Friday, December 27, 2019
The Ending of White Minority and Nelson Mandela Essay
The Ending of White Minority and Nelson Mandela In 1948, the Apartheid system officially started. A Dr. Malan introduced it. He established the structure of Apartheid because he exclaimed different races could not live amongst each other in harmony and needed to live separately. Some might argue it was because he wanted to secure the supposed superiority of the White minority. It ended within 50 year of starting. This essay is going to explain how Nelson Mandela, once just a member of a small Black tribe in the depth of South Africa, fought Apartheid to become a worldwide figurehead for non- Whites, the first Black president of South Africa, in 1994. It will also explain to what extent his†¦show more content†¦Drastic times lead to drastic measures, so Mandela sought temporary refuge in neighbouring countries, ruled by Blacks to set up militia groups. Mandela study military tactics for a long time and used that knowledge to train his group to sabotage electricity supplies for White neighbourhoods, strike government buildings and cause a general disruption for the Whites. But in 1962, on Mandela’s return to South Africa, he was arrested. This is a key factor in which opinion disagrees with Mandela solely ending Apartheid. When arrested he was sent to a high security prison on Robben Island, off the coastline of South Africa, for 26 years. Although, in response, others feel Mandela was a figurehead who inspired other Blacks to fight for their cause. Also he receives credibility for the awareness around the world at the time. After Mandela’s release he became president of South Africa in 1994, and with help from his White deputy, de Klark, managed to dismantle the Apartheid state. When Mandela took refuge it was at a time when a trend swept across the continent of Africa. During the late 50s and throughout the 60s, the White colonies that ruled over 30 countries in Africa gave independence to the Black peoples of the countries. This allowed Black people to govern themselves. The trend seamed to spread from North to South-Africa from Libya, in the North in 1951 through to EgyptShow MoreRelatedNelson Mandela and Apartheid Essay1107 Words  | 5 Pagesdivision between white and colored people, for South Africans has always been a big issue. The man who stopped difficult ways of life for people and communities in South Africa was also their president, Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was a man who put his life on the line to bring people together. He was involved with organizations that would eventually help to end apartheid throughout his life and lead countless amounts of peaceful acts that put an end to this divide. Mandela was even arrestedRead MoreWha t a hero is1160 Words  | 5 Pagesdefinitely comes to mind. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Effect of Television Research - 6869 Words
TABLE OF CONTENT Contents 1. Introduction 4 1.1 History 5 1.1.1 1935 - 1941 5 1.1.2 World War-II 6 1.1.3 1946 – 1949 6 1.1.4 1950- 1959 7 1.1.5 1960 – 2000 8 1.2 The History of Color Television 8 1.3 The Inventor of Television 10 1.4 The Definition of Television 12 1.5 Current Issues 13 Positive and Negative Effects of Television 13 1.5.1 Positive Effects of Television on Children 13 †¢ Television as education 13 †¢ Moderation 13 †¢ Family bonding through television 13 †¢ Educational programs 14 †¢ Amusement 14 †¢ Catalyst for reading 14 †¢ Wonder 14 †¢ Introduces new cultures 15 †¢ Bridge to conversations 15 †¢ Other positive effects 15 1.5.1 Negative Effects of Television on Children 16 †¢ Violence 16 †¢ Passivity 16†¦show more content†¦A few countries began broadcasting, most experimentally, with limited numbers of television-sets in the hands of the public. (Television History - The First 75 Years) [pic] Figure 1: Scanning Disk Television Set (closed-open) World War-II According to (Television History - The First 75 Years), â€Å"World War-II halted nearly all television broadcasting worldwide. There are some notable exceptions which will be covered here in this special section.†The time period after World War-II is considered the last and final birth of television. Families had accumulated savings during the war years to purchase homes, cars and other luxuries denied them during the war. Television sets were soon added to the must have list. The explosion of sets into the American marketplace occurred in 1948-1949. A few years later, the post-war sales boom for England followed. (Television History - The First 75 Years) During this period was an exciting and flower time period for television. In the USA, BW television exploded onto the scene at the beginning of the decade, mid-decade saw electronic color television and remote controls launched, and at the end of the decade the public witnessed some interesting styling changes and the introduction of transistorized television. The child was becoming an adolescent. (Television History - The First 75 Years) The developments of television keep on rising as the time passed by. Nowadays, we can see the improvements andShow MoreRelatedEffects of Television on Child Development: Comparing Adverse and Positive Consequences of Watching Television1138 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Television on Child Development: Comparing Adverse and Positive Consequences of Watching Television Studying the effects of children watching television has been a popular field of research for many years and is becoming increasingly important as more of children’s time is spent on television. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Ventures Originating Small Open Economies -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Ventures Originating Small Open Economies? Answer: Introduction The report helps in proper analysis of different marketing strategies of the well known company named Nestle. Nestle is one of the largest as well as well known companies in the entire world and the Nestls headquarter is situated in Vevey Switzerland. The inauguration of the respective company was conducted in the year 1866 and till date they have implemented different strategies that have helped them in being the best companies within the competitors. The main aim and purpose of the report is to analyze the different marketing strategies along with proper star analysis as well as value chain analysis of Nestle. Proper information has to be provided on the home as well as supplier country of Nestle along with customer and partner country wherein it is continuing their business. The structure of the report includes proper introduction on the home, supplier, customer as well as partner country of Nestle. The overall strategy as well as recommendations has to be provided as this will help in analysis of the marketing strategies. Home country Nestle is one of the transnational drink as well as food company that is situated in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. It is one of the largest food organizations in the entire world that has been measured with the help of revenues along with other metrics as well. () helped in identification of the importance of the home country with the help of analyzing the proper influence of the competitive advantage. The different factors of Porters Diamond Model that includes factor conditions, demand conditions, strategy of firm as well as relative and rivalry industries has been used in order to properly analyze the competitive advantage of the respective company in the home country (Appiah-Adu and Amoako 2016). Nestle continues the reign at top of the food as well as beverage industry, however the top competitor of Nestle is Britannia in the food and beverage industry and in India, Nestle is the second largest consumer of Nestle Products after Switzerland (Hallback and Gabrielsson 2013). Furthermore, the consumers in India are sophisticated as well as knowledgeable with the different interests that are changing in nature. Nestle is one of the top food and beverage companies among the competitors as they use cheaper substitute products for their different items and they stand out in the crowd in their home country as well (Perreault Jr, Cannon and McCarthy 2013). The Porters diamond Model helps in proper identification of the rivalry or competitors in the home country as the factor that is competitive in nature. In the present era, Nestle is facing huge amount of challenge as well as competition from Britannia. Furthermore, Nestle is protecting the brand image of their brand from other competitors by trying to distinguish itself from the Britannia. Proper strategic decisions have been implemented as this will help in contributing to the success of the entire brand (Appiah-Adu 2016). Partner Country The partner country is the second component after home country. Partner nation for the organization is wherein the partner companies are operated as well as established. The proper contribution of partner organization as well as country is vital in nature as this helps in building proper value of the entire company and this helps in determination of success as well. Nestle company has proper strategy of franchising that helps them in maintaining proper place in the entire competitive market. Nestle is trying to secure world class position in different other sectors as well other than beverages (Galician 2013). The respective company properly manufactures as well as sells the branded beverage to their customers. The Nestle Company has able to bring the idea to provide their products as well as services to the different areas as well as countries. The headquarter of the company is situated in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland and it is operating in more than eight more countries as well that includes The United States of America (Armstrong et al. 2015). The net revenue of the Nestle Company is more than 89.46 billion CHF and it is serving more than 350 million customers as well in the entire nation (Atwal and Williams 2017). All the main as well as major partners are located strategically in order to enter as well as serve different corners of the entire global market of Nestle through different strategies of localization as well as franchising. Nestle Company is the first and foremost in the entire food and beverage industry and this is making them attract more customers in the competitive market as well (Williams and Nestle 2015). Supplier Country The raw materials of the respective organization are based entirely on the sourcing of the supplier country. The different organizations in the market strive for the proper identification of the best supplier in the entire market in order to gain proper competitive advantage as well (Bhattacharya 2016). The inbound logistics plays a vital role in the act of receiving, distributing as well as delivering required inputs that is cost efficient as well as cost beneficial in nature. The star analysis of Nestle helped in understanding the long run relationship with different suppliers as well. The mineral water that is packed as well as produced by Nestle is one of the essential business units that are operating in an industry and it has proper potential to grow further as well (Dadzie et al. 2017). There are different other companies in the market that are dealing with proper introduction of mineral water; however Nestle has properly maintained a significant kind of position in the entire market. The brand Nestle have the capacity in maintaining proper market share and this can require few more potential to become cash cow in the next few years as well (Baker and Saren 2016). Therefore, it can be seen that there is rise in population as well as increased urbanization leads to the increase in the consumption and Nestle is one of the major source of earnings for the entire company as well (Payaud 2014). The other major factor that has properly contributed in making star is the actual potential of Nestle for growth in the emerging markets and this helped in providing potential growth opportunities to the entire business on a global scale as well. Customer Country The final element in the international business strategy is the customer country that helped in analysis of the target market identification and to deduce the strategies of marketing as well. Nestle has served in more than 150 countries and this has helped them in making and creating a global impact on the entire nation as well. The logo of Nestle Company is recognized by more than 95% of the entire population in the world and this is one of the successful brands globally with the help of adaptation of diversification strategy internationally. It has also adopted diversification strategies in order to meet the interest of the customers. In the entire international market, Nestle Company has properly maintained the same kind of quality of the different products as well as services from the last few years. With the proper help of standardization strategy that is utilized by Nestle Company, it has properly developed a proper loyal base of customer across the world. The standardization strategy has also helped the company Nestle in standardizing the economies of scale as well as plants that is a kind of cost advantage to the entire company as well. In order to plead the diverse kind of interests of the target customers, the approaches of marketing of Nestle has been more localized. Hence, Nestle strives properly to understand the different tastes as well as cultures of the different local markets before execution of the campaign of marketing. The Porters Value Chain Analysis of Nestle is shown below: From the value chain analysis, it can be analyzed that Nestle has value created along with the society as well. For Nestle, it helped in securing supplies along with proper improvement of the community relationships as well as quality of product. Furthermore, the society gets value with the help of improving the yields as well as increase in the income. The society gets proper advantage by reducing the entire consumption of the natural resources and creating jobs for the local communities as well. Overall Strategy and Conclusions Therefore, it can be inferred that Nestle is one of the successful food and Beverage Company in the entire world. The Nestle Company has properly extended their operations as well as brands along with customers in global scale. The Nestle Company that is located in Vevey Switzerland, the respective company is gaining proper benefit from the other competitors in the market as well. The different factors that include demand conditions, rivalry as well as the other supporting industries assist the entire company in gaining proper competitive advantage as well. Nestle Company helps in creating value for the own organization as well as for the entire society. The Nestle Company has gained proper value by securing supplies of high quality raw materials along with proper improvement of relationship of community and quality of the product as well. Nestle Company helps in lowering the entire cost of distribution as well as manufacturing and this helps them in achieving competitive advantage in the entire competitive market as well. The Nestle Company uses different principles and not rules and this helped in creating proper value that can be sustained over long term for employees, business partners as well as national and international economies. The suppliers of Nestle help in contributing to the inbound logistics of the company as well that provides proper competitive advantage to them as well. Hence, home, supplier, partner as well as customer country have significant involvement in making Nestle a globally competitive as well as successful organization against the other competitors in the entire industry. References Appiah-Adu, K. and Amoako, G.K., 2016. The execution of marketing strategies in a developing economy: A case study of selected market leaders.African Journal of Economic and Management Studies,7(1), pp.9-29. Appiah-Adu, K., 2016. The execution of marketing strategies in a developing economy. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Atwal, G. and Williams, A., 2017. Luxury brand marketingthe experience is everything!. InAdvances in Luxury Brand Management(pp. 43-57). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Baker, M.J. and Saren, M. eds., 2016.Marketing theory: a student text. Sage. Bhattacharya, C.B., 2016. Responsible Marketing: Doing Well by Doing Good.GfK Marketing Intelligence Review,8(1), pp.8-17. Dadzie, K.Q., Amponsah, D.K., Dadzie, C.A. and Winston, E.M., 2017. How Firms Implement Marketing Strategies in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Assessment of The 4A Marketing Mix Framework.Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,25(3), pp.234-256. Galician, M.L., 2013.Handbook of product placement in the mass media: New strategies in marketing theory, practice, trends, and ethics. Routledge. Hallbck, J. and Gabrielsson, P., 2013. Entrepreneurial marketing strategies during the growth of international new ventures originating in small and open economies.International Business Review,22(6), pp.1008-1020. Payaud, M.A., 2014. Marketing strategies at the bottom of the pyramid: Examples from Nestle, Danone, and Procter Gamble.Global Business and Organizational Excellence,33(2), pp.51-63. Perreault Jr, W., Cannon, J. and McCarthy, E.J., 2013.Basic marketing. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Williams, S.N. and Nestle, M., 2015. Big Food: taking a critical perspective on a global public health problem.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
King Lear Family Essays - English-language Films, King Lear
King Lear Family Families aren't perfect. When one thinks of fairy tales, he thinks of the perfect princes and princesses living happily ever after, similar to Cinderella finding her Prince Charming. However, life was not always perfect for Cinderella; before finding her prince her stepmother and stepsisters tortured her life. In Shakespeare's King Lear, the play presents a happy and loving royal family, almost like a fairy tale. Nevertheless, the families in King Lear parallel the anguish and strife that Cinderella suffered with her family. In King Lear Goneril and Regan portray the two stepsisters of Cinderella. Bound by greed and fortune, both sisters act out a scene of love for their father, King Lear. In reality, though, they plot for his death and his riches: "There is further compliment of leave-taking between France and [Lear]. Pray you let us hit together; if our father carry authority with such disposition as he bears, this last surrender of his will but offend us." (Act I, Scene I) Cinderella's father was quite wealthy and once he married Cinderella's stepmother, his wealth was dispersed among the new family. However, after his death, Cinderella had none of her father's inheritance. Goneril and Regan made flowery speeches to declare their love for their father only to inherit the divided kingdom, however their words were only empty and not full of emotions, like their younger sister, Cordelia. Cordelia, like Cinderella, truly loved her father, even if words did not express the way she felt. Unfortunately, both were left with nothing from their father, while the wicked sisters got all. King Lear's family represents a family of royalty and fairy tale, however problems arise in this royal household, just as it did in Cinderella. King Lear is not alone with family problems; his children also trouble his dear friend, Gloucester. Just like King Lear's daughters, Gloucester's bastard son, Edmund, wants the family inheritance for himself. His treachery is as wicked as Goneril and Regan ? to kill their own father. He says to himself, "Legitimate Edgar, I must have your land. Our father's love is to the bastard Edmund as to th' legitimate." (Act I, Scene II) Greed has consumed Edmund's mind that he does not care for his brother or father. He acts as the male counterpart of the stepsisters, and Edgar as the female counterpart. This royal household as well, lives the fairy tale setting; however, there is always a twist in a perfect story. Goneril, Regan and Edmund present themselves as the villains of this royal, fantasy family, just as the stepsisters and the stepmother were to Cinderella. To every villain, there is always a hero or heroine. In this case, Cordelia and Edgar, the faithful children, save their fathers from their doom. After Goneril and Regan punish their father by releasing him in the wilderness, Lear goes mad and uncontrollable, however Cordelia is the one who tames her father: "O my dear father! Restoration hang thy medicine on my lips, and let this kiss repair those violent harms that my two sisters have in thy reverence made." (Act IV, Scene VII) Even though Lear disinherits Cordelia, she still remains faithful to her father and brings him back to health. She holds no grudge for the banishment onto her. Edgar does the same as well; he duels his bastard brother in honor of his father and says, "My name is Edgar, and thy father's son. The gods are just, and of our pleasant gives make instruments to plague us." (Act V, Scene II) Because of Edmund, Edgar fled the country in fear, and Gloucester suffered an eye gouging. But no matter what suffering Edgar went through, he honors his father and fight for him. Both Cordelia and Edgar look past the wronging that their fathers have done to them and instead recognize the suffering that their siblings have done to their fathers. The royal families in King Lear parallel many aspects of a fairy tale, specifically Cinderella. Both have their wicked siblings who plot against the protagonists. Although fairy tales have their villains, just as King Lear had Edmund, Regan and Goneril, they also contain the heroes of the story who make the fairy tale a happy ending.
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