Sunday, May 17, 2020
Drug Abuse Statistics Who Are Prone And Abusing Drugs
Drug Abuse Statistics: Who Are Prone To Abusing Drugs? Drug addiction is not a rare issue. In fact, despite the government’s efforts in trying to fight against further proliferation of these illegal substances in the streets and online, some individuals are still able to have access to these drugs. Nevertheless, it is a continuing battle to help protect the society, especially the younger generation. Drug addiction is a complex psychological issue in which to abruptly stop from using illegal substances may not be as simple. A number of people are in great confusion on how other individuals get themselves hooked with the drugs. Some would criticize these drug users as lacking morals or the will and that to just stop anytime. But in†¦show more content†¦The overstimulation of this chemical causes an incredible feeling of unusual â€Å"high†that can lead individuals to consume the drug repeatedly. Continuous drug use alters the normal release of dopamine, thereby the brain produces less of it thus, reducing the ability of the cells to respond. When this happens, it decreases the heightened feeling of the individual which then leads to consuming more drugs at frequent and higher doses until the desired effect is achieved. This effect is referred to as tolerance. When tolerances steps in, this may lead to unresponsiveness to previously pleasurable situations or thoughts. Long-term drug use can cause changes in other brain chemical systems which include: †¢ decision-making †¢ behavior †¢ memory †¢ learning †¢ judgment †¢ stress Despite the disturbances or its negative effects, users continue to take them, thus the nature of addiction. What are the factors that influence the risks of addiction? You may have noticed how some individuals do not become addicted to drugs despite having access to it. A combination of factors described below should determine if a person is prone to addiction. †¢ Genetics – Studies have shown that genetics play an important role on an individual’s personality. This includes the presence of certain diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems as well as drug addiction. †¢ Environment – You may have noticed the behavior of an individual based on where he is mostlyShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse in the United States on the Rise Essay634 Words  | 3 PagesDrug Abuse in the United States has gone down since the 1990’s but now that percentage is starting to increase. Nowadays children perceive drugs to be less and less harmful and are deciding to try hard drugs such as amphetamines, stimulants, and opiates. These drugs are extremely addictive, one try and you could be hooked on for life. This is dangerous, the earlier children start to try drugs the more prone they are to dealing with addiction as adults. 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