and dependent on people for their daily activities, which would be more obvious in case of children (Chandra, 1997). Medical and psychological interventions The presence of diabetes needs to be confirmed through proper diagnostic and screening procedures. Diagnostic tests are taken
Treatment Plan for Severe Heart Failure and Diabetes Research Paper
Treatment Plan for Severe Heart Failure and Diabetes - Research Paper Example It is imperative for him to take his situation seriously and consult with his physician on a regular basis, so that, if his health condition worsens, then it can be treated timely. This problem of breathlessness could also be early symptom of lung cancer, due to this possibility; Herbert’s complete physical is strongly recommended that will help in diagnosing any subtle diseases prevailing in his body. Government should also play its due role in saving this man’s life, because he is not in a good financial position, so it is the duty of federal agencies to pay his medical dues. In many cases breathlessness and hypertension are directly responsible for heart failure (Lavine & Gellman, 2002). In the light of this observation, the role of nursing and other medical staff becomes significant in saving the life of a patient. Healthy lifestyle with mild level of exercise, minimize the breathlessness, as respiratory system has to inhale sufficient amount of air to compensate fo r fatigue, in this way it starts working properly. On the other side it also causes an individual’s appetite to normalize (Nodari, Metra, Cas, & Cas, 2003). At the same time, formalized group discussion panel containing professional doctors, was unable to develop a more effective and efficient way for the treatment breathlessness and appetite disorder, in comparison with existing ones (Kasje, Denig, Stewart, Graeff, & Haaijer-Ruskamp, 2012). A revolutionary finding is being highlighted by Mangiavacchi & et al, (2008), which points out towards the increased death rate, due to heart failure, in those diabetics who were suffering from respiratory issues, and were treated by insulin, thus concluding in the favor of non-usage of insulin on diabetic heart patients. At the same time, Metformin is recommended for the treatment of diabetes in heart patients with breathlessness (Eurich & etal, 2009). Breathlessness is caused by a malfunctioning part of a respiratory system, starting fr om nose to lungs (Bennett, 2003). On the other hand, this situation can be caused by blockage of air passages of nose, thus limiting the airflow to the lungs A problem in human’s circulatory system can also cause an individual to feel breathless, because with the sufficient amount of oxygen reaching to the cells of the body. The nerves system, therefore attempts to compensate for oxygen deficiency (Bennett, 2003). By pushing respiratory rate to a higher level, as a consequence patient feels breathless. It is believed that an early detection of breathlessness and appetite loss in elder people could be helpful in treating the disease (Boonman-de Winter & etal, 2009). In the case study Mr. Herbert has been diagnosed, with breathlessness earlier, so it will be relatively simple to devise a healthcare plan for him. Along with this, his caring attitude regarding his health is commendable. Metaformin treatment is suggested for Herbert, because it does not endanger the life of a card iac patient with breathing disorder, unlike insulin (Andersson & etal, 2010). Along with the medication, proper, light and routine exercise is also prescribed for the patient under study. However, relax home environment is critical for the health of the patient. According to the findings of a preliminary study, breathlessness could
Friday, October 18, 2019
Batian Food and Wine Festival Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Batian Food and Wine Festival - Case Study Example In total the event attracted over 50,000 participants. The festival had been so well managed by the use of the SWOT analysis, HR management, financial management, marketing and promotion, sponsorship, and risk management. Good organization and management were the key pillars that led to the success of the festival. Batian food and wine festival is one of the most tremendous festivals have ever experienced. The festival involved a three day event in which there were various presentations of traditional food recipes and wines. Some of the events included brilliant musical productions, theater, gospel music's, historic presentations, wine and food presentations/techniques which were presented to the guests who had been welcomed to witness this gratifying event. The festival began with a traditional wine tasting competition which was aimed at sampling the best wine presented in the festival. This was done by professional wine tasters. The festival brought together different communities from different parts of the world. There were wine tasters from each community. The main theme of the festival was to educate people on the various traditional techniques which are used to prepare foods and wines and hence increase their knowledge on food and wine. One of the key entry criteria for the event was that each community that participated had to present a unique type of food and wine and their production technique. One each day of the event there were different activity that was performed. For the first day, there was wine sampling and tasting. Then on the second day, there was sampling of food and their recipes. On the third day, the finals were held and judgment delivered. (Abel, 2000). January 25th 2005 This was the first day of the festival. Since all the entries had been made earlier, there was no issue of registration on the first day. There was exclusive wine sampling and tasting along the beach. All the participants aligned their wine in shades and the tasters who were about 50 went from shade to shade. The day one event started at 6:30 PM and continued till late at night. After the tasters had visited all the shades, the participants were then allowed to try their buds on different sampled wines since they had a chance to vote for the best wine also. There were more than 83 wine varieties which were presented in the festival. There were traditional dances to spice up the festival. At the end of the day, every one seemed a bit tipsy. Every one was jovial while the paned of wine tasters confined themselves in a closed room where they were making their deliberations. The results were not released on that day since they had to wait for the results of the voting from the participants as well (Abraham, 2000). January 26th 2005 The event started at 8:00 Am but this was abit different from the day one event. This was a chance for the best chefs from the communities to test one another. It was during this day when so many levels of competitions were presented on the types of cooks and wines which these professional could make. It was also during this day when all those professional chefs had been invited for the festival so that they could try and compete at their many levels of cooking (Abraham, 2000). The chefs lined up with recipes in shades. Food competitions were organized in modern
Terrorist Group Profile and Homeland Security Policy Term Paper
Terrorist Group Profile and Homeland Security Policy - Term Paper Example Following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the United States under the Bush Administration launched an attack on the stronghold of the Taliban Militia in Afghanistan because they were harboring the Al-Qaeda who were found to have been the mastermind of the terrorist attacks that occurred on American soil in September 11, 2001 (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011). The United State’s invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 led to the defeat of the Taliban forces; and Al-Qaeda lost its primary training camps for would be terrorists. The destruction of the Al-Qaeda’s main training ground however did not prevent the group from making other numerous attacks against the United States, its personnel (civilian and military), and its allies from different parts of the world. The reason behind this is that Al-Qaeda has other cells or hidden bases in other countries that its members can use to communicate with the leaders of the group. Asi de from this, it has forged alliances with other extremist groups in the world, hence establishing its roots locally without the need for the leaders like Osama gin Laden to be personally present within a given place or country that is targeted for an attack (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011). Al-Qaeda’s Ideology The ideology of the Al-Qaeda group in the beginning is mainly based in the performance of the jihad, where all Muslims are called forth to destroy and kill American servicemen and civilians including their allies who are located in Muslim countries especially Saudi Arabia. Since Al-Qaeda considers the United States and its allies evil, it is their belief that they must find ways and means to make â€Å"jihad†or perform a struggles against the so called evil forces of the West... Terrorist Group Profile and Homeland Security Policy The policies that will be discussed here are solely based on the written directives and guidelines built by the National Homeland Security Department, which will serve as the basis on how the United States will make means and ways to counter potential terrorist attacks to keep the nation safe. The first part of this paper will talk about the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. The discussion will give enlightenment as to how the group evolved after the Afghan War. The group’s ideology, tactics, targets and capability will likewise be pointed out. The second part of the paper will talk about the National Homeland Security policies in relation to terrorism. The policies will initially be introduced and will be evaluated against the data or information gathered about Al-Qaeda in the conclusion. Compared to other terrorist groups, Al-Qaeda fares better in terms of member support that does not only stem from the countries of each leaders and strategists. It is a well-footed radical organization, which proved to be able to render massive destruction that does not only cripple the economy of a country but puts fear in the heart of its citizens. Although Al-Qaeda is currently considered to be quite unbreakable due in part to its cells in other countries worldwide, the implementation of the Department of Homeland Security’s policy on general aviation security and the policy on proper information sharing can hinder the repeat of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Defining concept of design thinking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Defining concept of design thinking - Assignment Example 1). It permits people who are not trained as designers as well to utilise creative tools in order to cope with the fast range of growing challenges. Design thinking is basically a human process, which taps into people’s skills, but it is normally ignored by more traditional problem-solving method (Hunter 2015, p. 1). Design thinking depends on people’s ability to be intuitive, identify patterns, develop ideas, which are meaningful and functional, and communicate well through methods past symbols and words. No one wants to run a company of intuition, feelings and inspiration, but an over-dependence on the analytical and rational can be just as dangerous (Polsani 2010, p. 1). This is where design thinking comes in – to offer an integrated third way (Hunter 2015, p. 1). Keeping in line with that, this paper will complete a thoroughly researched essay that defines the concept of design thinking. It will explain how each and every example is linked in some way and als o discuss examples of design thinking in a real business world. Today’s organisations go through multifaceted problems and issues, which are basically part of more and more complex business models. Constant expansions of worldwide transactions, supported through partnerships, which can span huegeecosystems, create both unique challenges and unique opportunities for businesses and organisations (Polsani 2010, p. 1). The process of design thinking is best considered as a system of overlapping spaces instead of a chain of orderly steps. There are three key spaces to bear in kind including ideation, inspiration and implementation (Hunter 2015, p. 1). Inspiration is the opportunity or problem, which motivates people to look for answers or solutions. Ideation, on the other hand, refers to the process of collecting, developing and analysing ideas. And, finally, implementation is the route that leads from the
Military Coups and Public Satisfaction Research Paper
Military Coups and Public Satisfaction - Research Paper Example Military coups were a common occurrence all over the world especially in the1930's till 1990's (Ken and David 8). This was the most common form of change in regime. Some of the military coups were successful while others were not. Some were led by the military while others were initiated by civilians. Most of the past military coups were bloody and resulted to loss of lives. Only a limited number of them were bloodless. Today, most military coups are bloodless as they are well executed. History has it that earlier military coups were as a result of power. Those who led the violent attacks were mainly focused on gaining control and power (authority) of the nation. This is why most of the military coups then were bloody and resulted to lose of life. The focus of the military coups has changed today. Due to human civilization and development, military coups today are mainly driven by the need to improve the livelihood of people. The usurpers do so not for personal gain, but for the benefit of many. The purpose of this case study is to look at the public opinion after military coups. Public opinion involves the citizens' acceptance or rejection of the new regime. It may also include passive or active participant in the affairs of the new regime. It should be noted at some point in the lives of citizens of a nation... 3. The public will openly accept the new regimes after the military coup. It should be noted at some point in the lives of citizens of a nation they feel like their leaders are not considerate of their basic needs. This case study will try and express such disparities and how the occurrence of a military coup may be a blessing to citizens of a nation. Although some military coups have negative short term effects, the long term effects are beneficial and may overwrite these negative ones. To properly understand this case study, a theoretical framework will be advanced in form of a graph as below: Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Figure 1 In the first phase, it is assumed the nation has just participated in democratic elections. As a result of the elections, they got a new government. The new regime performs well until phase two when its performance stagnates. Due to bad governance and corruption, the performance of government stars to depreciate as shown in phase three. The depreciation continues till the ation reaches where it was before it got the new gorverment.Phase four is the initiation of a military coup. The main reason for the given by the ursurpers will be widespread corrution and bad governance. All though the military coup is meant to rectify the situation, it ennds up making the situation a little bit bad as shown in phase four. Phase five depicts the nation is now trying to overcome the effects of the military coup. Literature review Ken and David define a coup is the unexpected and unlawful deposition of a regime, usually done by a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Defining concept of design thinking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Defining concept of design thinking - Assignment Example 1). It permits people who are not trained as designers as well to utilise creative tools in order to cope with the fast range of growing challenges. Design thinking is basically a human process, which taps into people’s skills, but it is normally ignored by more traditional problem-solving method (Hunter 2015, p. 1). Design thinking depends on people’s ability to be intuitive, identify patterns, develop ideas, which are meaningful and functional, and communicate well through methods past symbols and words. No one wants to run a company of intuition, feelings and inspiration, but an over-dependence on the analytical and rational can be just as dangerous (Polsani 2010, p. 1). This is where design thinking comes in – to offer an integrated third way (Hunter 2015, p. 1). Keeping in line with that, this paper will complete a thoroughly researched essay that defines the concept of design thinking. It will explain how each and every example is linked in some way and als o discuss examples of design thinking in a real business world. Today’s organisations go through multifaceted problems and issues, which are basically part of more and more complex business models. Constant expansions of worldwide transactions, supported through partnerships, which can span huegeecosystems, create both unique challenges and unique opportunities for businesses and organisations (Polsani 2010, p. 1). The process of design thinking is best considered as a system of overlapping spaces instead of a chain of orderly steps. There are three key spaces to bear in kind including ideation, inspiration and implementation (Hunter 2015, p. 1). Inspiration is the opportunity or problem, which motivates people to look for answers or solutions. Ideation, on the other hand, refers to the process of collecting, developing and analysing ideas. And, finally, implementation is the route that leads from the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Critical analisis essay. SPANISH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Critical analisis . SPANISH - Essay Example Uno de los elementos claves que ayudan en la puesta en practica de este sistema de control es la existencia de una figura de poder, cuya identidad es de poca importancia, asi como tambien la existencia de una red de personas, cuya identidad tambien es intrascendente, que ayudan en el ejercicio del poder. De hecho en la historia la mancha indeleble el personaje principal solo puede escuchar una voz, dicha voz es incorporea y, segun el personaje principal, no podia relacionarse con un ser de carne y hueso: La voz llenaba todo el salon y resonaba entre las paredes†¦Yo no podia saber de donde salia. Tenia la impresion de que todo lo que veia estaba hablando a un tiempo: el piso de marmol negro y blanco, la alfombra roja que iba de la escalinata a la gran mesa del recibidor, y la alfombra similar que cruzaba a todo lo largo por el centro; las grandes columnas, las cornisas de cubos dorados, las dos lamparas de cristal de Bohemia (Bosch 1). Este extracto nos hace pensar que ni el gene ro, ni la posicion social, ni la profesion de dicha figura son de consecuencia. Lo que si es fundamental es que la figura no pueda ser vista por los individuos que son vigilados. Asi como tambien que el individuo crea que el sistema disciplinario, cuyo representante en la historia de Bosch es la voz incorporea, tenga un alcance total. Como ya se ha mencionado, esta figura de poder no es la unica persona en todo el sistema. Tambien hay otras personas que ejercen diferentes funciones dentro de este sistema de control. Cada individuo tiene un papel que jugar y es, a su vez, supervisado por alguien de mayor jerarquia. En Pormenores de una servidumbre de Pedro Peix, el Benefactor claramente representa la figura de poder, pero durante todo el relato hay personas, cuya identidad tambien ignoramos, encargadas de realizar los trabajos sucios. Hay personas encargadas de grabar las sesiones amorosas de la esposa del personaje principal con otros hombres, hay personas que encargadas de seducir a la hija del personaje principal, hay personas encargadas de contratar la banda y las prostitutas que se apostaron en frente de la casa del personaje principal. Y, tambien, esta la persona encargada de hacer las llamadas telefonicas que el personaje principal recibia (Cespedes). Esta claro que este sistema es extenso en su practica y que abarca todas las areas de la vida cotidiana del individuo, incluso las areas mas intimas y los detalles mas pequenos no estan fuera del alcance de este regimen. En el relato de Bosch una voz incorporea le pide al personaje principal que remueva su cabeza pues ya no la necesitaria. Y el personaje principal le indica que no puede despojarse de su cabeza tan facilmente: Deme un tiempo para pensarlo. Comprenda que ella esta llena de mis ideas, de mis recuerdos. Es el resumen de mi propia vida. Ademas, si me quedo sin ella, ?con que voy a pensar? (Bosch 2). Sin darle mucha importancia la voz le contesta que ya no la necesitaba pues ellos (los miembros d e este sistema disciplinario) pensarian por el y que sus recuerdos eran innecesarios. Un sistema como este, que no tiene ningun reparo en declarar que las ideas, las emociones y
Monday, October 14, 2019
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay Example for Free
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay The six psychological approaches are biological, learning or behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, psychodynamic, and humanistic. Each approach is unique in its own way and used by psychiatrists to diagnose the problem. A biological approach is applied when the there is a known medical condition. The medical condition normally connects to mental health, and the solution comes from therapy. This particular approach looks at the whole body. The learning or behavioral approach is all about analyzing the person’s the behavior and modifying their behavior biased on their response to the environment. This approach works from positive and negatives items in their environment, and is sometimes cured by brings these elements in and out of their life to fix the problem. The events in the environment can be rewards or punishments that will influence the patients behavior. The cognitive perspective is about understand a patients thinking and understanding. How we process, store, and retrieve information influences our behavior. It is said that all problems are located in the brain, and using this perspective you can find a medical issue that is affecting how the brain is working. The sociocultural approach is when the mental health has something to do with the environment that deals with growth. The culture in which the patient is a large factor. In a psychodynamic approach an individual’s problem is inside the unconscious mind. This can be from a dramatic event that happened earlier in their life. Sometimes the cure can be from the patient themselves accepting the fact, or acknowledging that they have a problem. The final approach is a humanistic approach. This is about individual or self directed choices that influence behavior. This approach deals with the physical health of a patient to eventually cure their mental health. There is a well known philosophy that a healthy mind equals a healthy body. In this approach, a psychologist will control the patients diet and exercise to regain their mental health. The hospital used many methods on the mentally ill patients. They had group counseling scheduled every day where Mrs. Ratchet interrogated the patients and made them feel uncomfortable. The hospital also had electric shock therapy and lobotomy as other treatment methods. Also, the hospital gave the patients medicine, this is a biological approach, even though it was given to these people unwillingly. Mrs. Ratchet also allowed McMurphy to receive a vote in order to watch the ball game and she bended the rules or was too strict in order to win her position. This is a behavioral approach because McMurphy watched the baseball probably in his normal environment at home. She teased him with the thought of watching the game as a reward, then took it away. McMurphy had behavioral or learning approach. He would congratulate people when they did things he thought were good and he would yell at them when he thought they did something bad. For example, when McMurphy taught Chief how to shoot a basketball, he cheered after every point he made. The other patients looked up to and really admired McMurphy, which put him in a very powerful position. He had a strong effect on the other patients and they really admired him. Chief Bromden’s recovery began when McMurphy came to the hospital and started talking to him and making him do tasks. McMurphy worked on chief to see if he was smart enough to complete simple tasks. The first step was him raising his hands above his head at the basketball court, which was the first movement he had done in his whole time being there. Before chief wouldn’t handle directions from others very well. His next step was raising his hand to vote on watching the baseball game, which McMurphy also encouraged greatly. Later, McMurphy rounded up the patients to play some basketball. McMurphy passed the ball to Chief and he shot it, which was followed by him beginning to follow orders and run up and down the court. The final step was when McMurphy gave him the gum before Electroshock Therapy and the Chief spoke fo r the first time at the clinic. After this, chief revealed his intelligence to McMurphy. Ken Kesey was always very interested, and was very talented with the subject of psychology. In 1959 he volunteer to take part in a study named Project mkultra , this was a CIA funded project dealing with psychoactive drugs. Some of the drugs included were LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, AMT, and DMT. This and his work at the state veterans hospital, which gave him access to LSD, inspired him to write One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. At the state veterans hospital, Kesey spent a lot of time talking to the patients. sometimes under the influence of the hallucinogenic drugs with which he had volunteered to experiment. Kesey did not believe that these patients were insane. Kesey believed that society had pushed them out because they did not fit in the the culture, and that they just wanted a place to keep all the mentally ill. I think that Kesey was trying to convey to people at mentally ill hospitals were treated in a bad manner. He tried to show people that the mentally ill were probably sheltered away from everybody just because they were different. The hospital portrayed in the film didn’t seem to help the patients out or want them to recover and go home. They seemed to have no rights. These patients adjusted to this lifestyle and didn’t want to leave, that is a problem when the assumed goal was to improve these people’s problems. The rewards from good behavior seemed nonexistent and He also wanted to show how cruel the punishments were in the hospital. Psychedelic 60s: Ken Kesey the Merry Pranksters. Psychedelic 60s: Ken Kesey the Merry Pranksters. University of Virginia / Charlottesville, Virginia, 16 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Sept. 2012. . I really enjoyed One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I thought the movie was genius. There were parts of humor, and it kept you interested and wondering so many things. I enjoyed that there were many main plots and side plots, like the hospital verses the patients, or the patients versus their own recovery. McMurphy was a very mysterious character, because he was crazy, and nobody could figure out if there was anything wrong with him. I though that putting him in that section of the hospital was a mistake, because he is so manipulative and high functioning that he abused all the hospital’s loop-holes. At the same time he was very good for the patients. I also enjoyed the character and all their different problems and personality differences. I enjoyed watching how Billy and the Chief progressed mentally throughout the film. I also love the thought of people breaking structure, and that is what McMurphy definitely succeeded in. This movie very closely related to psychology, because it directly dealt with people who were mentally ill. Also psychology was involved when McMurphy used his genius mind to go against the hospital in various ways. Thinking of these schemes uses a large amount of psychology. Even for the viewers, the movie left you deep in thought, with predicting and questioning what is going to happen next. This movie made you think deeply making this a very psychological movie.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Organisational Equality and Diversity: MÄÂori and Non-MÄÂori
Organisational Equality and Diversity: MÄ ori and Non-MÄ ori Lonita M. Tejano INTRODUCTION According to Lis Ellison-Loschmann (April 2006), outlined the benefits of health care status of the native peoples worldwide relevant to the underlying historical, socio-economic and political processes. The Maoris and non-Maoris health care status in the time of colonization by the British in New Zealand. The differences involve a variety factors in terms of accessibility of health care and racism. Improvement to the access to care is critical to address health disparities and increased information of Maoris and non-Maoris in terms of primary and secondary health care services. Alternatively according to the recent study Lis Ellison- Loschmann (April 2006) they use 2 principles on how Maori people improved their health care services seeking to improve health and quality of life for Maoris. According to Ramsden (1997), health status of indigenous peoples a variety factors that effect of historical, political, and social characteristics of environments their relation with the nonindig enous populations of the countries they lived. They direct on the health concepts of this common society in the effects on Maori health care services assemble in regard to their attitudes toward and social life of non-Maori population. Based on Lis Ellison-Loschmann (2006 April) outlined the benefits of life expectancy in New Zealand in this two group of people. They have a big impact in health care promoting and minimizing the indifferences that has been observed and seen by the researchers lately. According to Lis Ellison- Loschmann (2006 April) observed that Maori health in the country of New Zealand’s during the British colonization can give information in health status between the Maori ad non-Maori indifference. The government play the important role to access health care facility. The government provide two possible principle on how to promote the quality and easy way to access health care for the indigenous people firstly, how to develop the health care principle to the services secondly, and initiation of cultural safety education. BODY In a recent study, King (2003) showed that the Treaty of Waitangi and settlement that the Maoris in Aotearoa from the Pacific about 1000 years ago. According to Pool (1991) informing maybe a hundred of indigenous people arrived in New Zealand on the period of time some stories said that subsequent settlement patterns and become larger population from different version of information like verbal information and demographics recording. The expedition of James cook’s in 1769 the first encounter recorded to the Maori people and European settlers to New Zealand. Meanwhile, during the signing of Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 there was a written agreement between the Maori people protection of interest for the invaders and British settlements and they gather together with some of the Maori chiefs and representative of British crown. In this time there was 80 000 Maori population and 2000 settlers. After the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi a huge group of British immigrant and Maori population become decreased and settlers doubled the population. In 1901 New Zealand population significantly reduced to 770 313 settlers whereas the Maoris by 16.5:1.3. Based on Purie (1998) indicated that the British settlers introducing to the Maori people like the infectious diseases and the usage of guns there is major impact to mortality rates to Maoris population. Furthermore, historically the socioeconomic of Maori mortality rate after invading New Zealand the most important thing the Maoris’ loss of land, mortality rate increased from the disease to the extent among those indigenous peoples who wanted to keep their lands. By this time there was a big changes to their economic status like food supplies, and social networking as a whole country. According to Purie(1998) observed that from the land confiscation from the Maori population there was a huge impact of the legislation law like the Maori rights not used language in school as Maori which lead to disparities to health in Maori society. Based to Te Ropu Rangahau a Euro Pomare (2000) found that it has been argument that has been continued a differences in indigenous and non-Maori i n health care sectors and rights of indigenous community not being treated and protected by the said treaty of social, cultural, economic, and political factors cannot be noticed in terms contributory to their health care status as a whole. However, the Maori self-determinant to seek help for health. Based on Pool (1991) in addition to that, Maori health status in New Zealand the government started implementing health care services to Maori community provide services like health promotion programs, health inspectors to work and help gradually to the economy recovery. At this time decreases in mortality rate due to implementation of national health care scheme and community welfare system by the given year 1938 through the treatment methods. Maori community lived in rural areas then they moved to urban for employment opportunities in these areas subsequently led to big population to urban migration. According to Pool (1991) indicated that significantly changes in this country’s economy from their usual way of life like cultivating lands to producing manufactured goods. Due to According to Kunitz (1994) life span significantly increased among native groups of people in this country and western world including neighboring country like Australia, whole part of Unites States of America and Canada on this given time. In comparison of the nonindigenous populations of these countries. During this period of time population become reduced due to diseases like respiratory from the changing of weather, tuberculosis and hepatitis, heart diseases due sedentary lifestyles and diabetes, different types of cancer and accident like vehicular injuries due to reckless driving much higher among Maoris than non-Maoris. A recent study (Ajwani, Blakely, Robson, Tobias Bonne, 2003) mortality rates decreased as a period of time, in regard to the differences between the two groups of people in New Zealand still the same. Based on Te Ropu Rangahau Hanuora (2000) an explanations for health disparities are numbered and said not being equal in terms of health among the two groups of people in New Zealand some said that inequalities is that genetic underlying factors influenced. Nevertheless, not significantly to race and ethnic group that genetic factors about 85%. There are factors contributed to the disparities between Maori and non-Maori like lifestyle in each individual group, the socioeconomic like not having a good job and proper place to live and easy access to health care facility and racism. The explanations are not significant but it is useful to consider them as a precipitating factors that influenced that they linked together. The first studies to help to determine the significant role of socio-economic factors and health status in two group of people there was a research about the mortality rate in men at aged of 15-64 years. Based on Sporle, Pearce, Davis (2002) found that in the most recent years researchers said that Maori men doubled the figure unlikely to non-Maori men at the very young age maybe due to socioeconomic status as a whole and ethnical social community differs the mortality rate among this group of men. A good example the level assessments of socioeconomic deprivation by the usage of census data by the New Zealand deprivation Index. Russell, Parnell, Wilson (1999) found that smoking is a lifestyle factors that can lead to socioeconomic influence to health status. Furthermore, give more importance to consider the difference between Maori and non-Maori in their own lifestyles. The latest survey by the national said that Maori smoke tobacco is higher rate than non-Maoris (53% vs. 20%).Maori men and women are obese and they have some diseases like hypertension due to sedentary lifestyles. According to Lurie (2004) observed that the access to health care is very important role to decrease mortality rate of Maori the root of this ailments promoting effective health care accessible to this group of people. In this idea access to health has been described in terms of both â€Å"access to†and â€Å"access through†health care principles making a quality of health care services that being taken by. United States of America developed a framework for measuring disparities to access health care need of people and promoting quality of service that will includes broader environmental and societal factors example is racism that can effect to access to health care needs. A recent study (Sporle et al., 1991) found that in past 20 years being discriminated and racist is very alarming in health care settings tendency minority people will not seek health care services in the primary health care facility . The Maori Asthma reported that those educated and an educated health care workers to the illness contributed to the Maori people reluctant to seek medical care for their illness until if necessary. According to Krieger (2003) observed that Maori has bad experience first encounters with health care professionals and disempowerment like to access the checking blood sugar to distinguish diabetes diseases. According to Matherson (1992) in addition, to change in health environment to New Zealand’s country the government formulated in 1930s to provide free medical care given by working medical professionals. Thus, health care system specified subsidiary to a government facility services with a secondary care controlled funding whilst in primary care funded by individual doctors. However, Maori initiates concerned on how to promote health care access to their peoples firstly, to provide Maori health care services secondly, the development of cultural safety education. The Maori health care provider’s initiative beyond the services implemented. When the time which being implemented there was a problem with budget of the government funding. In 1991 health reforms being implemented to the development of Maori health care services provider. Blaiklock AJ., Ciro A., Davenfort E., Hassal IB.,Low W., they make reforms of health care and social services that can give more gap in ineq uality as a result of self-determination regarding to education, employment of the individual, types of housing and health status. In addition to that health reforms for Maori effect to health especially the children. According to Ramsden (2002) observed that cultural safety education is playing a golden role of Maoris health care services improvement like cultural safety being implemented to protect the health care professionals and evaluate the relationship between Maori community. Nursing and Midwifery body required Nurses and midwifery to take the registration examination in New Zealand. International Council of Nurses implemented the guidelines for cultural safety for nursing student and to practice all in 118 councils. CONCLUSION Therefore I conclude, disparities in health care status between Maoris and non-Maoris contributed most likely in British colonization in New Zealand. For the past 140 years ago there was an improvement as evidenced by the overall gap in life span between the two groups of people in New Zealand. Even though their differences include the variety influences in regard to socioeconomic and lifestyle factors and discrimination to seek health care delivery system. Maori society implement to improve health care access and have two principles to help between the development of Maori provider services and encouragement of the service through cultural safety education for the health care provider. It started with the people in the community how the response to the purpose like for instance the self-determinant of Maori community in health care services and to evaluate how to improve the health care services. The government of New Zealand provide organizations and cultural safety education an examples to initiates in the government policies that have been shown either for promotion or prevention to health status of indigenous peoples. REFERENCES Ajwani S, Blakely T, Robson B. Tobias M, Bonne M. Decades of Disparity: Ethnic Mortality Trends in New Zealand 1980-1999. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health; 2003. Blaiklock AJ, Ciro CA, Belgrave M. Low W, Davenport E, Hassall IB. When the Invisible Hand Books the Cradle: New Zealand Children in a Time of change. Florence, Italy: Innocenti, Research Centre; 2002. Working Paper 93. King M. The Penguin History of New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: Penguin Books: 2003. Krieger N. Does racism harm health? Did child abuse exist before 1962? On explicit questions, critical science, and current controversies: an Eco social perspective. Am J Public Health. 2003; 93: 194-199. (PMC free article) (PubMed). Kuritz S J. Disease and Social Diversity: The European Impact on the Health of Non- Europeans. New York, NY: Oxford University Press Inc.; 1994. Lis Ellison- Loschmann, and Neil Pearce,: Improving Access to Health Care among New Zealand’s Maori Population. New Zealand. Doi: 10.2015/ AJPH. 2005.0707680 PMCID: PMC 1470538, Am J Public Health; 96 (4): 612-617, 2006. Lurie N. Measuring disparities in access to care. Available at: Accessed January 8, 2004. Matheson D, ed. Health where it hurts: The story of the Newtown Union Health Science. Wellington, New Zealand: Roger Steele; 1992. Pool DI. Te iwi Maori: A New Zealand Population, Past, Present and Projected. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press; 1991. Purie M. Te Mana, te Kawanatanga: The Politics of Maori Self-Determination. Auckland, New Zealand: Oxford University Press Inc.; 1998. Ramsden I. Cultural Safety and Nursing Education in Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu (dissertation). Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington; 2002. Ramsden I. Culture safety: Implementing Concept. The social force of nursing and midwifery. In: Te Whaiti P, McCarthy M, Durie A, eds. Mai Rangiatea: Maori Wellbeing and Development. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press; 1997: 113-125. Russell D, Parnell W, Wilson N, et al. NZ food: NZ People. Key Results of the 1997 National Nutrition Survey. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health; 1999. Sporle A, Pearce N, Davis P. Social class mortality differences in Maori and non-Maori aged 15-64 during the last two decades N Z Med J. 2002 ; 115 : 127-131 ( Pub Med). Te Ropu Rangahau Haura a Euro Pomare. Counting for nothing: understanding the issues in monitoring disparities inn health. Soc Policy J N Z .2000; 14:1-16.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Pen :: Essays Papers
The Pen Mortality is a fact of life for everyone and has been since Creation. As humans, we have the intelligence to realize and understand this because we possess the ability to reason and to learn. This ability, when combined with the presence of Life that keeps us in existence, beckons us to secure the future in some way and for some reason(s). We need not only the chance at life beyond our own which comes with the birth of our children, but also to leave our own names, our own ideas and beliefs secured onto something more solid than the spoken word yet not as heavy as stone tablets. In the arid, desert climates this came in the form of parchment . In locations with more water and vegetation, it came from the papyrus plant. But in either climate, something was needed to stain the language onto this new device. That something was the first pen. The Dawn of Pen-kind As early as 2,800 years before Christ, the pen was beginning to appear as a writing implement in the world. Its first form was that of a dried reed, its tip cut at an angle so to create a line of ink instead of a blot. To write with it, simply dip the cut tip of the reed into an ink supply, then gently press the dipped tip against the paper . This was a simple means of writing that required raw materials ample in the environment. The degree of technology it used can be seen as only slightly higher than the scientific concept of the sharpened wedge (blade) used to cut an angle on the reed tip. The small effort needed to build a pen was far less than that of the ink needed. Nature grew the reed, humans merely plucked it from the ground and sliced off its bottom tip. During this period of Antiquity, the Egyptians had also constructed the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. By no means was the pen as physically large and complex a creation as the wonders of the world, which were constructed with the sole purpose of being the final resting-place of the Pharaoh. However, the reed pen had a much more profound, a much greater effect on the world and the path our present-day history took. There are no records to indicate any one person or group as the inventors of the pen.
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