Friday, May 15, 2020
Sleep and Rest In Macbeth Essay - 1787 Words
In William Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ sleep is a very significant aspect of the play which is portrayed by many references to it and occurrences that result in sleep deprivation. To emphasize the importance of resting Shakespeare uses varied poetic language and sleep distortions. Sleep comes as a significant theme of the play when Macbeth, persuaded by Lady Macbeth kills King Duncan while he is asleep at their house. Consequently, Macbeth suffers from devastating nightmares and delusions which are the reasons for his constant paranoia and anxiety that lead to numerous murders. Shakespeare’s choice of language shows that he values ability to sleep, which in my opinion is influenced by his own experience. He thinks of it as a â€Å"balm of hurt†¦show more content†¦The scene is an introduction to the sleeping problems that soon will be plaguing Macbeth. Three witches in the â€Å"Macbeth†seem to be connected with spiritual world, prophecies and the knowledge far beyond humans and indicate darkness, chaos and confusion. Thus, the tension and suspense is created; moreover it shows the impact the witches with their supernatural gifts will have on the protagonist later in the play. Macbeth and his wife seem convinced that under the cover of night, their abhorrent act of murder will be disguised. Killing the King while asleep it disloyal and represents hurting the innocent and vulnerable. After Lady Macbeth allied herself with the darkness and evil, Macbeth is his speech in Act 2, scene 2 refers to â€Å"The curtained sleep†which indicates being under cover. Also, eyelids cover the eyes like curtains to prevent from seeing anything at night. The next lines are as follows: â€Å" (...) witchcraft celebrates Pale Hecate’s offerings; and withered murder, Alarumed by his sentinel the wolf.†(I, ii, 51-23) The nocturnal creatures in these lines are associated with supernatural and night as well as the occultist rituals that typically will take place after midnight, when â€Å"o’er the one half-world nature seems dead†. Subsequently, there is a reference to the name of the Prince of Rome – Tarquin, who allegedly raped his hostess inShow MoreRelatedImages of Night and Sleep in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay1479 Words  | 6 Pagesof Night and Sleep in Macbeth by William Shakespeare The Shakespearean work Macbeth is a dramatic tragedy. It is a serious play that represents the disastrous downfall of its central character, Macbeth. In this tragedy there are many terrible acts of bloodthirsty, premeditated violence. Many of these gruesome acts happen at night. 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